27 minutes before we hear Tim say fucking

outrageous…. I’ve generally enjoyed listening to Ben Wittes on this podcast, but for f@cks sake stop with the interpretation and analysis of this SCOTUS decision as if it as anything other than an unconstitutional power grab by an illegitimate, ideological supreme court. STOP NORMALIZING THIS ANTIDEMOCRATIC POWER GRAB!

Did I really just hear Ben Wittes say that you can read Trump’s disqualification in the text of the 14th Amendment and you cannot read any immunity anywhere in the text of the US Constitution. And then in the very next breath he answers a listener’s email and says Congress can’t rectify this?!?! FUCKING STOP NORMALIZING THIS ANTIDEMOCRATIC SHIT!!!!

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How on earth is using the office of the president to overthrow an election an official act? STOP NORMALIZING THIS SHIT!!!!

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No Bulwark for me.

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Thanks for that insightful info.

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How I spend my time may or may not ( almost certainly not ) be of interest to you, but I’m hoping to save others from waisting their time listening to the garbage “analysis “ that the Bulwark is spewing.

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Appreciate your incredible stamina for this horrific time in America. Your humor always brightens my day. Excellent outro song!

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Serious question. We're told Biden can only give his $91M to Harris if he drops out. Given the SCOTUS ruling, can't Biden just give his $91M to whomever he wishes in his capacity as President if he thinks that's in the best interests of the country? Worst case, they eventually prosecute him -- we see how f-ing long the legal process takes even for the most crucial matters. He'll be dead before any trial takes place. Let's play by the rules we're given.

And if all else fails and the Democratic nominee "loses" the election, Harris is the VP and I'm told the VP has the power to reject electors and accept alternate electors. Surely no MAGA folks would have a problem if she overturned a Trump win, right?

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Tim, you’re killing it here. Your work ethic is impressive.

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Shouldn’t Biden resign now? Kamala becomes president and runs as the incumbent. I doubt anyone of significance would challenge her so the delegates would follow suit. She retains all the campaign contributions under the Biden/Harris campaign. She fares better in the polls than Biden does. How do we make this happen?

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Yes. This is not only the best path forward but the only path forward.

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Love the idea of two new candidates. It brings reality tv to the Democratic Party.

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Reality TV has worked so well for the Republicans . . .

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Here’s what Congress could do about the SCOTUS ruling: create a cause of action in the DOJ to prosecute Trump in absentia, essentially. Define in this very narrow situation a “case or controversy” as one so critically important to the general public that the trial may be proceed—even if Trump cannot be punished, he can be shown with evidence to be the criminal he is. Make it public. Give DOJ subpoena power.

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*clarifying: create a cause of action that the USA may bring thru the DOJ prosecuting in absentia leaders who engage in coups …

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Thank you so much Tim. This episode delivered for me in so many ways. I had been 100% avoiding all political podcasts since the debate. I just couldn’t stomach dedicating my free time to confronting our current national reality. But I decided to take the plunge with your pod tonight, and boy am I glad I did. Ben Wittes echoed and confirmed many of the (not actually, it turns out) crazy little voices I’ve had going in my head since the ruling came down on Monday. And your conversation with Stephan Shepherd was thoroughly informative and even handed.

And then Tom Petty at the end? 😘🇺🇸

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I am rusty on my civics. At roughly the 56 minute mark Steven Shepherd said that a Harris-Newsom ticket would not be eligible to win the 50+ California Electoral votes. What is that about? Would adding any governor as VP have the same impact on Electoral votes? This doesn't make sense.

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They are both California residents, twelfth amendment states they can't be from same state.

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Thank you John!

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This is the first Bulwark pod I could listen to since the panic-fest on Friday. So nice to hear calmer voices, and Ben’s measured tone is very comforting. We are still in a terrifying place, but good pod, Tim.

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Tim Miller, on Hulu try "Shoresy" for a distraction.

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Tim, great podcast today. Steve Shepard raises two issues with an open convention (in the event Biden releases his delegates); chaos and money. I suggest these issues can be resolved by 1) have the delegates use rank choice voting to select the nominee and 2) each candidate has to pledge to retain Kamala as the VP in the event she is not selected as the candidate. Rank choice voting can avoid the chaos of round after round of voting. Then, the monies raised under the Biden/Harris ticket would stay with her since she is still on the ticket. Thoughts?

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So I know all y'all are boss types and therefore probably like golf but I commented this on Reddit and I still can't get over it.

That exchange about golf during the debate struck me as the stupidest part of a very stupid evening. The right answer was something along the lines of "we're trying to save democracy, fuck golf." And instead it turned into alpha old dude pissing match.

And I'm not young. But I can't believe that there aren't plenty of other people who were watching who also regard the candidates' golf handicap as the very very least of our problems right now.

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Well, I certainly hope Trump is the better golfer. He spent more time playing golf than attending to his presidential duties. That's something nobody will ever accused Joe Biden of!

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I, too, found this infuriating. It was a ridiculous display of old man entitlement, a withered cock fight while the barn walls burn down around us all.

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I hate golf

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I will actively avoid men my age who talk about golf. Tim hates golf? Man, I _really_ hate golf.

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Is that even allowed as a white guy in politics?

Stated reason for leaving Republican party--Donald Trump

Real reason for leaving Republican party--about to be outed as a golf hater. 🤣

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I’m willing to stipulate that I’ve seen lots of better middle-school debates. Blechhh.

But the one we need to make sure we help step aside isn’t Biden.

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Sarah Isgur? Is she out of children to kidnap?

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That’s the first thing I thought. She is a terrible person.

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I find her legal analysis to be AWFUL. David French analysis is at least accurate

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She could be Locke reborn, she still should only be known as a defender of child separation.

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lol fair. The dispatch annoys the shit out of me

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They’ve got (or had) a really terrific writer named Rachel Larimore. I don’t know if she’s left because I won’t read it.

The Bulwark should get her. We fought a lot on Twitter about morullae and embryos, but I know she never envisioned anything like the post-Dobbs hellscape.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

SHe is still there, only writes the weekly newsletter about what happened the previous week, on Sundays.

I don;'t know if you know this , but she was at the Bulwark first, I assume she got a better offer or she was more in line with their mission at the Dispatch

I actually like a lot of the posters there, and I love Nick, though miss David, I actually like reading Jonah and Kevin even if I rarely agree with them

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Funny cause everyone told the antiabortion people that this would be the consequence and they didn't believe us.

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The beginning and end of Roe each fell within my lifetime.

I’d have been happy to fill in anyone who was unsure about what pre-Roe was like.

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Although Biden will likely not win OH, I’d still like to be able to vote for him.

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While you're on the subject of voting in Ohio . . . Is Sherrod Brown competitive? His campaign has been spamming my inbox with contribution requests.

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Absolutely. He’s been our blue-collar, populist Dem senator forever. I think he will keep the seat.

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Thanks. In 2022 I sent a few bucks to Tim Ryan and Raphael Warnock - my first-ever contributions to Democrats. This year I'm looking for similarly close races against extreme Republicans where my contribution might make a difference.

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Me too

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