In discussing John Thune’s endorsement of Trump you used the labels Boneless and despaired there were no Republican R's in the senate with bones. Well, look into Senator Bill Cassidy who voted to impeach Trump after Jan. 6. We at No labels have been long time supporters of Bill, both as a Problem Solver when in the House, and a Commonsense allied in the senate. While I am a D and he is an R, I respect and value his integrity, his courageous efforts at entitlement reform, and his truly putting the country above his own career. As a doctor in practiced at a charity clinic, he is a Real Compassionate Conservative. Dorsey

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To the guy who set himself on fire to protest the Gaza/ Israeli W ar: Dude, you could have just held up a sign. Now people just think you're a crazy fuck.

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This guy was an active duty member of the US Air Force & was part of the 531st Intelligence Support Squadron. Add that to the MA Air Guard traitor guy Jack Teixeira who was in the 102nd Intelligence Wing & you gotta ask what ever happened to vetting?

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing"

Often attributed to Edmund Burke.

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Encouraging: "BREAKING NEWS President Biden said he believes negotiators are nearing an Israeli cease-fire deal that would release at least some hostages held by Hamas. Monday, February 26, 2024 6:34 PM ET “I hope by the end of the weekend,” Mr. Biden said when asked by reporters when he expected a cease-fire to begin. “My national security adviser tells me that we’re close. We’re close. We’re not done yet. My hope is by next Monday, we’ll have a cease-fire.”"

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To the guy who set himself on fire to protest the Gaza/ Israeli W ar: Dude, you could have just held up a sign. Now people just think you're some kind of crazy fuck.

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I hope that the Secret Service agents who doused the flames didn't get hurt.

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I fear my kind and cheerful attitude will sour quickly into a disgustingly revolt of my country should tump win in November. But even before the election takes place, all his ugly minions around the country will have seethed into the freedoms of our democracy. They’ve already created big divisions.

Please, people wake up to how tump will dissolve our country.

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"The latest aid package, passed by the Senate earlier this month, is still collecting dust in the House, where it would easily pass if Speaker Mike Johnson would allow it to come to a vote."

The fact that the Ukraine aid bill would pass handily in the House is the exact reason why speaker Johnson won't bring it to the floor. Despite claims to the otherwise, MAGA Mike is still deeply involved with the Psychiatric Facility Escapee Caucus (as he must if he wants to retain the gavel, like so

many in the New GOP it all boils down to personal power over country) and in the Fulvous Flatulence's back pocket. The ironically named House Freedom Caucus are, almost to all members, Putin stans; and the Mango Malignancy is his butt buddy (with wet dreams of holding as much control over the US as Putin has in Russia). There is no way on G-dess' green Earth that the MAGAdroids would cross the MAGA oberste Fuhrer, and the Peach[tree dish] Pestilence has made his desires abundantly clear to the tail wagging the dog that standing in Putin's way of trying to return Russia to the hegemony it enjoyed during the heyday of the USSR is anathema.


"Pew this month found that 75 percent say the war is “important to U.S. interests.” When Republicans talk about the desire of “the American people” to choke off funds, it’s the CPAC constituency they have more in mind."

Are you really trying to tell me that the entire country isn't MAGA or MAGA-sympathetic? That the American people, writ large, *don't* want to see Putin victorious? Saying I'm shocked is an understatement. To quote John McEnroe, "you cannot be serious." (This shouldn't be necessary but... </s>)


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I had the same reaction about John Thune. So very disappointing. Donald Trump dirties everything and everyone.

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The anti-Midas touch: Everything he touches turns to dung.

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Why doesn’t the Democratic Party put out more information from the Mueller report and it’s prosecutions of Russian interference? I don’t think a lot of people really have any idea what really happened. They just know Barr’s bs!

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Very very few of FoxNews viewers have actually read the Mueller report. On a daily basis I see posts referring to the "Russia hoax".

I 100% agree that they should be highlighting this more. Perhaps a Lincoln Project special entitled "The Mueller Report - Revisited".

I also think in that...they should revisit the Steele Dossier because there are many things that resonate as the TRUTH now that we have some facts about what the Russians were up to in 2016. The dossier was referring to election interference with social media bots WAY before that information was public.

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Democrats should start saying that Biden is running against the Trump-Putin ticket or is that the Putin-Trump ticket?

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Putin has a birther issue wrt to the top spot on the ticket...and they don't want to be related to anything Obama...

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Re: "...the only continued holdouts a tiny smattering of sore loser RINOs that somehow still haven’t gotten the memo they’re not welcome at the ascendant MAGA jamboree."

As a RINO squish myself, I'll attest to having received the memo ... but not caring about it.

The way I see it, if your identity and social circle depend on the MAGA Jamboree, then being banned from it matters. If neither of those things depend on being part of the MAGA Jamboree, then you take things as they come. Join or not. Up to you. Look like a group of people you'd like to hang with? People like Matt Gaetz, Guy Reffitt, Paul Gosar, Rudy Giuliani, Jim Jordan, the QANON Shaman, the Proud Boys?

Not for me. And I don't feel like I'm losing out. I'll get back on the GOP train when they start running non-crazy people and making sense. That might be a while, but it's my choice. I think there are a lot of other people like me. Count me in the 40%. They'd like someone to pay attention to the border and they don't like student loan forgiveness, but they'll be damned before they'd vote for Donald Trump.

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A follow-on cheap shot to the cheap shot - Lindsay is even taking Trump's make-up directives.

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The photo was dark and fuzzy...but is Lindsay getting oranger?

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Last night, MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart was interviewing Asa Hutchinson of all people, who came flirtatiously close to saying he would endorse Trump, or at least vote for him, assuming he’s the nominee. He most definitely did not rule it out. I hope these Republican enablers read Sarah’s article in The Atlantic and consider what they have wrought.

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Of course he will.

And I'm reminded of the faux outrage on this site b/c of a snarky one sentence tweet from the DNC regarding Hutchinson's campaign. Because, you know, blah blah blah.

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"RNC veterans are circulating resolutions ahead of their meeting next month to bar party funds from being used to pay Trump’s legal bills and to prohibit the party proclaiming him the nominee before he’s locked up the requisite delegates."

Good news. But surely the absolute minimum that should be expected?

I don't understand the Cheap Shot photo of Mace and Graham, other than that they don't seem to be thrilled. Is that the entirety of it?

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At least regarding Graham...isn't he the guy that was jumping off the Crazy Trump Train?

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LOL...wow...a video displaying...Crazy AND a train! Well done!

If I was a lot older...I could have pulled off a "I knew Buster Keaton...and Lindsay Graham is NO Buster Keaton"

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I assumed it was because Lindsay's skin color now mirrors Trump's......

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Bill, you are too kind to Thune, a boneless creature from the very beginning. And, while we're delighted with Haley's progress, please don't forget that, in the end, she will vote For the Donald even if he's convicted of a crime.

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I used to wonder what the guys were thinking who stood behind McConnell at so many of his pressers. Early in Trump's stint in office...I used to really feel like throwing a brick at my TV as they brain- and word-pretzeled their way to somehow support Trump almost every time.

Now I know...if they were thinking...they simply were thinking of making sure their role in the party (and corresponding lifestyle) was maintained. They certainly weren't thinking..."Hey...do you really think we're doing the right thing here with Trump?"

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Can you call it progress if she supports Trump in the end?

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Bill, I totally agree with your triggering about Thune, I felt the same when I heard. That said, I love your "Boneless Wonders" thing. I think that should be another SNL skit or cold open for the coming week, or at least very soon. I am sure they could do wonders with that idea!

I really believe it's the fear of brownshirt violence to themselves and family/friends that is pushing a not an insignificant number of elected reps all across the spectrum to hang with the one guy who really should hang.

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