How in the hell are thumbs up "hurtful" or passive aggressive...where do these kids get their information?

Sigh, they are going to get crushed in the real world eventually

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I have long wondered why it took so long for some Republican conservatives to see where their party was headed. But I appreciate those who have had the moral strength to take a stand against it. It must not be easy. And I do not think they are required to wear sackcloth and ashes and recite an endless litany of mea culpas for their past or even their present policy beliefs

I just look forward hopefully to a happier time when we can all go back to arguing, quibbling, and fighting over policies.

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I can only hope that, in the end, Alex Jones winds up living in a van down by the river

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These "people" are getting more disgusting and unhinged by the day. They will say anything no matter how outrageous and 50% of the population believes them. Trump unleashed this insanity. It was always there but it used to be confined to the lunatic fringe. I detest Republicans but I would not say "they want crime" as Sen. Tuberville said. I would not say that they are all pedophiles or that they eat children as Qanon does. I would not say that "Alex Jones" is more credible than Rachel Maddow as J.D. Vance, ass-kisser, just said.

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The shadows cast long on the summer soldiers, this former national leader of the gun rights movement will support anti gun, pro democracy candidates over pro-gun rights anti democratic authoritarians every time. What good are my gun rights under the control of a fascist anti liberal oligarchy? We gun owners claimed that firearms protected our freedoms - I believe they still can, very sadly it's time for liberals and moderates to consider arming themselves (as many Blacks, women and Asians have) because if our votes aren't going to count, that armed Bulwark certainly will. Washington didn't pontificate with the Redcoats - he shot them. Writing this sounds extreme, but the end result of the counter alternative lurking in 2024 is potentially far worse. We Americans paid with our lives to protect the world for democracy equality and yes even capitalism. Why should we hesitate to threaten grave injury to the insurrectionists in order to protect our domestic tranquility and the hard fought freedoms of our forefathers? The time has come for Reagan Republicans aka "R-NINO's" {Republicans Not in Name Only} to be proud supporters of what is good and decent in our country preparing to use a quintessential American remedy if our guardrails, leaders and courts fold up when confronted by a bunch of Putin worshiping super-patriot bullies. The Jan. 6'ers were lemmings rallying for evil purposes - change the facts slightly and the equities morph quite differently. We need to do everything possible to prevent that onerous possibility, but it's not nearly as remote as it once was and we need to give thoughtful consideration to the consequences of inaction under those circumstances as well. Most of us will still be here when we may have to choose to be the land of the free or the home of the cowards. I'd prefer to live out my life in peace, but death in support of this great nation and our egalitarian principals here at home certainly wouldn't be the worst of evils! - Just ask the Ukrainians what is worth living or dying to gain? Trump and Putin are worth the fight, and if that's their goal - perhaps they've finally met their match and then some.

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Very sad.

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A suggestion for future D ads - something that's been forgotten in politics and the US for too long. Put the Preamble to the Constitution in each ad: ""We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States." When was the last time we actually talked about the fact that the Constitution is supposed for the general Welfare and not for self-righteous individuals who don't give a damn about anyone else?

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In the context of Wisconsin, what does SMALLER GOVERNMENT mean? Fewer regulations, and far fewer regulators, presumably. Which should be scrapped? Ones regulating farmers' uses of pesticides? Limits on hunters' daily kills? Parking laws? Noise ordinances? Mandatory school attendance? Pesky zoning laws which prevent sewage treatment plants being built in the middle of residential neighborhoods?

This is a serious question for those who consider themselves still to be conservatives as distinct from the reactionaries and just plain assholes who proudly and loudly proclaim themselves Republicans. What part of the overly large state would any traditional conservatives cut first? Me, I'd sell off all military hardware in police hands, armored vehicles, fully automatic weapons, tear gas grenade launchers and the like in every city with less than 25,000 population. Maybe not from sheriffs' departments. I'd use the proceeds to pay for more deescalation training and more social workers.

Honestly, is there any good reason for individual cities in urban metropolitan areas to have their own police departments these days? Consider the savings which could be realized by consolidating police into single metropolitan organizations. Meter maids and code enforcement officers usually aren't police, and individual cities would still need their own, but police? Same for firefighters, though my sense is that fire departments cooperate across city lines more often and more efficiently than police.

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Better late than never. Really!

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I don't care what MTG said. I am on cloud 9 that Alex Jones finally pays the piper. Alex, you are obviously going to be a diabetic shortly. May you find comfort that your monies are now going to Real Americans. You unpatriotic conspiracy putz.

"Thank you Sandy Hook Families, for your Stoic and Relentless Bravery".

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Mr. Jones has earned the chance to live penniless under a bridge somewhere wet.

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Just heard some good NEWS! "The New York Times BREAKING NEWS The Supreme Court rejected a request from Donald Trump to intervene in the litigation over documents seized from his Florida estate."


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They signed on to overturn Roe, but that doesn't mean they'll just do whatever he wants (looking at you, Cannon)

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"Alex Jones killed noone." "He was not the one who pulled the trigger."

Um, right. That's why he's not going to *jail*. And possibly (if it were in one of your beloved red states) facing the prospect of being executed with an injection of drain cleaner. You morally retarded imbeciles.

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It is so rare for establishment Republicans to do the right thing in this time (Hello? Paul Ryan... George Bush... I'm looking at you) as Widgerson has done.

I appreciate how difficult it must be to endorse and vote for people with whom one strongly disagrees on matters of policy. But those disagreements need to be set aside in the face of more serious concerns. I only wish more Republican figureheads had the balls to do what Widgerson has done.

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My wife is a gentle and pleasant soul who is generally inclined not to be judgemental, but in the 43 years I have known her I have seen her twice - and only twice - react to something with a silent, scary, stone-cold fury. The 1st was when Trump was tearing immigrant children from their parents and stuffing them in cages. The second has been toward Alex Jones and what he did to the Sandy Hook parents.

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Re: the “passive-aggressive” thumb, my 22 y.o. confirms it made up for clicks. Cause ya can’t believe everything you read on the internet.

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Widgerson speaks truth in opting to cast his lots with the forces that would save democracy, even if unpalatable otherwise. But why wait so long? "This year party loyalty is asking too much." As opposed to, say, anytime else over the last six years? Where was his voice on January 7, 2021? Where was his voice during the committee hearings amidst all the rock-solid evidence of collusion and insurrection? Where was his voice after Charlottesville? Why did he not see what was coming before November 2016, as so many others did, and warn everyone then?

The signs were there, hiding in plain sight. Accordingly my applause is tepid, and his credit is partial. Better late than never goes only so far in assessing the damage caused by the storm.

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