For those that like their D-day history check out this neat video about naval vessels that still survive today after being in D-day ..especially mention to those light ships[winks must be a easy target] -
I really liked Mr. Kristol's thoughts on D-day. It reminded me that we have always had an element of those who he kindly calls America first. We have them now and they are deadly. It started with the 2nd amendment frenzy that started a while back and continued to absurdity. Our America first people don't care about a Democratic free America, only a White Christian America. And there is a of group rich White men, some of whom are not American who use their money to fuel this anger. And of course one of the presidential candidates whose specialty is conning people into giving him power and riches regardless of the consequences.
I'm having trouble following Will's argument here. How is Haqqani meeting with the UAE president related to the Biden admin trying to drive a wedge in the Taliban leadership? Am I misreading or is this implied link common knowledge?
Thank you, Bill Kristol, for such a calm and moving essay on the thoughts and lessons connected to D-Day. I will print it and keep it to read when I need to remember how the great leaders of both parties communicated to the people of our country and the world.
Ok. Not disagreeing with anything Will says today but to write about Afghanistan without mentioning Trump and only Biden with regard to the end of the war there is simply bizarre. Who exactly signed an agreement with the Taliban contrary to Afghan and US interests? What had already happened to our troop strength and supply capacity prior to Biden taking office? How vulnerable would a small troop presence have been with no Army support and capacity? I get it - Will wants to draw attention to a really bad guy but….
I know this is off topic, but my head is about to pop. Mitch McConnell in the NYT today faulted FDR for paying too much attention to the US economy in the 30s and ignoring the growing fascism problem in Europe. This, apparently, is the same Sen. McConnell who said he's going to vote for the candidate who wants to withdraw the country and bring fascism to the US. Do you think he had a stroke or someth8ng?
I'm certain he had a stroke, more than one. Those "freezes" of his were just like my father's freezes after he had a massive stroke as a result of a head injury from falling off a ladder. For months afterwards, he had those "freezes". With medication, therapy and several years, he did get better. But they returned in the last few years of his life when Mom's health failed, and she got worse.
Bill Kristol hit the nail on the head ie “what we do as Americans now and the years ahead is what matters.” Maybe what we do as Americans and freedom lovers and allies in the western world NOW is most important because it will shape the years ahead. The Fascist hordes are at the door. NOW is the time to defeat them.
For anyone who hasn't been there and is in the neighborhood, I recommend going to the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia. It is really impressive. Not least because of where it's located - kind of the middle of nowhere in SW Virginia. About four hours from DC, 2.5 hours west of Richmond, and a little over an hour up the road from where I live. For those who don't know, it is located in this out-of-the-way little town because the highest per capita fatalities on D-Day came from soldiers from Bedford, known as the Bedford Boys.
My husband & I went to Normandy in the spring of 2000. It was definitely one of our most memorable trips. To visit the little village of St. Mere Eglise, where a parachute still remains hanging on the church steeple, with a replica of the American airman who landed there dangling from it - then to enter the church & suddenly see the stained glass windows of the American paratroopers coming down on French soil was such a beautiful way for the French villagers to thank us for rescuing them from the German occupation.
Of course the American & British cemeteries were very moving as well. If you have a chance to visit Normandy, it is well worth the trip.
Not being picky, but the guy who dangled from the church steeple was a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne. His story is in Cornelius Ryan's "The Longest Day," which is still worth reading.
You're welcome. I try to watch "Longest Day" whenever it's on. Pretty decent, and from what I've read pretty accurate (even if 54-yr-old John Wayne was playing a 27-yr-old colonel).
It is no surprise at all that Kami Rice's French neighbors describe the American Cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer as a garden. My husband and I learned from a local guide we engaged for a tour of the D-Day sites that all the graves at the American Cemetery have been attended by French families from the beginning. It is considered a great and sacred honor; families compete for the privilege. Fresh flowers are everywhere. Simply remembering the beauty and solemnity of the place brings tears to my eyes. It is truly hallowed ground.
“Whatever one thinks of President Biden’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, it has left the United States with few options in the Hindu Kush. The Biden administration is likely trying to exacerbate tensions between Haqqani and Taliban leader Haibitullah Akhanzada. But that’s a dangerous game to play with Siraj.”
Will, I couldn’t agree with you more, yet I hope you’re wrong about Biden coddling the Haqqani Network. This would definitely be a slap in the face of every gold star family; no different than the surrender agreement, or DOHA Agreement that released over 5,800 hardcore Taliban and Al Qaeda with American blood on their hands.
And we can thank the same man who betrayed our best allies in the region; the Kurds, who were our main proxies, responsible for destroying ISIL in Syria, with a small US budget, and only 2,500 SF’s troops in support.
As for cheap shots? Yes, religion is great; especially the evangelicals like Mike Johnson, second in line to the presidency; a man who believes that the earth is six thousand years old, and dinosaurs roamed the earth with man. What could possibly go wrong?
That said, I also pray for Trump; that he chokes on a chicken bone from KFC, or has a debilitating stroke from eating too much Taco Bell. Is that soooo wrong????..:)
It wasn't Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, that was negotiated and set in place by the Trump Administration.
And a lot of Americans wanted out of there as well, they were/are just unhappy with the shitshow it was... but aren't most American withdrawals like that shitshows at one level or another (thinking of Viet Nam, in particular).
I wish I felt more guilty for wishing that Trump would die. I think all the time about how great it would have been for the country if he'd died of COVID.
I told a friend yesterday that I sin daily in my hatred for Trump. It’s singular in my life to loathe another person this much for this long. A Covid death would have been so apt. Ah well.
Don’t think of it as hatred; more like contempt and apathy. I personally don’t believe in vengeance or revenge for the simple reason that if you seek revenge, you’ve already lost the battle (someone got in your head).
And I really don’t wish anyone ill will, even upon my worst enemies, because they can only hurt you if let them in your head. So never let someone in your head or get to you.
In this case; however, Trump leads a very violent group; including the most corrupt and unscrupulous people you will ever meet. The criminally insane, and mentally ill. Not to mention, every religious wing-nut, white supremacist group, right-wing militia’s, and every Qanon conspiracy whack job in the country. These people collectively are dangerous, but even more so with Trump as their leader, because without Trump, the movement will collapse under its own weight.
And these people have threatened and carried out threats, including doxing, Swatting, breaking in to politicians home (Pelosi) and almost killing her husband. As well as so many other acts of violence, that I’ve lost count.
The bottom line is Trump isn’t nearly the idiot we pretend he is. He just doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and will burn down the house with all of us inside if it will help him keep his freedom, enrich himself and help him exact revenge on every soul he deems treasonous, both real and perceived.
Bottom line: people will die, get hurt, lose their freedoms (women and the LGBTQ community), with not a pittance of sympathy for the people he kills, jails, hurts, or are destroyed in the process.
You know, I’ve never forgiven the Philadelphia Eagles for hiring Michael Vick after he served time for running a dog fighting ring. Apparently I have room in my heart for more than one hatred.
I'm with you, Sherri. I also make a point of crapping all over Tyreek Hill whenever I'm forced to watch the Dolphins. I'm just glad I don't have to root against the Chiefs anymore for keeping that child abuser on the team just because he can run.
That's some sick shiz, man. I seriously can't believe how cruel people can be sometimes.
There's a dog rescue in Memphis that saved a 3 month old pit bull puppy with a severely broken jaw and facial fractures from being a bait puppy. Now that sweet baby girl is thriving, and I have a quest for vengeance.
I don’t feel a bit guilty. Ask yourself whether we will be better off or worse off; the answer is easy. Just think of all the lives you’d save, and misery avoided…:)
That's why I wish I felt more guilty -- I don't feel guilty at all and I feel like I should 😂
Pence would have been fine for 3 months. Alas -- the scum sucker recovered because of miracle drugs and then tried to overturn the government that saved his worthless life.
Doing the best he can to protect American interests in the wake of *TRUMP’s* decision to withdraw from Afghanistan (not Biden’s) is not “spitting in the face of Gold Star families.” I would have expected patriots like that to out the good of America above their feelings.
That trump clip "What's your relationship with God"
Obviously, trump equates "God" with the Evangelicals - and they are praying for/to him. His mangled word salad "explanation" shows he actually has NO perception of a God-head. The only reason to be "good" is that you get to go to Heaven.
He has the intellectual capacity of a two year old.
How I would love to see him interviewed by someone who would say "Are you KIDDING me?!!"
I slightly disagree about his intelligence. He is smart enough to know he has to do an end run around directly answering that question. He spreads it out thick and the questioners show their deference to anything he says by appreciatively laughing and smiling. He did not say squat.
Biden needs to call this stuff out in the debate, if there is one.
And every single interview from here on out with him or any of his minions needs the be called out and stopped so we all can see them agitate and squirm and lie.
At one point he said, referring to the Evangelicals, "they have no God" lol. It sounded like he wanted to say he had become their god since they had nothing to look up to until he came around. He certainly implied as much.
For those that like their D-day history check out this neat video about naval vessels that still survive today after being in D-day ..especially mention to those light ships[winks must be a easy target] -
I really liked Mr. Kristol's thoughts on D-day. It reminded me that we have always had an element of those who he kindly calls America first. We have them now and they are deadly. It started with the 2nd amendment frenzy that started a while back and continued to absurdity. Our America first people don't care about a Democratic free America, only a White Christian America. And there is a of group rich White men, some of whom are not American who use their money to fuel this anger. And of course one of the presidential candidates whose specialty is conning people into giving him power and riches regardless of the consequences.
I'm having trouble following Will's argument here. How is Haqqani meeting with the UAE president related to the Biden admin trying to drive a wedge in the Taliban leadership? Am I misreading or is this implied link common knowledge?
Thank you, Bill Kristol, for such a calm and moving essay on the thoughts and lessons connected to D-Day. I will print it and keep it to read when I need to remember how the great leaders of both parties communicated to the people of our country and the world.
Ok. Not disagreeing with anything Will says today but to write about Afghanistan without mentioning Trump and only Biden with regard to the end of the war there is simply bizarre. Who exactly signed an agreement with the Taliban contrary to Afghan and US interests? What had already happened to our troop strength and supply capacity prior to Biden taking office? How vulnerable would a small troop presence have been with no Army support and capacity? I get it - Will wants to draw attention to a really bad guy but….
Will Selber writes much needed pieces from a credible and creditable perspective. Thank you for sharing his gifts (though I subscribe.)
Beautiful essay, Bill. I was surprised by FDR’s prayer, which seemed to go beyond the typical presidential calls for God’s grace.
I know this is off topic, but my head is about to pop. Mitch McConnell in the NYT today faulted FDR for paying too much attention to the US economy in the 30s and ignoring the growing fascism problem in Europe. This, apparently, is the same Sen. McConnell who said he's going to vote for the candidate who wants to withdraw the country and bring fascism to the US. Do you think he had a stroke or someth8ng?
Mitch for years has shown himself to be a scumbag on the order of a Thanos scumbag, IMHO.
Just more of the same.
The vast majority of all the judicial issues we are now and will in the future grapple with are due to him.
I'm certain he had a stroke, more than one. Those "freezes" of his were just like my father's freezes after he had a massive stroke as a result of a head injury from falling off a ladder. For months afterwards, he had those "freezes". With medication, therapy and several years, he did get better. But they returned in the last few years of his life when Mom's health failed, and she got worse.
Bill Kristol hit the nail on the head ie “what we do as Americans now and the years ahead is what matters.” Maybe what we do as Americans and freedom lovers and allies in the western world NOW is most important because it will shape the years ahead. The Fascist hordes are at the door. NOW is the time to defeat them.
How quickly some of us have forgotten about the original anti-fascists and have turned to embrace what many of them died to oppose.
Some days it just turns my stomach.
For anyone who hasn't been there and is in the neighborhood, I recommend going to the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia. It is really impressive. Not least because of where it's located - kind of the middle of nowhere in SW Virginia. About four hours from DC, 2.5 hours west of Richmond, and a little over an hour up the road from where I live. For those who don't know, it is located in this out-of-the-way little town because the highest per capita fatalities on D-Day came from soldiers from Bedford, known as the Bedford Boys.
Check it out!
Thanks for the info, Kathi! Looks like a wonderful day trip.
My husband & I went to Normandy in the spring of 2000. It was definitely one of our most memorable trips. To visit the little village of St. Mere Eglise, where a parachute still remains hanging on the church steeple, with a replica of the American airman who landed there dangling from it - then to enter the church & suddenly see the stained glass windows of the American paratroopers coming down on French soil was such a beautiful way for the French villagers to thank us for rescuing them from the German occupation.
Of course the American & British cemeteries were very moving as well. If you have a chance to visit Normandy, it is well worth the trip.
Not being picky, but the guy who dangled from the church steeple was a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne. His story is in Cornelius Ryan's "The Longest Day," which is still worth reading.
The movie "The Longest Day" is on today at TCM - 8pm PST. "Saving Private Ryan" is on right before it.
Thanks a lot for that info!
You're welcome. I try to watch "Longest Day" whenever it's on. Pretty decent, and from what I've read pretty accurate (even if 54-yr-old John Wayne was playing a 27-yr-old colonel).
It is no surprise at all that Kami Rice's French neighbors describe the American Cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer as a garden. My husband and I learned from a local guide we engaged for a tour of the D-Day sites that all the graves at the American Cemetery have been attended by French families from the beginning. It is considered a great and sacred honor; families compete for the privilege. Fresh flowers are everywhere. Simply remembering the beauty and solemnity of the place brings tears to my eyes. It is truly hallowed ground.
Thank you for your moving tribute, Bill.
“Whatever one thinks of President Biden’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, it has left the United States with few options in the Hindu Kush. The Biden administration is likely trying to exacerbate tensions between Haqqani and Taliban leader Haibitullah Akhanzada. But that’s a dangerous game to play with Siraj.”
Will, I couldn’t agree with you more, yet I hope you’re wrong about Biden coddling the Haqqani Network. This would definitely be a slap in the face of every gold star family; no different than the surrender agreement, or DOHA Agreement that released over 5,800 hardcore Taliban and Al Qaeda with American blood on their hands.
And we can thank the same man who betrayed our best allies in the region; the Kurds, who were our main proxies, responsible for destroying ISIL in Syria, with a small US budget, and only 2,500 SF’s troops in support.
As for cheap shots? Yes, religion is great; especially the evangelicals like Mike Johnson, second in line to the presidency; a man who believes that the earth is six thousand years old, and dinosaurs roamed the earth with man. What could possibly go wrong?
That said, I also pray for Trump; that he chokes on a chicken bone from KFC, or has a debilitating stroke from eating too much Taco Bell. Is that soooo wrong????..:)
It wasn't Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, that was negotiated and set in place by the Trump Administration.
And a lot of Americans wanted out of there as well, they were/are just unhappy with the shitshow it was... but aren't most American withdrawals like that shitshows at one level or another (thinking of Viet Nam, in particular).
I didn’t say Biden negotiated the deal. I was speaking of Trump, who also betrayed the Kurds…:)
I wish I felt more guilty for wishing that Trump would die. I think all the time about how great it would have been for the country if he'd died of COVID.
I told a friend yesterday that I sin daily in my hatred for Trump. It’s singular in my life to loathe another person this much for this long. A Covid death would have been so apt. Ah well.
I honestly don't think I understood hatred for another human until I "knew" Trump.
I also recently learned about bait puppies in dog fighting. That was the first time I wanted to be a vengeance style super hero.
Don’t think of it as hatred; more like contempt and apathy. I personally don’t believe in vengeance or revenge for the simple reason that if you seek revenge, you’ve already lost the battle (someone got in your head).
And I really don’t wish anyone ill will, even upon my worst enemies, because they can only hurt you if let them in your head. So never let someone in your head or get to you.
In this case; however, Trump leads a very violent group; including the most corrupt and unscrupulous people you will ever meet. The criminally insane, and mentally ill. Not to mention, every religious wing-nut, white supremacist group, right-wing militia’s, and every Qanon conspiracy whack job in the country. These people collectively are dangerous, but even more so with Trump as their leader, because without Trump, the movement will collapse under its own weight.
And these people have threatened and carried out threats, including doxing, Swatting, breaking in to politicians home (Pelosi) and almost killing her husband. As well as so many other acts of violence, that I’ve lost count.
The bottom line is Trump isn’t nearly the idiot we pretend he is. He just doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and will burn down the house with all of us inside if it will help him keep his freedom, enrich himself and help him exact revenge on every soul he deems treasonous, both real and perceived.
Bottom line: people will die, get hurt, lose their freedoms (women and the LGBTQ community), with not a pittance of sympathy for the people he kills, jails, hurts, or are destroyed in the process.
My point: save your tears for someone worthy…:)
You know, I’ve never forgiven the Philadelphia Eagles for hiring Michael Vick after he served time for running a dog fighting ring. Apparently I have room in my heart for more than one hatred.
I'm with you, Sherri. I also make a point of crapping all over Tyreek Hill whenever I'm forced to watch the Dolphins. I'm just glad I don't have to root against the Chiefs anymore for keeping that child abuser on the team just because he can run.
They use kittens too. My friend has one that was recused from a pit bull breeder.
That's some sick shiz, man. I seriously can't believe how cruel people can be sometimes.
There's a dog rescue in Memphis that saved a 3 month old pit bull puppy with a severely broken jaw and facial fractures from being a bait puppy. Now that sweet baby girl is thriving, and I have a quest for vengeance.
People can be disgusting and sick. I just imagine they are trump fans.
Special place in hell
I agree.
You're so right.
I don’t feel a bit guilty. Ask yourself whether we will be better off or worse off; the answer is easy. Just think of all the lives you’d save, and misery avoided…:)
I’ve always felt harboring hatred hurts me while having no effect on the object of my hatred, but exceptions prove the rule.
I agree with your sentiment. In this case its not hatred; just contempt and apathy. He’s not worth hating…:)
That's why I wish I felt more guilty -- I don't feel guilty at all and I feel like I should 😂
Pence would have been fine for 3 months. Alas -- the scum sucker recovered because of miracle drugs and then tried to overturn the government that saved his worthless life.
Doing the best he can to protect American interests in the wake of *TRUMP’s* decision to withdraw from Afghanistan (not Biden’s) is not “spitting in the face of Gold Star families.” I would have expected patriots like that to out the good of America above their feelings.
That trump clip "What's your relationship with God"
Obviously, trump equates "God" with the Evangelicals - and they are praying for/to him. His mangled word salad "explanation" shows he actually has NO perception of a God-head. The only reason to be "good" is that you get to go to Heaven.
He has the intellectual capacity of a two year old.
How I would love to see him interviewed by someone who would say "Are you KIDDING me?!!"
And you notice that he never answered the question about how HE prayed. Because he doesn't; he believes people should pray for him and to him.
I slightly disagree about his intelligence. He is smart enough to know he has to do an end run around directly answering that question. He spreads it out thick and the questioners show their deference to anything he says by appreciatively laughing and smiling. He did not say squat.
Biden needs to call this stuff out in the debate, if there is one.
And every single interview from here on out with him or any of his minions needs the be called out and stopped so we all can see them agitate and squirm and lie.
At one point he said, referring to the Evangelicals, "they have no God" lol. It sounded like he wanted to say he had become their god since they had nothing to look up to until he came around. He certainly implied as much.