An Unexpected Role for AI in the Workplace
Plus: The Link Between Trump’s Sexual and Political Depredations
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BRENT ORRELL: An Unexpected Role for AI in the Workplace
WHEN MICHAEL POLANYI, the underappreciated twentieth-century physicist, philosopher, and economist, is remembered nowadays, it is most often for having observed that much of human knowledge, in both practical and abstract matters, is “tacit” rather than explicit. Most of what we know is not written or verbalized anywhere, yet it nonetheless exists as a foundation for our consciously held beliefs, understandings, and impressions. As Polanyi famously put it, we always “know more than we can tell.” For instance, if one asks a physicist to write down how she first perceived the possibility of an important scientific breakthrough, she likely couldn’t do it. More often than not, such insights arrive “all at once” in a flash of imagination combined with existing knowledge and a lot of toil and reflection. This skill for discovery isn’t replicable or transferrable as part of the scientific method. This is Polanyi’s Paradox: that the tacit dimension, foundational to all knowledge, is a domain of the unteachable and untransferable.
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WILLIAM SALETAN: The Link Between Trump’s Sexual and Political Depredations.
DONALD TRUMP HAS BEEN CREDIBLY ACCUSED of sexual assault by numerous women. This month, a jury found him liable for having sexually abused and defamed one of them: E. Jean Carroll. Trump has also privately confessed to such behavior. In 2005, he infamously bragged on video, “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.”
Many voters think these incidents are irrelevant to Trump’s fitness as president. Yesterday in The Bulwark, Sarah Longwell reported that in her focus groups, Republican women often “compartmentalize” Trump’s sexual predation and continue to support him. These women say they disapprove of “things he did personally” but argue that what’s important is “what he’s going to do for our country.”
KIM WEHLE: Unanimous Supreme Court Keeps Hands Off Tech Platforms and Online Hate.
IN A UNANIMOUS DECISION authored by Justice Clarence Thomas, the Supreme Court last week threw out a lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, and Google (owner of YouTube) over their roles in facilitating extremist violence. Although narrow, the ruling in Twitter v. Taamneh was a clean victory for the technology platforms, with the Biden administration publicly siding with Twitter. The president should now work with Congress to pass laws that disincentivize social media corporations from manipulating algorithms to maximize profits from online hate.
Happy Tuesday! You want some more unexpected AI? Check this out. I’ve watched it at least 10 times and it has me in stitches. Remember, AI isn’t all laughs: “verified” Twitter accounts are pushing misinformation about an explosion outside the Pentagon that did not happen.
Overnight… a 19 year old from St. Louis tried to drive a U-Haul through the bollards outside of Lafayette Square. He failed, but people are wondering why he had a Nazi flag in the cab.

It’s really happening, isn’t it… The FL legislature sent Gov. DeSantis his exception to the law prohibiting him from running, as predicted over a year ago.
And now, he’s going to launch his campaign… with Elon Musk and the VC guy who is Putin-curious? On Twitter?
Meanwhile in Florida… Gov. DeSantis is appointing failed January 6th insurrectionists to state regulatory boards. And the press is getting kicked out of bill signing ceremonies.
Pot, Meet kettle. Ken Paxton edition. Him calling on literally anyone else to resign is rich. Speaker Phelan was allegedly drunk while presiding over the House, which, does take some talent if that’s true.
An extremist commentator… Came out in support of a dictator. Hours later, Rep. Chip Roy is going on his show. Tim Miller was right.
“And I said, 'It’s cheaper to have a kid”… Nobody with kids says this, except Lauren Boebert.
McCarthy, Biden meet… As clock ticks on debt deal. McCarthy urged Americans not to sell their stocks, saying “No, we’re gonna be OK.”
The $100K chapstick… House Republicans bid on a chapstick used by Speaker McCarthy (who in turn would campaign for them). Marjorie Taylor-Greene won, bidding $100k. Here is the chapstick.
Doctors Who Spread Medical Misinformation Should Lose Their Licenses... Why Don’t They?
Don’t look now… There’s a “Rare Bipartisan Immigration Measure” in the House! Does it have any chance? No. But hope springs eternal.
The Mike Lee approach isn’t popular in Congress… So others are trying a saner route to free Lt. Ridge Alkonis from Japanese custody.
Your moment of zen… They found the picture of the dogs. What dogs? See for yourself. They’re good dogs.
⌚︎It’s here! The Casio twin graph is back. Get yours today like I did.
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