"Data for Progress also notes that, 'as of the time this poll was fielded between May 31 and June 1, only 37% of swing voters said they had heard, seen, or read ‘a lot’ about Donald Trump being convicted of 34 felony charges, compared with 61% of likely voters overall'.”

That sad fact reminds me that "swing voters" and "independent voters" are not always the same thing. For 52 years I have been the latter, weighing the issues carefully, and voting for the "lesser of 2 evils." But anyone for whom voting for Trump is still an option is not looking for evidence and/or reasoned arguments, but rather something that pushes their emotional buttons. There is more promise with the "Never-Trump" voters considering not voting or voting for a 3rd party candidate. Maybe this will scare some of them into doing the right thing, however temporarily painful it may be.

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"If this spark is started, all countries will follow suit." Isn't this what John Brown thought when he attacked the United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859? These people are nuts. And ignorant of history!

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Congrats Bill! It seems you got Biden to do that make-up visit for what Trump shunned in 2018. Belleau Wood is very, very significant in Marine Corps history.


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Reflecting on the GOPs attack on the felony charges against Trump...

I was thinking of a sports analogy…yellow card vs red card in soccer, flagrant 1 vs flagrant 2 in basketball, 16 technical fouls before a suspension in the NBA. Take away the felony charge and replace it with two misdemeanor charges (as the jury still found sufficient evidence of the actual sub-charges). Those 2 misdemeanor charges still may or may not have attracted similar outrage? That leaves (based on just the last 7 or so years/that I remember) 1 sexual assault, 1 defamation, 4 fraud charges (Trump Univ, Trump Foundation, payroll tax and property valuation) and 2 more charges last week…so 8 civil rulings/misdemeanors and a monitor to oversee all business activities of Trump.org because of their history of fraud …all unjustly brought, all unjustly determined, all political persecution right? Are there a number of misdemeanors/civil rulings that are politically disqualifying (like sports) vs focusing on a single felony charge? Maybe make that part of the conversation particularly for the sports literate voters vs focusing on ONE trial?

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People like the quoted executives and right-wing folks are either outright sociopaths or adjacent to them. They are predators; the rest of us are their prey.

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Very nice column today gentlemen.

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Putative defenders of national sovereignty against globalism aren't offended by Russia's all-out assault on another country's sovereignty, because they really want an international culture war to defeat their domestic enemies.

Self-styled American patriots take Russia's side over America in the Ukraine war because the actually existing America doesn't fit their image of the real America and they want it to be more like Russia.

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Thank you for picking up the New Republic story I had posted a link to it a few days ago from Heather Cox Richardson. I did read the whole thing, everyone should and they should understand it is these and those like them that believe they should rule you and I. Oh and the cheap shot was most excellent.

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I encourage everyone to see the French movie "Roi de Coeur". Set in WWII, the town fathers open the doors of the insane asylum as the Germans are advancing on a little French town/ .

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That's a great movie!

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Well, it's good to know that Nicky Haley will be voting for Donald Trump. I'm glad we have that out of the way...just for clarity.

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I was watching the news last night and saw an interview where i immediately threw up in my mouth and then went and punched the TV screen. Nobody has ever accused me of being smart, but damn it felt good to hit that son-of-a-bitch right between the eyes. Mike Johnson looked straight into the camera lens and declared "The Republican party is the true rule of law party."

Are you freaking kidding me? That would entail and include supporting judges, juries and and ultimately their findings. Guess that silly old notion of honesty and knowing right from wrong has been dispatched by those of religious conviction eh?


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Trumpists began by insisting that Trump shouldn't be judged by the normal rules of decorum and personal ethics.

The Trump exemption turned into the principle that the will of Trump is the highest law, and therefore any effort to hold him to any other laws is the product of a "corrupt" judicial system.

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Like always.....their support is always caveated with "If you do what we want".

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On Donald Trump, CF, he is a convicted felon and as a fact Joe Biden and his team and surrogates should say that every time his name comes up. This is a campaign!

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Listen to James Carville in the excellent "Conversation with Bill Kristol" apropos a strategy for Biden's team to emphasize Donald Trump's status as a convicted felon.


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Mr: Kristol: I don’t like you much and haven’t liked many of your posts, but this one is spot on and I thought I’d say so.

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I wonder if Larry Hogan's utter pantsing by the Republican National Crimefamily will finally break through to him that he's not really a Republican anymore as defined (and practiced) by Convicted Felon Donald Trump and all the craven weaklings following him around sniffing his arse and licking his boots.

I truly feel for the guy. He's standing on the platform as the train has left the station, trying to pull it back in with a piece of twine, along with a scant few of his colleagues (probably countable without taking your shoes off) who along with him have refused to give up their principles and their soul in service to this malignant madman. Everything he has stood for has been abandoned by the party to which he has tied his political identity (not to mention career) for his entire life, and I can't imagine what it feels like to mentally wrestle with that.

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Unfortunately...and I hope I'm wrong...he'll back off. It seems like most of them come out with a single truthful statement, get utterly trampled for it, and then remain quiet for the rest of their careers regarding their opinion about anything that might let that happen again.

OR...they go full MAGA and enjoy the warm glow of abandoning your principles for fame, votes, power and money.

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Very well put, and I lol'd at "countable without taking your shoes off."

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