Sounds like Nana, I mean Peter, takes family pictures with his iPad.

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One of the most interesting uses I’ve seen for an iPad is in live music production.

I have a buddy who runs a nightclub. Instead of a big sound board taking up space at the back of the venue (and having to stand in front of the sound booth to get the best sound), the person running the music can walk around freely while carrying an iPad so as to optimize the sound for the whole room. I was blown away when I first saw that in practice! Quite an innovative development.

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I’m a video producer for my day job and also a filmmaker. The last time I physically cut film with razor and scotch tape was back in film school. Since then I have been using Apple products to edit. So I think everybody is being wildly over dramatic about that Apple ad. Digital tools are great.

Also, to Peter’s point my iPad mini was constantly with me while I directed a feature.

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I’ll let it be.

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What? Not a single trans ape?

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I didn't think gender identity played any role in any of the Planet of the Apes movies, Randy.

Am I wrong about that, or are you just the kind of person who thinks it's funny to crack jokes at the expense of people who are different than you?

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