The Bulwark
The Michael Steele Podcast
A Bolton of Lightning With Guest Alice Stewart

A Bolton of Lightning With Guest Alice Stewart

The Senate impeachment trial is upended by the first-hand revelations of former National Security Adviser John Bolton that a quid pro quo took was requested by Trump on aide to Ukraine and the announcement of an investigation into the Bidens. How does this change the fight over removing the president? Michael and Alice Stewart break it down. lice Stewart is a CNN Political Commentator, Resident Fellow at Harvard University, Kennedy Institute of Politics, Emmy Award winning journalist, and veteran Senior Communications Advisor on numerous presidential campaigns.

The Bulwark
The Michael Steele Podcast
The Michael Steele Podcast is hosted by former RNC Chairman and Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele. Each week, Michael moderates a barbershop style discussion about the key political and cultural issues of the day. Michael brings his experience as an MSNBC political analyst and from a lifetime in politics to a podcast which transcends traditional political boundaries in order to dig deep and find real solutions.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.