“There’s no reason to doubt [Haley's] loyalty and willingness to help,” the source said. “Now they just have to get the schedules lined up.” Too bad that is true. And '“Anyone who wants to make America great again, secure our southern border, restore law and order, and bring down inflation only has one option on the ballot, and that option is President Donald J. Trump,” said Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt, who criticized Harris." That statement is just false, because all that is part of Harris' agenda except for the smuggled premise in the first one. Besides inflation is down to 2.5%. Only fools and cynical promoters of Project 2025 still support Trump, the guy who along with his co-conspirators tried to implement an illegal multi-pronged scheme to overturn what Trump knew was a free and fair election in order to have himself installed, dictator-like, for a second term. ALL patriots oppose Trump. His agenda is NOT what Leavitt said. His agenda is the remaking of America into a right-wing authoritarian state.

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GREAT show in Philly last night! Sarah Matthew's is a national treasure. Please, Democratic coalition, give this woman a job worthy of her courage, character, and talents. What a pleasure it was also to hear George Conway's masterful dissection of trump's diseased psyche. Get ready, Pittsburgh and Detroit: the Bulwark is on a roll!

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Of the three women who are speaking out, Cassidy Hutchison is most interesting to me. I'm sure Mark Meadows and others in the White House were shocked to learn how much she knew about what went on in the White House during the time between the election and J6. I think people, men in particular, tend to overlook their administrative assistants. They see them as drones or robots merely carrying out assigned tasks and otherwise sitting in a closet somewhere with their hearing, sight, and brains turned off until they are needed. They might even have talked right in front of her or conducted their phone calls while she's in the room. Unlike the generals, she doesn't have any self referential reason to stay silent about what she learned during her time in the White House.

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Any woman can tell you; don't antagonize the help!

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Hey, Mattis and Romney and W are not without risk: they would be read out of the Bro Network for criticizing another man.

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"The IDF, which had lost some prestige following the October 7th massacre, has conducted a brilliant campaign that will be studied in American war colleges for years"

Bad news for civilians in the next war zone.

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Ah, li’l Stevie Miller, architect of family separations at the southern border, like Polonius, makes grand declarations from behind the curtain.

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Will Selber, how can you say the campaign in Gaza has been brilliant "despite the politics" as if those are unrelated entities? The campaign has no value if the political leadership is unable to accomplish its goals from it. This is the same mistake the French made in Algeria, the same thinking that led us to disaster in Afghanistan.

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2 hrs ago·edited 1 hr ago

Sorry Bulwark but there is only partial reporting done here on the Gallegos divorce. Please find the statement from Gallegos and his wife that the arrangement was agreed to amicably beforehand and that throughout they have both praised one another’s parenting and done their best to shield their son from all of the vicious lies via Kari lake and other nasty people have pushed out there to forward their despicable political careers.

It’s a disservice to Gallegos, his family and his constituents that you’re only repeating the sound bite, that doesn’t tell the whole story.

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Thank you. I wondered if there could be some kind of backstory that made this over-the-top story more palatable than it (admittedly) appeared.

With the advent of social media, we've become more terrible than ever about passing judgment without context or giving people a chance to respond -- which has helped make the political conversation what it is today.

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Thanks for this post. I had read a similar report, saying that Gallegos' & his wife's divorce was amicable & that what was released by the Washington Free Beacon was bupkis.

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What!? Say it ain't so!

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The idea that anyone would admiringly "envy" the IDF is a truly sickening thought.

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Here's a thought that just came to me: I've been concerned about the apparent attempt to instill a cultural maxim for young (straight) men that if they don't go MAGA, they lose their "bro" card, and that's a powerful psychic tool, unfortunately. Could this cultural play be not just for more votes, but also to help ensure the military's male recruits are also MAGA - and thus willing to be used in the ways Trump has put forth recently? (Yes, I know there's a lot of female military personnel, but I have a feeling a lot of MAGA leaders would be willing or enthusiastic about having that go away.)

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Makes (quite worrisome) sense to me.

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“While Hamas searches for a way forward, the war will almost certainly continue in Gaza and southern Lebanon.”

But…but… I thought killing Sinwar was the point …

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Great show in Philly last night!!! I'm a Progressive Dem who loves the Bulwhark, well, most of the time. Will Selbers praise piece on the IDF I found nauseating. The IDF under the leadership of Netanyahu and the Far Right Government of Israel, is NOT ENVIED by ANY of their neighbors! The way this war has been conducted is a disgrace and a flagrant nose-thumbing to ALL of their Allies around the world. The total disregard for civilians, infrastructure, hospitals, schools, Mosques, journalists, aid workers, creating starvation and the resulting rampaging sickness that is happening now, are WAR CRIMES! They have been bombing mostly CHILDREN and women for over a year now, tens of thousands killed, maimed, mutilated and starved, that is indefensible behavior. IDF behaves more like (albeit better trained and supplied) the Russian Army! Calling me, or ANYONE, who dares criticize Netanyahu and the IDF "anti-semetic" is just like how MAGA treats their fellow Americans who disagree with their Far Right "Leader" as commies, libs, fascist, "the enemy", the opposite of a "true" Patriot . Gazan Lives Matter.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

One thing that drove me NUTS during Biden's administration: they did NOT promote their accomplishments in a meaningfrul way to John and Jane Doe. There should have been countless info ads breaking down what amazing improvements the BiPartisan Infrastructure Bill was bringing to their communities, as well as the CHIPS and Science act, which is also bringing millions of jobs and improvements to our compute manufacturing, security, and networking ability as a nation. THINK about it: If 80% of Americans knew this brilliant legislation by heart, Harris would not be struggling to the finish line now, or needing so many more millions in donations. It is INFURIATING to me as a Democrat, that they could be so fucking clueless.

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Criticism of Bush & Romney is warranted, but not of Mattis or Kelly or Milley or any General Officer for that matter. You don’t reach that level of service/success in our nation’s military without learning that your role isn’t— and shouldn’t — be related to politics.

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Once they acted in a civilian role, as POLITICAL appointees, they have every right and obligation to speak the truth about what happened during those times they were not acting as military officers.

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The generals are retired now. They have unique and personally gained insight into the man who is running for the presidency for a third time. They are citizens and their fidelity to the Constitution requires them to be forthcoming with their information. Hiding behind their rank is not acceptable.

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WHEN IN UNIFORM. Grant and Eisenhower became President (two of the better ones). MacArthur and others tried to. Retired admiral James Stavridis is a regular commentator on MSNBC. Numerous candidates for various offices make extensive references to their service records.

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As far as I am concerned, Romney is a hero for having voted to impeach Trump twice. He doesn't need to do more in my book. As far as Bush, I'm like H.W., I never had high expectations of W.

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“If, like the Free Press, you think that’s a bigger problem than Trump’s threats to the media, perhaps a priority check is in order.”

Kinda like if you think FB and Twitter not linking to the NY Post’s story about Hunter’s laptop for a few days in 2020 is a bigger threat to democracy than years of The Big Lie about the 2020 election, perhaps a priority check is in order. (Not to mention, that if Hunter’s laptop is your example of “thinking of the future,” then perhaps reviewing the meaning of “future” is in order.”)

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"Vance insisted that these were “dumb comments” expressed an idea in a “very inarticulate way.” " That excuse might be believable if he had said so the first time the cat lady comments became public,but instead he doubled down again and again. He is only backpedaling a little as a response to the unrelenting criticism.

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