Yup - I’ve told my husband as much. He’s asked me (in years past) what salary would it take for me to accept a transfer to say, Houston, and I answer that I’m happy with what we’ve got - I’ve got friends, family and don’t need to worry about bills. After that, what more do you really need?
I recently turned down a job offer that would have tripled my current salary. People asked me if I was nuts.
I said, no I'm not nuts, I'm happy where I am doing what I'm doing.
So here's to those who did the right thing. 🍻
Yup - I’ve told my husband as much. He’s asked me (in years past) what salary would it take for me to accept a transfer to say, Houston, and I answer that I’m happy with what we’ve got - I’ve got friends, family and don’t need to worry about bills. After that, what more do you really need?
Here's the thing, if the new job makes you miserable, the money won't compensate you for that. You definitely made the right call.