Joe Biden mused about Trump a week ago, "I don't know why he does it." I do - it's because it's exactly what Trump would do. He figures that if he would withhold wildfire assistance from California, that Biden would naturally withhold assistance from rural areas of red states. It's the way the man thinks (or fails to). He doesn't see government as a duty, but as a reward.

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Oh, yes you're close - perhaps not so much reward, but entitlement?

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We’ve seen this movie before: COVID! He looks bad, the stock market is tanking, so he deflects to the virus being a democratic hoax and Kung Fu Flu. The point is he creates chaos and sows confusion.

This time he’s doing it for different reasons; to hurt Kamala in the election, but the point is that in any emergency, this man is the last person on earth you want in charge. He’s a walking, talking natural disaster!….:)

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I am going to find something productive to do to counter these creeps.

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Donald is irresponsible period. He allowed at least 1,000,000 preventable deaths to occur during COVID. He withheld federal support from California during the wildfires, and now his madness will most likely create more death and chaos in the hurricane devastated areas. He is a menace and the press and folks that lap up his chaos aren’t doing their fellow beings any favors. He likes to watch people suffer. He revels in it. He doesn’t care. He said so himself. Thank the GOP for wanting to win

at any cost regardless of consequences to the rest of America. And now here we are trying to mop up after an aging tyrant and his sicko friends.

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Trump should be *prosecuted for mass, psychological abuse. The damage he has inflicted on the American psyche with his endless barrage of lies and the enormous crowd of lying accomplices he has cultivated will take at least a generation to repair, once he is gone. Much of the MSM would be unindicted co-conspirators.


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About the lie that they have to vacate their homes, this from 'drew' on twitter upon discovering this: "I used to be a free speech absolutist but I don’t think I have been for a couple years now. I want people that lie and undermine institutions sent away". The new (more accurate?) fire in a crowded theater?

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It's heartbreaking to see. First nature's storm. Now a storm of bullshit.

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Pure evil.

Akin to “Tutsi cockroaches” and “Jewish vermin”.

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The disaster victims deserve better from the people who are lying to them. “Alternative facts” are the coin of the realm on the right and sadly they’ve bought off entire parts of media to recycle their lies. The shear amount of disinformation surrounding the disaster response is becoming a serious threat to the recovery efforts.

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This is as pathetic as it is dangerous. America needs to get itself together. Donald is a lying rapist and convicted felon. I’m sick of this shit.

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Well at least it's an indication they think they're losing...

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Bulwark Contributors - Tim, JVL, Sarah, et al (ESPECIALLY SEBASTIAN!!!)

Considering the onslaught of total BS during this 2024 cycle portraying what will happen under a Kamala Administration...

Please go back to the 2020 election cycle and pull out the catastrophe that would ensure with a Biden/Harris election.

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I too have lost all hope for humanity, but I’m having a great time with Sam and Tim on the way to existential horror. I saw another “Trump in the water” obviously AI photo - it’s insane. Tim, great job on analyzing the photo you shared. I also noted Trump’s hair was way too perfect.

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This video was shared by Dr. Daniel Swain (WeatherWest):

"Extraordinary "on-the-ground" footage of #Helene's aftermath. Full scale & scope of the Southern Appalachian flood disaster has been difficult for many to grasp (partly because details have been slow to emerge), but images like these really tell the story."

Video from Mark Honeycutt- and he has more on his YouTube channel.


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Thanks for sharing this! Wow.

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Mark's video's help you feel the trauma people are going through. Heart wrenching. The Lies distract, waste time and hinder help. Like JLyon said below, I wonder what it will take for the Republican leaders to push back.

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This is what happens when a person lets someone have a monopoly on the truth, which Trump claims he has. He gets to say whatever he wants, and people believe it as fact. I don’t know what it will take to stop this type of mis/disinformation machine, but we must remember that this is his entire strategy. If people don’t remain angry, he doesn’t have any power or audience, so it’s imperative to keep people enraged and ginned up in order for his schtick to work. He has to pit X against Y or the house of cards falls apart. I wonder what it will take for Republican leaders in these states to start to push back.

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I just keep posting the media full reports. Today I posted the CNBC report on Pete Buttigieg's reply to Musk. I know some people won't go on X because of Musk. I don't pay him the Premium but I figure we have to be on there to keep posting the real reports.

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This is what happens when a person lets someone have a monopoly on the truth, which Trump claims he has. He gets to say whatever he wants, and people believe it as fact. I don’t know what it will take to stop this type of mis/disinformation machine, but we must remember that this is his entire strategy. If people don’t remain angry, he doesn’t have any power or audience, so it’s imperative to keep people enraged and ginned up in order for his schtick to work. He has to pit X against Y or the house of cards falls apart. I wonder what it will take for Republican leaders in these states to start push back.

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