Joe Biden has probably had better days.
SCOTUS blocked his sweeping vaccine mandate. (But upheld the mandate for health care workers.)
His voting rights push ended up in pretty much the same place as his BBB push.
His poll numbers are awful and the reviews of his Georgia speech are ghastly.
And the punditry leading up to the first anniversary of his presidency is uniformly brutal.
If it’s any consolation, the Oath Keepers and the right-wing media conspiracy ecosystem had an even worse day. As Amanda Carpenter notes in today’s Bulwark, the charges of “seditious conspiracy,” demolish a cherished right-wing talking point. She asks the pertinent question: “Why did the Oath Keepers make such careful, detailed plans? Why so many weapons? Could it be, maybe, they plotted to violently overthrow the government? Can everyone call it sedition now?!? Looking at you Bannon, Fox News, & WSJ.”
But let’s start with Biden’s Terrible Thursday.