C'mon you guys -- you too JVL -- you're really scaring me. We should be focusing on the path ahead. In case of the worse scenario, how to plan the resistance, and so on. I don't buy into the whole "if I'm a pessimist I can't be disappointed" thing. either., even though I recognize the rationale.

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15 mins ago·edited 15 mins ago

The one thing that is unequivocally true about this election is that there are no good outcomes.

Even the best outcome, which is a decisive Kamala Harris victory over Donald Trump, doesn't change the fact that a majority of one of the two major political parties has rendered a verdict that they want a far-right authoritarian government in the United States. And large numbers of people in positions of power have either come to accept that fact (in the most generous reading) or outright embrace it.

The United States will spend years, if not decades, waging a battle not to backslide into the type of country it used to hold moral superiority over. And a President Harris, likely hamstrung by a recalcitrant Congress, will likely be able to do little to stem that tide.

And that's the *best case scenario*. Every other potential outcome simply accelerates the slide towards authoritarianism.

A narrow Harris victory will be challenged vehemently by Donald Trump, with claims of "massive voter fraud" and extreme pressure placed on legislative and judicial entities to overturn the results. Even if those measures fail, a majority of Republicans will believe the election was stolen. That is simply untenable for democracy. If those measures succeed, then all hell breaks loose.

A Trump victory - especially a narrow one - not only brings with it the nightmare scenario of an actual Trump presidency, but also brings about the further erosion and belief in free and fair elections. There will be a chorus of people who believe that it was Trump who stole the election in 2024. In a high-stakes election, the pressure from pockets of the left for Harris to challenge the results - even on spurious grounds - is going to be enormous. If you suddenly have people on the left that don't believe that the election was legitimate, then that's fertile ground for an authoritarian regime.

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Is this why you left the live pre-game early? I'm hoping for some JVL/AB follow-up analysis of the ShitShow at the Garden.

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I'm a 72 yr old single female living in a small conservative Oregon town filled with Trump supporters with arsenals of firearms itching to be on the front line of their war against Trump's enemies. Any suggestions? Because I'm scared.

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There’s some nuance to what happened that is not being covered. Everyone cancelling their WashPo subscription sounds like a solution but it actually feeds right into the rights game plan. If they can successfully drive a wedge between liberals and the free press, it’s a HUGE success for them. So although it feels good short term, it will have lasting effects. So the right got two successes this week: WashPo and LA times. Not good

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Our vote is still the most powerful tool in the world. Vote. Vote with confidence. We can do the very hard work of strengthening our democracy, healing divisions, and giving our communities purpose. Billy Jean King is my hero and her "Pressure is a Privilege" mantra is on repeat in my head...together we can and will save our democracy.

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Billionaires and growing oligarchy controlling life in America is worrisome. Trump, of course, is beyond the pale with respect to violating basic principles of democratic society. However, the idea that Democrats (Harris) can be relied on to uphold the law is misguided. Five hundred Democratically controlled cities and some states have declared themselves sanctuaries for illegal immigrants against federal immigration law. Democratically controlled states have authorized recreational use not only of marijuana but also hard drugs (Oregon) contrary to federal law. Strongly held political motivation is allowed to trump law (pun). The trend is fueled by political polarization that prevents reform of flawed laws. However, Instead of recognizing the basic problem, Democrats continue to erode respect ror law.

In fact, Democratic defense of an -of control border (facile excuses: "immigrants built America", "people are just seeking a better life") provides Trump with his most powerful argument. I encourage more realism in the discussion.

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If democracy has been “broken” then it sounds like oligarchs control whether we have it or not. It’s up to all of us to stand up and stand out. Hiding behind oligarchs or hoping they stand up for us or with us makes it easier, but at the end of the day, it is our responsibility.

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Lincoln Project does it again. This one had me saying, "Oh, my God!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMjhl9jxrug

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The Wall Street Journal also reported Friday Boeing has had discussions with Blue Origin about selling off its space business. Bezos’ WaPo order may not just be cya, he may be lining up for his piece.

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The sad part is that, if Harris wins, even if the Democrats somehow have control of the House and Senate, things will not get fixed to prevent the next Trump in the next election doing the same thing.

We are stuck in a vicious circle that will not end until one side or the other totally breaks the system.

One side will do it because they hate the system (MAGA/Oligarchs), the other side won't do it. They lack the will to do so, even if they recognize the necessity--and it IS a necessity.

I could escape the uglier domestic side of all of this by retiring and leaving--but I am not going to escape the economic disaster these people will bring, regardless of where I go. And it WILL be a disaster if they do even a little bit of what they say they are going to do WRT tariffs and deportations.

I will be kind of surprised if Trump lasts in office a year if he is re-elected. He will either be dead or 25th Amendment-ed out and the Xtian Nationalists and techbro/venture capitalists will have their boy behind the resolute desk.

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My post from last night after this story broke.

The decision by Jeff Bezos to overrule the editorial board at the Washington Post (which wanted to endorse VP Harris) can only be seen in a negative light. This action easily falls into Timothy Snider’s On Tyranny rule #1 to not ‘obey in advance’. This decision by Bezos could be interpreted as an attempt to avoid the ire of a potential tyrant in the face of a possible Trump second term.

Combined with the actions of another billionaire owner who overruled the editors at the LA Times, perhaps the time has come to question media ownership and consolidation in the US. Or is it past time for that question?

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43 mins ago·edited 42 mins ago

Obviously too JD is there in hopes that Trump dies in office so he can assume the presidency. He does support a federal ban on abortion and has touted already in the past that they should ignore SCOTUS orders: "they made a ruling now let them enforce it." If we cannot flip the House and Republicans succeed in flipping the Senate then it's going to be really bad with Johnson as Speaker for our rights to medical privacy and abortion access... I can only imagine who Johnson's replacement will be if he becomes the VP in that scenario.

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Cancelled my WaPo and subscribed to the Boston Globe. Kept my Guardian and NYT subs... And the Bulwark of course. Cancelled Amazon subs also.

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JVL, you write, "It’s time to get organized and get ready. To prepare for what’s to come."

I'm very distraught and fighting off clinical depression - w/ which I have decades of experience - precisely b/c I can't figure out how I'm going to cope if TFG wins. And none of my friends have answers except "put on blinders" - which isn't at all my style.

I don't see how there IS any preparing. We've been organizing and getting ready for years now, and what has it gotten us?

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I'm sending you a big hug, strength, and courage. You are not alone. You have friends/family that are walking with you on this marathon of living. I have faith we will be OK and thrive.

When you feel anxious, take your deep yoga breaths. By releasing CO2 and deep breathing 02 you will stop your brains fight flight response. I was taught this in college because I puked my first month and have continued the practice. It's my super power.

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I'm hoping the Bulwark will have some post election ideas for coping.

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Depends on if Trump loses. If he wins... yikes. Got to go out and vote for Kamala Harris if you're left or moderate and convince his reluctant supporters that they can vote for neither and just leave it blank. 1 less vote for him from past supporters is just as good as non-Biden voters voting for Harris.

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Yeah. I watched the BW live event that just ended. If trump wings, I'll need BW proping up. We voted on day 2 of early voting in Tennessee. It's a fanatic red state with moralistic legislature. Very depressing.

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Like most failing democracies, we will pretend our way into disaster and then a little bit past that.

But since 40+% of Americans aren't concerned about it, no big deal, eh? Until all of a sudden it becomes one.

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