In 2006 trump was not a candidate or president. I really believe he cleaned up that part of his act. As far as I know, there are no such accusations since then. Colorado wonтАЩt stand.
The point about committing adultery as a candidate or President might be answered by the fact Melania has zero to do with him anymore and Alina Habba appears to have taken over as her stand in at rallies and other events.
(1) I have to respectfully disagree, although I' glad you can at least admit that Trump lies a lot.
(2) I don't know. Heck he was 70+ in 2016 so I'd bet he's slowed down in recent years, but don't you think that secretly paying hush money from campaign funds is also a sign of poor character?
(3) The attempted insurrection by a large group of Gravy Seals and other assorted misfits on January 6, 2021.
тАЬDearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance; I will repay, sayeth the Lord.тАЭ Romans 12:19
Trump: тАЬI am your retribution.тАЭ But okay, oh faithful Catholic
Trump has done nothing that prevents a faithful Catholic from supporting him.
"Can you believe people believe that bullshit?"
-Donald J. Trump (after meeting with evangelicals in the Oval Office.)
yeah, I am not an Evangelical.
In 2006 trump was not a candidate or president. I really believe he cleaned up that part of his act. As far as I know, there are no such accusations since then. Colorado wonтАЩt stand.
Couple things. 1) all pols lie almost all the time 2) when did candidate or President Trump commit adultery 3) what insurrection?
The point about committing adultery as a candidate or President might be answered by the fact Melania has zero to do with him anymore and Alina Habba appears to have taken over as her stand in at rallies and other events.
(1) I have to respectfully disagree, although I' glad you can at least admit that Trump lies a lot.
(2) I don't know. Heck he was 70+ in 2016 so I'd bet he's slowed down in recent years, but don't you think that secretly paying hush money from campaign funds is also a sign of poor character?
(3) The attempted insurrection by a large group of Gravy Seals and other assorted misfits on January 6, 2021.
1) NO one elected to the presidency lies as much as Trump and keeps lying when it's been disproven. See "the election was stolen" lie.
2) When he had an affair with Stormy Daniels in 2006. That's just his word against hers? Then why spend $130K to shut her up?
3) See the finding of the Colorado Supreme Court based on evidence presented to them that Trump did nothing to contest.
Couple things.
1) Then why support any pols including Trump?
2 & 3) Names of your news sources?
So a faithful Catholic is A-okay with lying, adultery, and insurrection?
Or a faithful Catholic can be easily blinded by the allure of evil.
And fraud, and theft, and the abuses he heaped on innocent children at the border, and rape.. he exemplifies the 7 deadly sins.
Adultery is A-ok but homosexuality is unforgivable. Because hypocrisy.
Good Lord, if that's really true I guess I'm an Episcopalian now.
тАЬDearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance; I will repay, sayeth the Lord.тАЭ Romans 12:19
Trump: тАЬI am your retribution.тАЭ But okay, oh faithful Catholic
Welcome to political rhetoric. Are you new around these parts?
YouтАЩre the newbie on this board, bub.
Well said!