Biden’s First 100 Days: The Policies, the Politics, and the Press
Brian Karem: Success on substance, but a need for improvement on communication.
Leading The Bulwark…
Biden’s First 100 Days: The Policies, the Politics, and the Press
BRIAN KAREM: Successes on substance, but a real need for improvement in communication.
🎧 On the Pods… 🎧
Amanda Carpenter on how Donald Trump Killed the Tea Party
On today’s Bulwark podcast, Amanda Carpenter joins Charlie Sykes to discuss how Donald Trump killed the Tea Party, Biden’s address to Congress and the GOP response, and how punitive populism and obsessing over fake news is defining the GOP.
For Bulwark+ Members… 🔐
MORNING SHOTS: Liz Cheney's Profile in Courage 🔓
Plus: Is the CDC out of touch?
THE TRIAD: How To Be a Better Sports Dad 🔐
It's about experiences, not outcomes.
THE NEXT LEVEL: This Is the Bad Place 🔐
Sonny joins Sarah and JVL to talk about the second wave of mask wars. And the Oscars.
From The Bulwark Aggregator…
The Trump test in Texas—and beyond – Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Trumpists’ New Capitol Riot Defense: Blame Maxine Waters – Asawin Suebsaeng and Adam Rawnsley, The Daily Beast
The GOP Is a Grave Threat to American Democracy – Peter Wehner, The Atlantic
Former White House Adviser Is Charged With Stealing From Charter School Network – Azi Paybarah, The New York Times
Most Americans Favor a ‘Pathway to Citizenship’ for Undocumented Immigrants – Eric Boehm, Reason
Inside Biden’s bubble: How an insular White House has kept drama and leaks at a minimum – Natasha Korecki and Daniel Lippman, Politico
Senate to Start Undoing Trump’s Rollbacks Using Once Obscure Law – Ari Natter, Bloomberg
In Today’s Bulwark...
Can Our Allies Trust Us Anymore?
SHAY KHATIRI: If Biden wants to deliver on his foreign policy promises, he needs to lead public opinion.
Biden Ran on Unity. There’s Room for Improvement.
MONA CHAREN: Many of his policies are popular, but there’s more he can do to heal the country.
Memo to Dems: Call The GOP’s “Populist” Bluff
TIM MILLER: One party is passing legislation to help working-class voters. The other party is voting against it.
The Rise of “Anti-Woke” Punitive Populism
AMANDA CARPENTER: Grievance weaponized as policy, basically.
Happy Wednesday! It’s going to be a big night, as Biden will make his first address to Congress. If you want to see what we, some contributors, and friends, are thinking in real time, you can follow this list on Twitter. (Readers from the launch will remember this used to be on our homepage, but got phased out as our content grew…)
Of course, we’ll be talking about the speech tomorrow night and many other things on Thursday Night Bulwark. This week’s panel is JVL, Charlie Sykes, Amanda Carpenter, and Mona Charen. But, it’s only for Bulwark+ members, so if you haven’t joined, there is still time.
After Tim Scott gives the GOP rebuttal, there’s another thing you’re going to want to watch: My Pillow Mike Lindell going on Jimmy Kimmel Live. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I am probably going to watch.
The Fort Bragg murders. Here’s your #longread of the day at Rolling Stone:
“At least 44 Fort Bragg soldiers died stateside in 2020 — several of them were homicides. Families want answers. But the Army isn’t giving any.”
Why character still matters on Capitol Hill… Bulwark reader Lynn Schmidt has this op-ed in the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch that’s worth your time:
“Americans need to start recognizing and valuing the deeds of our leaders more than their cable news soundbites, social media posts and tweets.”
Indeed. And Schmidt picks her four, two from each party. Read the whole thing.
The World’s Largest White Castle… Hat tip to reader D.H. for tipping me off to the existence of this glorious new restaurant in Orlando, Florida.
The Ragin’ Cajun on Conversations with Bill Kristol…
Do watch the whole thing if you can, it’s always worth it for Carville’s salty and straightforward answers.
We have not heard the last from Kelly Loeffler. I regret to inform you…
One America News gets into the social media game… By re-launching a site that’s been around since 2018. I’m sure it will be a big suc… Sorry, couldn’t finish typing that without laughing.
And now, your daily moment of Zen… On the news of Rudy Giuliani’s digital assets being seized:
But there’s more, on a serious note:
That’s it for me for today. We’ll see you tomorrow back here and on TNB. Drop me a line if you need to: and I’ll do my best to get back to you.
Editorial photos provided by Getty Images. For full credits, please consult the article.