This discussion brought tears. I relate deeper than you know. I was an ER nurse, have seen first hand the pain of a woman miscarrying, the blood and the heart break. No politician should ever have a say in a woman’s health issue. This affects men and women as many times they were at the bedside and feeling helpless.

AZ has had to deal with armed, masked stalkers at poling drop boxes, filming those who cast their votes. The level of Republican crazy in this state is horrifying and Republicans who did their jobs ethically, and with honor were harassed, lost their positions and their reputations attacked by so called real Republicans. For that reason, I will be voting for Biden. I voted for Trump twice with regret.

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Great discussion and guest this week. Most of my youth my brother and I were raised by a single mom who was a strong advocate for a Woman’s Right to Choose. She put it to me that men don’t and can’t have abortions and that should the situation arise that the decision to terminate a pregnancy has to be made. I would supoort her and the choice she makes. I have a wife, daughter, nieces and grand daughter and the thought that a man who had nothing to do with their lives can force them to make a decision on their health makes me ill.

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Great podcast! Interesting how Arizona women can describe themselves as “pro-life”, while acknowledging they do NOT feel that the government should interfere in women’s healthcare decisions. Also, there were many stories of pregnancies gone bad, where these women were forced to have abortions to prevent loss of their own life and that they are really turned off by the imposition of this draconian 1864 law.

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I'm personally pro-life ( I couldn't do it, never had to make that choice thank goodness), but, politically pro choice, it was always about to me the fact that women are prefectly capable of making their own moral choices and don't need to be told what is right for them

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I respect your opinion and your political position! Thanks for sharing!

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Welcome , thanks to you too

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I know I loved this podcast because they said, thought and showed emotional understanding…but still this was the best focus group podcast!!!! I felt I could actually talk to these people!!

I love the focus group podcast but it makes me so sad for our society. This one made

Me a bit hopeful

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Clocked some Kennedy signature gatherers at the local Earth Day event

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Sarah is was the best yet if what is already the best podcast out there.

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I’m a minister and many women (and husbands/partners) have shared their journeys with me. I always want to take my shoes off because I am standing on holy ground of grief. This is how I felt listening to these stories. I’m humbled they’d share and not surprised when others began to share. I want the world to know they are not alone in their pain. Blessing upon them all.

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Totally agree with Sarah that the Dems should let the issue get to the November ballot...

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Bulwark Republicans have their regrets, seemingly…… 🤣

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Loved this podcast. It’s good to know that women around the country seem to feel the same way about abortion as I do.

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This was a great podcast and I'm very glad Sarah had the guest she had. I think the abortion issue in AZ will play across many red states. The one thing the GOP pro lifers have refused to deal with is they don't support women or children with the majority of their policies. It's tough to raise a child whose baby daddy failed to launch, especially in an economy that doesn't prioritize women or their children. Women don't want to abort, but they also don't want to bring children into a situation in which their lives have limited chances to succeed. This is a far more complicated issue than pro lifers ever had to deal with because they didn't have to deal with the nuances. The very existence of Roe gave them cover. They have no such cover anymore.

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Excellent podcast with an articulate, knowledgeable guest .

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This podcast should be required viewing for all men trying to understand this difficult issue. The comments of the Republican women in the focus group really captured the pain and moral conflict that these women experienced when they had a pregnancy that was not viable or desirable given their circumstances.

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I could not agree more.

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This might have been my favorite Focus Group podcast episode. I loved the nuance and compassion presented by the focus group members. This episode was incredibly moving and all legislators across the country would do themselves a big favor by listening to what these women are saying.

I concur with comments by others that Yvonne Wingett Sanchez was an excellent guest.

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Glad to hear recognition of the wide overlap in "pro-life" and "pro-choice" attitudes.

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I know so many people who called themselves “pro-life” that are waking up to this.

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