As someone older than you are, Charlie, I have to say I have been watching the steady degradation of the Republican Party for at least 25 years. When Karl Rove decided to have Bush run-on wedge issues like same-sex marriage, the dangers of stem cell research, restrictions to end-of-life decisions (think Terry Schiavo) and by vigorously courting religious conservatives and evangelicals, Rove changed the trajectory of the party forever. It was Trump who added that deadly dash of racism, and now old-time Republicans, educated and contemplative Republicans, can no longer stomach what's left of their old party. What will become of the remainder of the GOP? That's the question on everyone's mind. And will they manage, as they realign themselves, to destroy our Democracy? Or will the voters finally wise up? Ben Sasse is one of many who have decided not to wait around and see.

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Ummm, we need a monitor on this board, please. Thank you.

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A Herschel perspective. How important is the R vs D next to a candidates name?

Hypothetically, what do we think the GOP narrative would be if Herschel had a D next to his name. A black man who fathered at least 4 kids from 4 different women, and held a gun to the head of his wife?

I'd venture to bet phrases like "welfare moms", "infidelity", "unChristian", "dead beat dad", "unfaithful", "fatherless homes", and racial phrases I can't even imagine.

Sad that we evaluate one's "character" by the R vs D.

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Herschel would never have a D next to his; he wouldn't have gotten close to being on a ballot. With Rs, it seems all they have to do is say they want to run and love Trump, and boom, they're on the ballot.

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I am not holding my breath for Sasse’s courage. I remember first hearing of him in 2016 and thought he would be a strong and decent leader within the conservative movement. Instead, he just hides when the country needs him. Shouldn’t he learn from Liz and Adam Kinzinger (who has a barely 1 year old and is constantly threatened)?

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Perhaps Mr Sasse, who I also liked and had hoped for, will redeem himself. Great look forward, wonder if DeSantis' spite will backfire.

Here's to hoping for a truer conservatism. Hear hear for the Bulwark.

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Ben Sasse is so overrated. He expresses piety where compassion and curiosity would be the actual adult response.

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Ben Sasse, who had the capacity to become a statesman, decided instead to be an occasional fly on the ointment of anti-democratic antics of the GOP.

Will he confront Wannabe Dictator DiSantis?? A bigly NO!!!!

He will grovel at the behest of multi-million donors and angry alums.

Basically...he'll revel in being in the aura of academia, and continue his spineless adherence to his capitalistic lords, per usual.

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Credit to you for your kindness, Charlie, but Ben Sasse isn't worth it. He's been a disappointment from the start, now he's letting down his constituents only two years after being reelected, and his replacement will undoubtedly be worse. He should just take his thirty pieces of silver and go, unpraised and unlamented. And if you think that he'll find any more spine facing De Santis than he did in the Senate, I regret that you're in for yet another disappointment.

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Shade me skeptical but Sasse was selected because he will submit because Desantis would never have allowed him to be selected to begin with. To disagree with the Governor on policies is a conflict of interest impermissible for a State employee.

Further apart from slight differences on Trump Sasse is pretty much on board with the Christian nationalist agenda and will be an ally in the culture war... especially in Forida's preeminent academic institution.

At least Sasse has come to terms that there is no place for him the Republican Party and that returning to academic administration (he was president of a small Lutheran college in Nebraska) is the best option.

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Let me get this straight. Evangelicals have renounced the teachings of Jesus and formed a pact with Satan to gain political power so that they can impose on Americans a religion they no longer follow?

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Welcome Senator Ricketts!!

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Sasse stand up to DeSantis??? LOL!!! He'll cave!

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I love it that Fox is giving so much air time to Herschel - no one is a worse spokesperson for Herschel than Herschel. Every day he steps in it in over and over again. And he keeps going back for more and Fox keeps giving him more air time. He lies, he contradicts his previous statements, his former turns out to be a mother of his child, his son denounces him as a person and a father in the most vitriolic manner. And like the self righting punching bag back he stands to face the cameras and the ever fawning slime Hugh Hewitt. It all reminds me of the old adage. The higher the linked climbs up the tree the more of his ass you see! Keep climbing Herschel.

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So, on the one hand today we have Judge Mark Walker attempting to pull Florida back from the "upside down", while in Georgia we have Herschel Walker et al doubling down on the "upside down".

Where the hell's Walker, Texas Ranger when you need him? Surely he could help the Good Guys straighten this upside down mess out. But then again, maybe not. A "one upside down, one Ranger" model probably won't work, since the upside down is virtually everywhere one looks these days and is only continuing to spread. And then there's the 'Texas' part to consider.

As to Sasse being tested, will he be getting a straight-up grade on his job performance, or will he insist on a curve to account for any nettlesome political expediencies he may have to deal with?

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This millennial is amped about marijuana de-criminalization for the buzzkilliest of reasons. Now it will be so much easier to study the negative affects on cognition, mood, and reaction time! Now we can figure out what percent of users develop chemical and/or psychological dependence! Now we can look at if the rising THC content of different strains alters any of these factors.

Marijuana decriminalization: A win for stoners. A win for uptight killjoys who love data (like me).

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And so Amanda Carpenter chooses to prove herself to be a fool rather than let us guess as to whether she is one or not. A cheap shot, indeed, saying that in academics we all "think about doing things, but never do."

Enough of this garbage.

My three-plus decades of being there and doing that have informed me that the people who say those things the most and the loudest usually have the least actual experience in the environment to know what they are talking about. So I'll extend to Amanda the same offer that I do with other elitists, especially politicians, who see us as easy targets for underinformed but popular talking points: follow me around for a day, or a week, and see what actually happens. Be prepared to do without meals and stay up late at night, regularly. Be prepared to see little of your family while so many other people demand your time and attention with their many wants and needs that wind up superseding your own. And be prepared to be held accountable when you don't get the results that certain politicians want, with their partisan axes to grind, and budget cuts that make a challenging job that much harder under a constantly rising bar of doing more with less.

Better still, jump in and do it yourself, instead of criticizing. Be part of the solution to what you see as the problem, rather than being unnecessarily divisive and creating a problem where it doesn't exist. Or just keep making nonsensical, needlessly snarky comments that make ignorance and pettiness look cool and trendy. And keep on being a talking head who is overpaid and overpraised to think about things but never do them. Amanda Black Pot meets Amanda Black Kettle.

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I didn't get the point of her comment, who she is zinging.

My best guess was Ben Sasse, leaving the harder Senate work (in this political environment?), to go back to his safe place in academia, where he is "not expected" to create work product.

Seems weird if she was zinging everyone who does not make something, because the Bulwark would fall under that umbrella, as well as many subscribers.

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Right. Now, if we're going to zing Sasse by also impugning university administrators, that might be okay.

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Agreed that administrative bloat, and in some cases also policy, in higher ed is fair game for analysis and criticism. But Amanda did not take the time to nuance her argument that way or articulate a strategy that involved anything more than snark. As Charlie appropriately noted, it was a cheap shot, nothing more. As a certain ex-President used to say (and whom I usually am loathe to quote, but she sank to his level here): "Sad."

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Yes, I think you are right. I get the goal of zinging Sasse, and how he has earned that treatment. But there was no need to throw the rest of us under the bus with him. Too many conservative commentators too often resort to that in trying to make a statement. I expect better from those who inhabit the realm of The Bulwark because they certainly are capable of it.

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Oct 7, 2022
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I guess there aren't enough real enemies, posing real threats, for her in our midst now, so she feels the need to find a few more. I wish I had such idle time, and lack of accountability, on my hands. I have admired much of her work, but her intellectually lazy one-size-fits-all depiction here undermines it. It takes just once to eliminate the benefit of the doubt. Not sure if I can take her opinions seriously anymore if I have to rely solely on her perspective.

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