I consider myself a proud liberal. My Dad was sailing buddies with WM F Buckley so I know what a conservative is or should at least aspire to be. I been reading and listening to Charley and the Bulwark now for a couple years and it has reinforced my cautious optimism . I need to understand something and maybe you can help me.
I read the polls that say the presidential race is neck and neck. I’m having trouble with the math.
How does 1/3 to 1/2 of one of our two political parties constitute a majority or even a plurality in this race.
84+ million folks voted for Biden last time around. I doubt that any of them have changed their minds. I also don’t think that Trumps “grievance tour” has done
Much to win over independents or moderate ( normie) Republicans.
Make no mistake, if the point of this narrative is to shake the complacency out of our electorate then that’s fine, carry on. But isn’t there some sort of algorithm filter for the white noise generated every time Trump opens his mouth?
Not sure if I am missing something, but the Nikki Haley "anti-Trump" quote posted by Charlie here looks to me more like an anti-China quote. If I am reading correctly, it looks like Trump's main flaw here is not being comprehensive in his criticism of China. She briefly notes that, and then goes on to list China's sins at length.
Most of what you say is true. But the moderators did not lose control. Dana Perino especially took them to task and kept control. Also, Niki Haley again showed me she can be a very good president as did Chris Christie.
Rep Jason Smith getting harpooned at the podium by an NBC journalist who was actually acting like a journalist, and holding the liar responsible for the lies, in real time is the best most hopeful moment of the week!! This deserves to go viral - the lie is so blatant, and finally a journalist who is unrelenting!! Bravo, and NBC - give that man a RAISE!
It looks to me like Trump aka Donald the Duckit, has been living off the inflation of his "inheritance" for over 40 years. Can there really be much value left after paying off the creditors that are known?? Then there are the unknown creditors.
Gen. Milley’s statement made me wonder whether the average recruit knows any more about the Constitution than the average HS grad. Do these young men and women know what they are fighting for? If not, why would they have loyalty to it? Maybe they get lessons in history and civics as part of boot camp. I don’t know, but I doubt it. I do know that Fox is their primary “news” source.
(2018) "Over the past year, the median age of the cable channel’s audience had dropped to 65. Looking at prime-time numbers alone, Fox viewers kicked back up to 66.
Furthermore, the recruits take an oath to defend the Constitution, whether or not they understand what is in it.
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." https://history.army.mil/faq/oaths.htm
Political commentators who sell themselves as above the fray, ultrarational and vastly superior to the "bed-wetters" are the densest observers alive. Frum's remark that Republican primary voters want "a proven record of violent sedition, sexual assault, and financial fraud” is polemical but perfectly accurate. For years now I — and many others — have referred to Trump's base as neofascist, as Trump is, simply because he peddles "violent sedition" to the rabble, just as Hitler did. That's not bed-wetting, it's not hyperbole, it's not hysterical. It's reality. I once wondered what it would have been like to live in Germany, roughly 1925-1933. I no longer have to wonder.
And just to show how far the Republican Party has come in 6 years, there's this from the leader of the pack:
“I’m here tonight to lay out a vision for a revival of economic nationalism. The Wall Street predators, the Chinese cheaters and the corrupt politicians have hurt you. I will make you better. For years, foreign nations have looted and plundered your hopes, your dreams and your heritage, and now they’re going to pay for what they have stolen and what they have done to you, my friends. We’re going to take their money. We’re going to take their factories. We’re going to rebuild the industrial bedrock of this country.”
Of course, he doesn't really mean any of this shit.
It's time the Dems and Never Trumpers come to grips with the last stage of grief: Acceptance. We have to accept that the Republican Party is not going to change between now and the election; we have to accept that Trump is going to be the nominee; that the MAGAs will increase in number and continue to exert outsize influence on the House and Senate; that a shutdown and other chaos will now be the normal state in the House of Reps; that the odds of Trump being the next Prez will only increase between now and next year and that he will probably win. And finally, that all of us who despise Trump and his cult are really and truly fucked.
Maga lives in Trump-World where rather then being ill educated, unimportant and ineffective, they are vital and dynamic heroes of Western Culture. They are saving it from child sex rings, satanic forces of CRT and those who castrate little boys. No need to put on VR goggles, they thrive in a reality where they are endangered but brave fighters who communicate on-line and gather together in crowds to gawk at the Orange Gladiator who has never loss in the Colosseum. The distant blasé world of politics offering stronger economies, health care systems and international policy is a distant whisper of reality that doesn’t address their sociological insecurities.
Instead of Fake News like 2016, we have Vivek News in 2023 🫠
I consider myself a proud liberal. My Dad was sailing buddies with WM F Buckley so I know what a conservative is or should at least aspire to be. I been reading and listening to Charley and the Bulwark now for a couple years and it has reinforced my cautious optimism . I need to understand something and maybe you can help me.
I read the polls that say the presidential race is neck and neck. I’m having trouble with the math.
How does 1/3 to 1/2 of one of our two political parties constitute a majority or even a plurality in this race.
84+ million folks voted for Biden last time around. I doubt that any of them have changed their minds. I also don’t think that Trumps “grievance tour” has done
Much to win over independents or moderate ( normie) Republicans.
Make no mistake, if the point of this narrative is to shake the complacency out of our electorate then that’s fine, carry on. But isn’t there some sort of algorithm filter for the white noise generated every time Trump opens his mouth?
Not sure if I am missing something, but the Nikki Haley "anti-Trump" quote posted by Charlie here looks to me more like an anti-China quote. If I am reading correctly, it looks like Trump's main flaw here is not being comprehensive in his criticism of China. She briefly notes that, and then goes on to list China's sins at length.
Most of what you say is true. But the moderators did not lose control. Dana Perino especially took them to task and kept control. Also, Niki Haley again showed me she can be a very good president as did Chris Christie.
Rep Jason Smith getting harpooned at the podium by an NBC journalist who was actually acting like a journalist, and holding the liar responsible for the lies, in real time is the best most hopeful moment of the week!! This deserves to go viral - the lie is so blatant, and finally a journalist who is unrelenting!! Bravo, and NBC - give that man a RAISE!
It looks to me like Trump aka Donald the Duckit, has been living off the inflation of his "inheritance" for over 40 years. Can there really be much value left after paying off the creditors that are known?? Then there are the unknown creditors.
Gen. Milley’s statement made me wonder whether the average recruit knows any more about the Constitution than the average HS grad. Do these young men and women know what they are fighting for? If not, why would they have loyalty to it? Maybe they get lessons in history and civics as part of boot camp. I don’t know, but I doubt it. I do know that Fox is their primary “news” source.
"I do know that Fox is their primary “news” source."
Huh? The average age of Fox News and military enlistees is rather large.
"Approximately 87 percent of new recruits are 18- to 24-year-olds" https://www.cna.org/pop-rep/2000/html/chapter2/c2_age.htm
More than one-half (51.6%) of Active Duty enlisted personnel are 25 years of age or younger." https://download.militaryonesource.mil/12038/MOS/Reports/2020-demographics-report.pdf
Fox News:
(2018) "Over the past year, the median age of the cable channel’s audience had dropped to 65. Looking at prime-time numbers alone, Fox viewers kicked back up to 66.
Getting away from the median doesn’t change the picture much. More than half of the Fox News audience is older than 65." https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/how-old-is-the-average-fox-news-viewer-in-america.html/
"> Fox News has a predominantly older audience, with nearly half of its users being 50 or older.
> Americans ages 65 and older account for around four-in-ten of those who say their main source of political news is Fox News.
> The majority of Fox News viewers are retired." https://techpenny.com/fox-news-viewer-stats-demographics/
Furthermore, the recruits take an oath to defend the Constitution, whether or not they understand what is in it.
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." https://history.army.mil/faq/oaths.htm
One correction, Charlie. I think you meant "Cadet" Bonespurs.
I just want to know who told Vivek that it would be a good idea to borrow his hairstyle from Little Richard.
Political commentators who sell themselves as above the fray, ultrarational and vastly superior to the "bed-wetters" are the densest observers alive. Frum's remark that Republican primary voters want "a proven record of violent sedition, sexual assault, and financial fraud” is polemical but perfectly accurate. For years now I — and many others — have referred to Trump's base as neofascist, as Trump is, simply because he peddles "violent sedition" to the rabble, just as Hitler did. That's not bed-wetting, it's not hyperbole, it's not hysterical. It's reality. I once wondered what it would have been like to live in Germany, roughly 1925-1933. I no longer have to wonder.
And just to show how far the Republican Party has come in 6 years, there's this from the leader of the pack:
“I’m here tonight to lay out a vision for a revival of economic nationalism. The Wall Street predators, the Chinese cheaters and the corrupt politicians have hurt you. I will make you better. For years, foreign nations have looted and plundered your hopes, your dreams and your heritage, and now they’re going to pay for what they have stolen and what they have done to you, my friends. We’re going to take their money. We’re going to take their factories. We’re going to rebuild the industrial bedrock of this country.”
Of course, he doesn't really mean any of this shit.
Just like the wall paid for by Mexico.
It's time the Dems and Never Trumpers come to grips with the last stage of grief: Acceptance. We have to accept that the Republican Party is not going to change between now and the election; we have to accept that Trump is going to be the nominee; that the MAGAs will increase in number and continue to exert outsize influence on the House and Senate; that a shutdown and other chaos will now be the normal state in the House of Reps; that the odds of Trump being the next Prez will only increase between now and next year and that he will probably win. And finally, that all of us who despise Trump and his cult are really and truly fucked.
If what you wrote is true, then the republic itself is really and truly fucked.
Oooh Donald Duck. That hurts.
Maga lives in Trump-World where rather then being ill educated, unimportant and ineffective, they are vital and dynamic heroes of Western Culture. They are saving it from child sex rings, satanic forces of CRT and those who castrate little boys. No need to put on VR goggles, they thrive in a reality where they are endangered but brave fighters who communicate on-line and gather together in crowds to gawk at the Orange Gladiator who has never loss in the Colosseum. The distant blasé world of politics offering stronger economies, health care systems and international policy is a distant whisper of reality that doesn’t address their sociological insecurities.
Thanks for the clip of clueless pol, Jason Smith. I had a much needed laugh.
Like Michael Cohen’s comment. The bank book is what matters to such people.