Mike Pence enabled Trump for four years. Joe Biden spent four years opposing Trumpism. Ultimately, only one of them was a bulwark against authoritarianism.
What I’d like to see is action steps for followers of the Bulwark. What specific things can we do? I contact my representatives constantly. I share articles and encourage people to sign up for the bulwark. I donate. I post on social media, but I feel like I’m preaching to the choir and my efforts feel futile. We need action steps, marching orders on how we can take back our country. I’d love to see a show or piece about this. What can an average person, who doesn’t want to run for local office, lives in a blue state actually do that will start to make a difference. Help us help you!
I am going to miss the Queen of Darkness who weighs in from her Southern aspected chamber filled with light. Good luck AB in your future endeavors and please please come in as a guest in TB's YT pods from time to time like FullCaps Amanda does!
JVL says: "We can only judge based on the results. And the result is that President Biden succeeded in nearly every aspect of job—except in the one that mattered most.
Mike Pence enabled authoritarianism. But succeeded in stopping Trump’s coup.
Joe Biden returned normalcy to political life and governed wisely. But he presided over the resurgence and total victory of the forces of Trumpism.
It’s a uniquely American tragedy."
I'm seeing this assessment of Biden all over the place and it is bullshit!!! When I read something like this, what I hear is Mitch McConnell after J6 saying to his caucus (as reported)... "Don't worry the Democrats will take care of the son of a bitch for us."
Then I hear most of the GOP caucus cackling (not reported but reasonable to surmise) "Yeah, yeah cool. Let's see if they can pull it off with no help and total obstruction from us."
You are right though, Pence enabled authoritarianism. He deserves credit for yelling stop... then he largely offered no help in stopping Trump.
Finally, I have to mention George W Bush at Jimmy Carter's funeral. It is reported that he completely ignored Trump. That is fitting since he too did nothing to stop Trump's return to power. Perhaps W. will sacrifice anything and everything for a suitable replacement for the two storm troopers he nominated to SCOTUS... Roberts and Alito.
Biden got a lot done but he flubbed up the prime directive which was to end Trump's political career. He and the Democrats just never took the task that seriously. They did not vigorously prosecute the case to bring him to justice. Biden decided to run, foregoing a primary that could very well have selected another, more electable candidate. Finally, he didn't allow Kamala to savage him as necessary to create separation. Stopping Trump should have been the top priority and it just wasn't. Now with Biden suggesting he would've beaten Trump, it's clear his ego-driven delusions are to blame...and it's a damn shame.
JVL. Love you man. Here's my thing: I fully get the elegance of the symmetry you're drawing out here. Respectfully, tho', I'd be okay with untwinning these 2 men, functionally, for the lesson here, if for no other reason that isn't it a bit comparing apples to oranges? (And I wouldn't take the time to write this out unless I feel like the way we frame this for readers, for posterity, is really important).
What Pence succeeded at in one moment in time was to temporarily bar an individual tyrant.
What Biden was left with was to stop tyranny itself.
Or it's allure. The seductivity of the tyranny the tyrant left behind. And that isn't something even ten Bidens could do. Not by 2021, when the body politic had already grown profoundly sick.
Take cults: you can remove or banish or kill a cult-leader.
But the cult itself is harder to kill, which is - to me - something for which Biden should never be blamed b/c no one human being can do. What I think should be said here is that it is actually a herculean accomplishment that Biden, while verbally fighting against the mythology and criminality of Trumpism, put his head down & worked, worked, worked, to make concrete improvements to everyday people's lives through sound legislation and initiatives. By bettering lives in the hope that, where there is less poverty and brokenness and deprivation, there will be less of the species of desperation which might drive people into the arms of a tyrant.
What else could any one of us do?
Anyway - having said all this - no shade at all to what you're trying to explain, in this article. I love how you make me think, how you make all of us dig deep instead of gliding on the surface of things. So grateful for your mind.
I will miss AB tremendously-- loved her perspective and dark humor. I hope she returns frequently.
Also, JVL is wrong on Obama-- the auto industry would have been lost and a very deep depression would have happened but for his policies. And then there is Obamacare which has provided HC to tens of millions of Americans. Not at all perfect, but far better than you've rated him.
I mean, you're ranking presidents in terms of "effectiveness and outcomes," and you have placed the man who signed the Civil Rights Act and Medicare behind the guy responsible for the Iraq war. That is just bonkers.
JVL, if so many are saying NOW how consequential Joe Biden's term has been because of the monumental legislation he managed to pass, I can only imagine how consequential Biden willl look 30 to 50 years from now.
As for Mike Pence, I'm afraid I can't go along with your ultimate praise for him during the 1st Trump term. It matters to me that he felt compelled to talk to Dan Quayle and likely others about what he should do during the counting of the electoral votes. That he even asked troubles me greatly. He knew he had no choice legally or Constitutionally but to do the right thing. But he was looking for an out. "Please, someone who has been there, give me an out." Mike Pence did what he was supposed to do on Jan. 6, 2021. He is no hero because he did.
No! Not AB! She will be so missed...speaking of brilliant and hilarious! I wish her nothing but the best. But the place won't be the same without her. Carry on, AB!
Yet another thing JVL is right about: losing AB is a “gut punch”. I hope (and pray, literally) that whatever is going on in this “season” of her life is swiftly resolved for the best. Surely The Bulwark would find it possible to arrange a re-entry when and if that’s feasible for her? In the meantime, I agree with other commenters that the Amanda Carpenter model is a good one. Oh, and JVL made a good (and ironic) point about Biden and Pence too.
WTF? LBJ was THE REASON the civil rights legislation passed (yes, Hubert Humphrey was the centerpiece, but it could not have passed without LBJ's strong support). He passed Medicare and Medicaid. Yes, Viet Nam was a huge disaster, but that is also the case for Nixon I who you list sixth! And Nixon was literally the closest president who threatened liberal democracy before Trump and most of his serious crimes (break ins, briberies, attempted criminal frames) occurred during his first term. FFS.
Thanks JVL. Love all your pieces!
What I’d like to see is action steps for followers of the Bulwark. What specific things can we do? I contact my representatives constantly. I share articles and encourage people to sign up for the bulwark. I donate. I post on social media, but I feel like I’m preaching to the choir and my efforts feel futile. We need action steps, marching orders on how we can take back our country. I’d love to see a show or piece about this. What can an average person, who doesn’t want to run for local office, lives in a blue state actually do that will start to make a difference. Help us help you!
I am going to miss the Queen of Darkness who weighs in from her Southern aspected chamber filled with light. Good luck AB in your future endeavors and please please come in as a guest in TB's YT pods from time to time like FullCaps Amanda does!
JVL says: "We can only judge based on the results. And the result is that President Biden succeeded in nearly every aspect of job—except in the one that mattered most.
Mike Pence enabled authoritarianism. But succeeded in stopping Trump’s coup.
Joe Biden returned normalcy to political life and governed wisely. But he presided over the resurgence and total victory of the forces of Trumpism.
It’s a uniquely American tragedy."
I'm seeing this assessment of Biden all over the place and it is bullshit!!! When I read something like this, what I hear is Mitch McConnell after J6 saying to his caucus (as reported)... "Don't worry the Democrats will take care of the son of a bitch for us."
Then I hear most of the GOP caucus cackling (not reported but reasonable to surmise) "Yeah, yeah cool. Let's see if they can pull it off with no help and total obstruction from us."
You are right though, Pence enabled authoritarianism. He deserves credit for yelling stop... then he largely offered no help in stopping Trump.
Finally, I have to mention George W Bush at Jimmy Carter's funeral. It is reported that he completely ignored Trump. That is fitting since he too did nothing to stop Trump's return to power. Perhaps W. will sacrifice anything and everything for a suitable replacement for the two storm troopers he nominated to SCOTUS... Roberts and Alito.
I’m devastated that we are losing AB but tell her she’ll be missed and we’ll support wherever and whatever she will be doing in the future.
Biden got a lot done but he flubbed up the prime directive which was to end Trump's political career. He and the Democrats just never took the task that seriously. They did not vigorously prosecute the case to bring him to justice. Biden decided to run, foregoing a primary that could very well have selected another, more electable candidate. Finally, he didn't allow Kamala to savage him as necessary to create separation. Stopping Trump should have been the top priority and it just wasn't. Now with Biden suggesting he would've beaten Trump, it's clear his ego-driven delusions are to blame...and it's a damn shame.
JVL. Love you man. Here's my thing: I fully get the elegance of the symmetry you're drawing out here. Respectfully, tho', I'd be okay with untwinning these 2 men, functionally, for the lesson here, if for no other reason that isn't it a bit comparing apples to oranges? (And I wouldn't take the time to write this out unless I feel like the way we frame this for readers, for posterity, is really important).
What Pence succeeded at in one moment in time was to temporarily bar an individual tyrant.
What Biden was left with was to stop tyranny itself.
Or it's allure. The seductivity of the tyranny the tyrant left behind. And that isn't something even ten Bidens could do. Not by 2021, when the body politic had already grown profoundly sick.
Take cults: you can remove or banish or kill a cult-leader.
But the cult itself is harder to kill, which is - to me - something for which Biden should never be blamed b/c no one human being can do. What I think should be said here is that it is actually a herculean accomplishment that Biden, while verbally fighting against the mythology and criminality of Trumpism, put his head down & worked, worked, worked, to make concrete improvements to everyday people's lives through sound legislation and initiatives. By bettering lives in the hope that, where there is less poverty and brokenness and deprivation, there will be less of the species of desperation which might drive people into the arms of a tyrant.
What else could any one of us do?
Anyway - having said all this - no shade at all to what you're trying to explain, in this article. I love how you make me think, how you make all of us dig deep instead of gliding on the surface of things. So grateful for your mind.
I will miss AB tremendously-- loved her perspective and dark humor. I hope she returns frequently.
Also, JVL is wrong on Obama-- the auto industry would have been lost and a very deep depression would have happened but for his policies. And then there is Obamacare which has provided HC to tens of millions of Americans. Not at all perfect, but far better than you've rated him.
LBJ 13th are you insane?
I mean, you're ranking presidents in terms of "effectiveness and outcomes," and you have placed the man who signed the Civil Rights Act and Medicare behind the guy responsible for the Iraq war. That is just bonkers.
JVL, if so many are saying NOW how consequential Joe Biden's term has been because of the monumental legislation he managed to pass, I can only imagine how consequential Biden willl look 30 to 50 years from now.
As for Mike Pence, I'm afraid I can't go along with your ultimate praise for him during the 1st Trump term. It matters to me that he felt compelled to talk to Dan Quayle and likely others about what he should do during the counting of the electoral votes. That he even asked troubles me greatly. He knew he had no choice legally or Constitutionally but to do the right thing. But he was looking for an out. "Please, someone who has been there, give me an out." Mike Pence did what he was supposed to do on Jan. 6, 2021. He is no hero because he did.
So sorry that AB is stepping back. I hope all is well for her and I hope she returns when it works for her. She is a unique voice that I will miss.
Thank you for the beautiful piece on Biden, Pence and American tragedy.
Thank you A.B. You will be missed
No! Not AB! She will be so missed...speaking of brilliant and hilarious! I wish her nothing but the best. But the place won't be the same without her. Carry on, AB!
Yet another thing JVL is right about: losing AB is a “gut punch”. I hope (and pray, literally) that whatever is going on in this “season” of her life is swiftly resolved for the best. Surely The Bulwark would find it possible to arrange a re-entry when and if that’s feasible for her? In the meantime, I agree with other commenters that the Amanda Carpenter model is a good one. Oh, and JVL made a good (and ironic) point about Biden and Pence too.
Anyone know why A. B. left?
Ron, no, I am not related to Jake P.
WTF? LBJ was THE REASON the civil rights legislation passed (yes, Hubert Humphrey was the centerpiece, but it could not have passed without LBJ's strong support). He passed Medicare and Medicaid. Yes, Viet Nam was a huge disaster, but that is also the case for Nixon I who you list sixth! And Nixon was literally the closest president who threatened liberal democracy before Trump and most of his serious crimes (break ins, briberies, attempted criminal frames) occurred during his first term. FFS.
Thank you Wayne for saying clearing what I was going to say. The Great Society was the pinnacle of Democratic policies.