With a strong hand and an outstretched arm Speaker Johnson has led our allies to victory in the Battle of Washington, passing foreign aid funding in the House and proving his credibility as a wartime Speaker. Happy Saturday.

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“They are catching undercover Liberal Activists lying to the Judge in order to get on the Trump Jury.”

I didn't listen to Watters full clip, because I don't want to give Fox the click, but, to anyone else who might have.....did he just say this and move on? Did he say who "they" are? Did he explain how they were caught and what the consequences are?

Better question: Why is Fox allowed to continue to go out and LIE to its viewers?

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Thanks for the reminder of 1948 and the foreign issues of post WW2.

I came of age during the Cold War, reminded seemingly every month there were the local people were trying to overthrow colonial governments in Africa, oppressed patriots battling of Caudillos, Cuba-Russia, Burma, Viet Nam...just to scratch the surface.

You make an elegant analysis, which seems to make sense.

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Just a brief addition yo Mr Kristol’s excellent essay

In 1948 much of Black America was suspicious of Truman. He was from a border state, his wife’s grandfather had fought for the Confederacy, etc. Truman’s integration of the military had moved the needle a little. But when the Dixiecrats split that said loud and clear to black America that Truman wasn’t their enemy.

The same happened with Henry Wallace. The Demos had been catching grief over “the giveaway of Eastern Europe” at Yalta. Now there is a candidate saying the Demos weren’t in bed with Stalin. In fact they were too harsh on Uncle Joe. This had the effect of bringing the Polish-Americans and other hyphenates back into the Demo fold.

As a bonus I might add that polling showed a movement towards Truman but due to the slowness of going door-to-door and processing this last minute surge was missed. What was also misread was the to a midwestern farmer “conservative” meant keeping the New Deal farm subsidies in place. A position the Repub opposed.

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I have only one comment and it is always regarding the talking point when Barack Obama disagreed that Russia wasn't the biggest threat to the U.S. in 2012. A case could be made that there were and continue to be multiple threats. But back in 2012 the biggest threats came from Afghanistan and Muslim extremists. We don't continue to take our shoes off at airports because of attacks from Russia.

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With "our consumer-driven, pleasure-loving, convenience-seeking society" Bill has neatly summed up the problem with America today. Throw in the grievance held by MAGA for the glory days of old, you have the witch's brew of malcontent that gave us Trump.

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I have a fairly simple question that I'm hoping someone can answer - Would Trump have been able to avoid ALL this stuff with this case had he simply paid off Stormy out of his own pocket instead of siphoning off money from his business?

Also to add - I really, truly hope that the case is still going, and the judge calls his bluff on wanting to go to Barron's graduation next month and lets him attend. This would of course, obligate Trump to attend Barron's graduation, and let's be real here - what Trump wants to do is complain that he can't attend Barron's graduation, not ACTUALLY attend Barron's graduation. The fact that Trump slept with Stormy days after Barron was born closes the circle here in the oddest, most Trumpian way.

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I've asked the same. Seems like Trump could have handed her $130,000 cash or a check from his personal account, she agreed not to talk, and it would have been a private matter between two parties. Why make it so complicated?

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I guess it's because the man has never, ever, in his entire life, seen an expense that shouldn't be siphoned off from his business is the answer.

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If Trump is elected in November it’s not a question of his doing whatever he wants because he doesn’t have to worry about re election in 2028. There won’t be an election in 2028. Or at best he will be the incumbent again, given permission to go for a third term because he was unfairly deprived of his term in 2020. Don’t expect free and fair elections after 2024 if the Republicans win - they won’t allow them. I guarantee, America will be very different by the time we get to the midterm elections in 2026 and politically unrecognizable by 2028.

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"Can President Biden, if re-elected, rise to meet the challenges of our new era as well as President Truman met the challenges of his?"

I have no doubt that he can. One thing however is absolutely certain t***p can't or wont, take your pick.

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I can't believe it, a Republican is doing the right thing. Give Johnson credit, he's actually putting country over party, no wonder the "freedom" caucus types are furious!

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In sick news: "The New York Times BREAKING NEWS A man set himself on fire near the courthouse where jurors were being chosen for Donald Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial. Friday, April 19, 2024 2:17 PM ET". It appears to be a very disturbed MAGA.

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The First Amendment stops the U.S. from banning TikTok.

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Seems the only time anyone mentions Mit Romney and Russia in a sentence is to talk about the one time Obama “mocked” him about who was a greater danger, Russia or China. I still think it’s China but it depends on how you phrase any question.

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If I'm remembering that debate correctly, that Obama zinger was in context (or parallel to, memory is a bit hazy) of a disingenuous point Romney was trying to make about the size of the navy/military readiness. Obama was obviously no dummy and that response was partly trolling Putin (you're a third-rate competitor no matter how much you try to punch above your weight). In retrospect it is now a slightly embarrassing quip but you are correct, Obama's greater point about China being a bigger threat than Russia still rings true today.

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As I am almost 80, I well remember the start of the Cold War. Sirens going off every Wednesday at noon. Air raid drills (much more than just "duck and cover" ) culminating by 6th grade into the school district's realization that even loading us onto a bus to evacuate wasn't going to work. There was constant underlying fear that we simply had to ignore. It was no coincidence that this was the time that the idea of cognitive dissonance first was propounded.

In the late 50s, after reading On the Beach and later seeing the movie, the fear settled on fallout--at least being in the blast zone would be quick. (I lived in a major urban area with a major defense industry presence). In the 60s, I regularly traveled up and down 1-5 between my parent's home in Seattle and my home while I was in grad school. And thereby hangs the tale---

There is, part way through Oregon, an area in a valley that was known for being the least probable place where fallout would gather (something to do with the winds), at least on the West Coast. And I found, as I drove the half hour or so through it, an incredible LIFTING sensation: for 30 minutes I'd be actually safe.

Young'ns, you do NOT want to go back to that time. For all the idealization of the Donna Reed 50s, it was in fact a time of constant stress that there was no way to escape. When nuclear powers start hurling insults, not to mention missiles, at each other, be afraid, be very afraid. Nip it in the bud however you can.

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You've got me by 30 years, but I agree wholeheartedly on that not being a good way to live. Problem is, we likely aren't going to get a choice. Or actually, our choice is in how we deal with Ukraine and if we elect Trump. A signal to China that the west is feckless and an election of America First = America Alone, and in 10-20 years, we'll be in a new cold war whether we like it or not.

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At least I'm not likely to be around for the longer of that time span. But I fear for my kids and grandkids.

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Is it just me or is Trump looking much, much older? His hair -- which he spends no end of time on -- is all messed up. He looks gaunt. He looks worn out. His little speeches on the courthouse steps are just ... sad. Did you see his performance last night with the stack of printed-out internet stories? That's what you see out of some old guy at a City Council meeting who's using his allotted three minutes at the mic to draw attention to whatever wacky conspiracy theory Facebook linked him to. It's not the performance of a media savvy guy like Trump circa 2015.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but ... hasn't he supposedly lost weight with one of those new drugs?

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Hadn't heard that.

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It’s not just you.

He is looking much much worse. (And this is an unbiased appraisal:>)))

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He's always so particular about appearances. That blue suit and red tie. Always the same. Probably expensive. But look at it! It hangs on him now. It doesn't fit properly.

He looks tired and disheveled.

He is old. He gets no exercise. (Unless you're playing in The Masters, golf is an activity, not a sport.) He has a lousy diet. By his own admission, he gets little sleep (except in court). Just think of all the meetings he must be having with lawyers every day. That WOULD be exhausting. He's got to be tired and this has to be wearing on him. He's not even doing the things he likes to do: Fox News hits, rallies, etc. I think the strain is starting to show.

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Dear Bill,

Your comment about China is truly terrifying. I would imagine that China is waiting to pull the trigger until they invade Taiwan, if they ever decide to follow through with it. However, if China does end up invading Taiwan human civilization is not going to be around much longer anyway because things would spiral completely out of control very quickly.

Of course, if Xi gets really stupid and launches a massive cyber attack us there must be immediate retaliation against China in the way a massive counter cyber attack against them if we possess the capabilities to do that or in the form of a conventional military attack on the Chinese mainland if we do not harbor those capabilities.


David Hurwitz

Chicago, IL

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