I wrote earlier that I was becoming despondent about (gestures wildly) all this. Just stumbled over this not-at-all news related story and it was a very lovely respite, so thought I’d share with y’all. Cheers!


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Re Andrew Egger: Well, yes—Trump as orange Jesus; the original also had non-white skin!

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Having gone from "Trump's a Hitler", to "I love Trump", we really don't know what Vance believes in, not a clue beyond that he is an incredible opportunist with no shame whatsoever. Should he be elected, I have little doubt that our constitution will not survive it. I am reasonably assured that migrants seeking a better life won't be here and also that many legally resident people will be purged. I am reasonably assured that our system has really failed us overall and that if Harris does prevail, none of that failure can be made to go away. I do love her spirit but it feels like pushing back the tide.

Climate change will really be our ultimate test as millions head for temperate zones to simply survive. Not just here, but all of northern Europe will see a sea of humanity flood in seeking the promise on the statue of liberty that is promised in so many countries but will fail as millions are killed by the oncoming storm.

So, yeah, I'm despondent this morning. I indeed will watch the playoffs. It's my only solace at this point. I'm seeing friends, whose lives have been destroyed by such a storm in North Carolina and I can't even get in touch with any of them . I can't drive down there. Not a good day.

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Chin up, Peter. This too shall pass. You are amongst friends here. Things will get better.

"And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."

-Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata"

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Right now, I need God like a fish needs a bicycle. What I need are rational adults regardless of affiliation seeking common ground to move forward.

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Well, that's what you had at the Bulwark before you even posted, and that's what you got more of in response, so maybe the "rational" thing to do would be to accept the "common ground" that exists and not expect it to coincide 100% with your preferred ground. You're not the first person to ever have been offered support that didn't come in exactly the form you wanted. And anyway that quote is about the most loose, tentative, flexible, nonreligious-friendly quote mentioning God that was ever written.

We're unlikely to "move forward" if we can't show a little tolerance for each others' POVs. Unless we're lucky, life is likely to provide more, not fewer, challenges in this regard in the future, so it'd be a good idea to choose your battles.

I'm sorry you're having a bad day. I wish good luck to your friends in NC.

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Both Lance Wallnau and Mike Johnson have deep ties to the New Apostolic Reformation, a leading white Christian nationalist movement. The NAR is committed to establishing a white supremacist theocracy in the United States.

If trump is elected, adherents of far-right religious authoritarianism will stand second and third in line to the presidency.

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I think someone needs to do a more thorough explanation of these various cults and sects. I don't know much about them, and would appreciate it. I do know that there have been some insurgent Roman Catholics for a few years, particularly in the US. However, I am old enough to remember the hatred leveled against RCs and I just do not see a coalition between this New Apostolic Reformation, which reportedly reviles the worship of Mary, and any Roman Catholic sect, period. You can't coalesce over abortion, or for control of the state, with those who will point the gun at you the moment they gain power -- at least not if you know what is good for you. According to news sources, Vance became a Roman Catholic within the past year (NYT 8.25.24).

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I thought we Americans were against Theocracies? I thought we deplored the Taliban or ISIS or even the Mullahs and Ayatollah running the country like their own personal church. So here we have a part of our own country's political system advocating for what looks like to most as the same kind of thing! Replace the freedom of religion with a government that will use which one you pick as a purity test? And the adherents to the Constitution see nothing wrong with this? The people who support this are attracted to the Wallnaus with their batshit crazy rants? Buying into miracles that they hear about but have no personal knowledge of? Sending 'thoughts and prayers' instead of reality based help? We need to hit the reset button and Nov. 5 seems like a good time to do this. Vote Blue!

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There are Trumpers who believe that America was a "Christian nation" before the Framers ruined it by importing "Enlightenment secularism."

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Silly! OUR theocrats are not brown! They are white, just like Jesus was!

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Now it’s all starting to make sense. Of course, the prosperity preachers from hell refuse to admit that Trump lost the election; Trump is the anointed one, so the prophecy says, he will be victimized by those nasty democrats and their Jezebel leader.

Of course, his father Fred, I mean god, will open heavens gate and then all will be well, and the anointed one will make America Great Again, sending us sinners, I mean socialist, commie losers for some much needed Christian conversion therapy.

By the way, this prophecy is located at your local community library in the fantasyland isle, next to the recently departed (removed) LGBTQ and sex educational sections!..:)

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Actually, there's nothing wrong with Wallnau's visions that a large dose of Visine --taken orally, not dribbled into the eye-- wouldn't fix. Permanently.

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Not a bad idea…:)

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AMEN!! Bruthah! Preach it!😡

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add to the worries I just read in the Times Iran could be hours away from attacking Israel!? What else can go haywire?!

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Quick shout-back to Matthew Taylor's article in the September 26 Bulwark on how the evangelical movement, especially its view of the end times (and how that affects its politics), has changed.


Seems relevant here.

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Bill you did a great job convincing me that Vance is bad for the country but you didn’t actually address why this debate matters. I know, it’s an impossible task. If Trump setting himself on fire daily doesn’t move the polls then this debate surely won’t

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Lance Wallnau's statement "Your greatest argument with death is an unfinished assignment” is one of the most ridiculous (and unChristian, right??) things I have ever heard. It infuriates me to think of the vulnerable people whose trust he and "faith leaders" like him abuse.

As an antidote, here are a few lines from Geoffrey Hill's "Funeral Music." Whether or not you agree with them (I'm agnostic on that), at least they're honest and intelligent.


... If it is without

Consequence when we vaunt and suffer, or

If it is not, all echoes are the same

In such eternity. Then tell me, love,

How that should comfort us -- or anyone

Dragged half-unnerved out of this worldly place,

Crying to the end ‘I have not finished’.


Full poem cycle here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48460/funeral-music

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This column was a downer...the prospect of Vance as VP and his potential power -- which he would eagerly wield' Vance's alliance with that crackpot Wallnau; and finally, the Post survey showing Trump leading Harris in NC and Robinson not dragging Trump down. And of course, the dockworkers strike which could have all kinds of consequences.

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I'm thinking about that major prisoner swap that Biden pulled off right at the same time as his candidacy imploded. He's lost it as a candidate, but he's still totally got it as a president, as far as I can tell. Hopefully he will be able to navigate the dockworkers strike (and multiple other looming crises), while hopefully Kamala does what she has to do and Tim Walz kicks @$$ tonight.

Fork the polls; let the paid consultants worry about those.

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Props to Bill, though I'll amend his comment: "But let me say, as [an Orioles] fan, that the debate and the playoffs give me similar sensations: jangling nerves, palpable anxiety, and a heavy anticipation that it could all go very wrong."

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My apologies in advance, i know i will raise some ire. Reading The Bulwark religiously every day makes it easy for one to become cynical; almost to the point of rage and despair.

Then i see the baseball reference and the comments about the normal stuff going on in communities and home towns and i come back to reality (and smile). Every political election i can remember has been dubbed "the most important race of our lifetime."

All of which begs the question, was it really? And to be clear, the answer is, was and in all likelihood always will be nope. Elections come and go, politicians come and go; life goes on. In 2025, irrespective of who wins (yes i want Harris), we'll all survive.

Baseball and football games will be played. Our communities will be intact and the rhetoric, resentments and hatred will subside as everyone grapples with life. Seriously gang, life is short and then we die. That doesn't mean we don't fight, quit or ignore what is right in front of our eyes.

All it means is; this too shall pass. I learned long ago when i sobered up, never let anyone else control how we live our lives. I know some will freak out regarding my remarks, but the good news is your angst over the above won't impact my ability to enjoy the gift of the day i have been given.

PS. RIP Pete Rose and Kris Kristofferson (i rest my case...and then we die).

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"Never let anyone else control how we live our lives" --- exactly!

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Ok the world will go on. But it is really important to vote against Trump. He is a uniquely bad figure to be running at this level. I say this as someone who was not alarmed when he won. I thought it was all a show and he would let the professionals tell him what to do. He did not.

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If you haven't already, you should check out Jeff Tiedrich's substack. Such a breath of fresh air. Warning though, there's a lot of swearing...a lot.


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Thanks for the link. I wonder how long it took them to build that little brick wall? Did DonOLD think that it would protect him the same as the wall of bulletproof glass?

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

I thought Biden's response to Trump's lies about the hurricane response was great. His speech patterns are awkward now -- if you're looking for a macho hero you'll be disappointed (and yes Trump really can do that one cheap thing better). But his intelligence and spirit shone through. He showed an appropriate amount of anger and then moved on from it. He focused on defending himself just long enough to keep from being undermined by the trash talk, and then he pivoted rapidly to the issue at hand --- about which he did NOT just say "look at us we're doing such a great job" but gave actual useful information that empowered listeners to better interpret disaster-response news.

It was almost like he was re-norming competence.

To me it just shouted (1) decades of experience as a successful statesman and (2) competent PR advice that he's actually listening to.

A weirdly hope-instilling reminder of how the Before Times worked and could work again.

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I LOVE Lincoln Project: their latest "Liar". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uQOb6hf8XE

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Thank you. That's great!

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Sandy, they do look pretty effective. But I'm not sure if anything now moves the needle anymore. After would Trump has said and done the past week, logically you would expect some movement in Harris's direction. (logically) We 'll find out in a week or two if Trump's bombast hurts him. If this doesn't't move the needle, nothing will.

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Being from a non competitive state, I don't see presidential campaign ads. However I do keep abreast of ads by The Lincoln Project and Rick Wilson. From what I have seen of them, they seem pretty effective to me. Hopefully it is effective to others since I am for Kamala.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

I live in a non-competitive state - Indiana - but I'm seeing presidential campaign ads. This surprised me when it also happened four years ago so I started asking around. It took a long time, but I finally got an answer as to why I was seeing presidential candidate ads in very red Indiana. It was explained to me that it is cheaper for presidential ads to run national ads than to run those same ads in multiple battleground states. Maybe if they're just running an ad in 2 or 3 states, it's cheaper to target those states. But if the battleground states are 7 or so, then it's cheaper to run the ads nationally than in those 7 states.

P.S. I looked up your profile. Dave, you live in Minnesota. Minnesota isn't a swing state, but I'd certainly classify it as competitive. Harris' lead is only about 5 points in Minnesota.

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Paul the only ads I have seen are for Angie Craig ( she is in a competitive district) and for Amy K. My wife and I saw a Trump ad the other night about transgender surgeries for prison inmates. My wife laughed and I thought it was something out of the Onion! Tim and Bill touched on this in a pod the other day

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