Good on Charlie for putting in the correction.

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In progress… check back later.

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Thank you. My belief in you and the Bulwark is restored. I absolutely love The Bulwark. I was a hard-core democrat my entire life. But when Hillary won the nomination  I was out. And I have only gotten further and further away from the party since then. Unfortunately, Republicans have also gone off the rails and I think even worse. I started reading the Weekly Standard right before it was shut down. I was so bummed, but so happy when you started The Bulwark. And have been enjoying it every day since. If you told me 20 years ago that someday I would enjoy listening to Bill Kristol, I would have said that you needed to be committed. 

I was happily surprised that you responded to me, didn't think anyone, especially you would read it. If there is a chance that you read this I wanted to use my chance to pitch an idea. I think it would be interesting to learn more about your listeners. I assume they all have very different backgrounds. Like me, from grade school through high school I stuffed envelopes for Democrats, my parents took me to a Jesse Jackson rally for president in 1987, and I was taught that Reagan was worse than the bogeyman. I think it would be neat if in your podcast you do a bit once a week or once a month interviewing 1 of your listeners for like 10 minutes, or longer if it is good. Find out which party they are registered with, and how they came to be bulwark supporters. I think it would interesting but this is certainly a subject I know nothing about. 

If you read this, thanks, and take care!

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Any possibility CPC leadership issued the letter after being rattled by recent pontificating by Tulsi Gabbard and others, about Russia and Ukraine? Saw where a group of Gabbard's minion showing up at a recent AOC town hall, yelling at her about Ukraine and it'd be all her fault if Russia used nuclear weapons and killed them. Sure hate to think the Progressives got rattled, thinking Gabbard and (Tucker Carlson?) were going to own the peace loving anti-nuclear stance all to themselves...

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Yeah me not liking sushi and chemically castrating 10 year olds is the same thing.


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The ONLY time the US should be involved with negotiations with Russia about Ukraine is WHEN Ukraine decides to negotiate and then only at the invitation of the Ukrainians.

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RE: Durham investigation. Would anyone who monitors maga-media (so that I don't have to) relate how the investigation fail is being treated there?


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One of the things Trump did wrong was negotiating with the Taliban for peace and excluding the Afghan government. They should have supported that government and their decisions, instead. This is one of many reasons for the failure in Afghanistan. (Yes, I know Afghanistan and Ukraine are not comparable.) Biden is doing the right thing in supporting Ukraine. They need to live with the consequences of their decisions, not the consequences of ours. The Progressive Caucus is wrong, wrong, wrong. One thing went well for Putin today.

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<banging head against wall> I, sir, belong to no organized political party. I, sir, am a Democrat. <still banging>

The Progressive Caucus has not yet learned the lesson that timing is everything. Or maybe they’re MAGA moles.

<STILL banging. Scared to stop. Afraid of what’s next.>

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Jayapal has always struck me as being all about raising her own profile. From that point of view, the timing of the letter's release couldn't be better. I'm just really glad it blew up on her.

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I've never been a conspiracy nut, but . . . Remember those secret meetings and calls Trump had with Putin. I'm beginning to believe, not just think, that the silence of supposedly sane R politicians, the idiots of the progressive caucus, etc. was all planned years ago. Trump's loss to Biden was just a blip in Putin's plans. And he's getting his money's worth with the Lakes, the Greenes, the Grahams, the McCarthys, the so-called progressives (who remind me of the idiots who were praising Stalin back in the 20s/30s), etc. Add Murdoch and Thiel to the list. What's going on now is so F***ingly insane and so omnipresent for it all to be coincidence! As the J6 committee is showing, there are people manipulating the masses and the actors involved with J6. If democracy in the US survives or comes back after decades, we might find out who's really behind all this.

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I’m a Liberal Democrat whose grandparents were lucky enough to escape Stalin. I can say with complete confidence that these people belong in Bellevue.

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This caucus of Democrats is small and insignificant unlike MTG and her fellow Republicans who dominate their members in lockstep behind MAGA ideals no matter how crazy or dangerous. Why we would want Biden to approach Putin which would be a useless exercise no matter who approached him except perhaps Angela Merkel who seemed to have his ear in the past. It is whimsically foolish thinking on this supposedly progress caucus's part. That the Democrats have diverging ideas, even when they're not great, is far better that Republican cookies identically cut except for Liz, Mitt, and Adam.

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They should have had the sense to wait until AFTER the election, assuming they really have anything to contribute.

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Point well made, but politicians don’t always think rationally, unfortunately.

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Was wondering if Tony Woodlief could be profiled or interviewed for the podcast. He recently wrote "I, Citizen". Seems to be a conservative who is seeking moderate solutions in our toxic world. Wondering what our Bulwark analysts think of him. I'm intrigued with the trailer that introduces his book.


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So now, the Progressive Caucus letter on Ukraine has been withdrawn, and staff is being blamed. Really, you couldn't make this stuff up.

Before we get too far into the intern blaming, let's remember one thing. If the official version is true, then a controversial letter signed by 30 Members of Congress was floating around the offices of the Caucus like a live grenade, apparently uncontrolled enough that someone could take it over three months later, put a new date on it, and send it to the WHITE HOUSE and the PRESS with no clearance from Caucus leadership. That's their real problem.

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On the education front I don’t understand why the focus is on the slightly higher - I mean lower scores on math and reading - post COVID. The bigger and more important reality is the low, very low scores pre-COVID. Having more than 50% of kids below proficiency seems like a bad thing - COVID or not. If the educational system was a business it’d be out of business. After all the BILLIONS spent - we are still underperforming. That was true in 2019, just more so in 2022.

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Criticism came too quickly. Even several signatories came out against the letter and in less than 24 hours the letter was withdrawn.

I am not a Progressive, but, apparently, those 30 Progressive Dems are willing to admit a mistake and correct it. That certainly is superior to conservatives who rarely admit a mistake that quickly if at all.

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Of the 30 house democrats to sign that document, I'd have expected more serious and responsible thought from Jamie Raskin. Mr. Raskin usually meets higher standards than his colleagues. In this case Mr. Raskin failed to do so.

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