Madison Cawthorn’s Racist Website
GOP wunderkind attacks opponent’s attempt to “ruin white males.”

A new attack website put up by the Madison Cawthorn campaign includes an explicitly racist broadside against his opponent, Moe Davis (D-N.C.), for associating himself with people who want to “ruin white males.”
For real.
The website, MoeTaxes.com, takes aim at Davis over his purported association with a local journalist, Tom Fiedler. It says that Fiedler “quit his academia job in Boston to work for non-white males, like Cory Booker who aims to ruin white males.”

Putting the atrocious syntax aside: Quitting one’s job to work for someone who isn’t white is . . . a problem now? Booker’s blackness is the issue that offends you?
In Donald Trump’s white grievance party, apparently so.
Cawthorn’s despicable smear echoes President Trump’s recent racist dog whistle (dog horn?) attacks on Booker. Trump has made a feature of his stump speech a line about how Joe Biden plans to send Cory Booker of all people into the suburbs to somehow ruin everything for reasons that are a total mystery. Wink.
But Cawthorn is happy to say the loud part even louder: Cory Booker . . . you shouldn't work for him because he’s “non-white” . . . and “ruining white males.”
The Cawthorn campaign is running a Facebook ad campaign directing users to this attack site which—just for good measure—also claims that Democrats like Davis “spew violence and hate.”

(The Cawthorn campaign also took credit for the page in a recent press release and Facebook post.)
For those who aren’t familiar with his backstory, Cawthorn is a 25-year-old wunderkind who beat the establishment Republican choice to succeed Mark Meadows in NC-11 when Meadows stepped down to become Trump’s chief of staff. He went on to be one of the featured speakers at the Republican National Convention. Cawthorn was also recently the target of a letter from his college classmates that accused him of participating in “gross misconduct towards our female peers.”
Despite claiming to represent a new generation of Republicans, like the rest of the young Generation Trump, Cawthorn has learned that Republican voters are less interested in the regulatory regime than in uncut white identity politics. In addition to targeting Davis for associating with someone who worked for a black man, the microsite also smeared him as a “terrorist defender” who commits “perversion.”
But, like the rest of Generation Trump, Cawthorn is also learning that while it’s easy to dominate a Republican primary with this stuff, winning a general election is harder. National Journal’s Hotline reported this morning that a Democratic internal poll has Davis ahead by 3 points, which may explain Cawthorn’s increasingly aggressive tactics.
If Cawthorn goes down in defeat, at least we know he won’t go work for anyone who is black, since his closing message against Moe Davis is Make America 1950 Again.
Update, October 22, 2020, 6:20 p.m. – An earlier version of this article described Tom "Fieldler" (sic) as working with the Moe Davis campaign, based on a false description on the Cawthorn website. In fact, Tom Fiedler is a journalist covering the campaign. We have corrected the reference to Mr. Fiedler.
Update, October 22, 2020, 6:35 p.m. – Since the publication of this article, the MoeTaxes.com site has been updated to replace the "non-white males" and "ruin white males" attack with language about how Moe supports "left-wing identity politics."