In one of his interviews, Biden said that if Trump beats him, at least he would have given it his best.

Someone needs to ask, "If in March, Obamacare gets repealed, would you say at least I gave it my best?"

"If the federal workforce is turned into a patronage mill, hollowing out the government's ability to do what politically disengaged Americans expect, would you say at least I gave it my best?"

"If by September, Ukraine runs out of materiel, allowing Russian tanks to roll into Kyov, would you say at least I gave it my best?"

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Sigh..at this point I am just hoping that when the dust clears, I will enjoy being here again, I have my doubts

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I am reading this a day late, but I resent Bill Kristol's term "Milwaukee authoritarians". Milwaukee is a blue city in a purple state. It's the "GOP authoritarians". Mayor Cavalier Johnson and County Executive David Crowley are not authoritarians. Neither are Police Chief Jeffrey Norman and County Sheriff Denita Ball. A prior authoritary sheriff David Clarke is long gone.

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What I've seen of the Repub. convention has been with the audio muted. I will not listen to anything said by the Author of the Big Lie, the convicted womanizer or The Insurrectionist, D. J. Trump. And I've cut way back on my cable news watching until Biden steps aside and the Dem nomination goes to Kamala Harris who will garner most of the female vote and a third of the male vote to defeat Trump in November.

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I am so tired of the polling wisdom. Like how do you poll some one who is not actually running yet against trump? It is speculation at this point. The polls told us Hillary wins and she did not. May be trailing is not that bad after all to get the turn out you need. Yes, Biden is old and it shows. And people voted him the nominee anyway. After the debate every one screamed he has to show he still has it together. He did. And it is still not enough. Succesfull governing is still not enough. In an incumbent election as far as I understand the American system people vote for presidential record. And most of the time the incumbent wins. Thus historically and statistically Biden could win even when you need to carry him over the finish line. Down talking will not make anything better. As soon as there is a new candidate, if they will be able to agree on one, it is like a new race, no incumbent advantage, no presidential record to run on. Lots of new vulnerability also. I find Lichtman’s predictors so much more compelling. At least they are validated by history. All talk about Biden stepping back is not.

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On the section titled "One Step Forward, One Step Back", Joe Biden's comments in "boasting of the ways in which he has delivered for black Americans", every one of black persons and dozens of others with whom I am acquainted from Central America, Caribbean, Canada, UK and other jurisdictions expressed disgust that black Americans would automatically accept such comment as fully representative of his agendal, specifically knowing that Biden refused to exert maximum pressure on Joe Manchin, verifiable by black Caucus and associated entities, in simple majority vote for Bills to pass critical Voting Rights laws and one against wide spread gerrymandering laws in several southern Republican controlled states.

Biden even appointed Manchin in effort to persuade Republicans on Infrastructure legislation and other initiatives beneficial to "all" Americans, but not strongly and forcefully push for those bills above opposed by most Republicans essential to formalize civil rights of blacks into the future.

The observable hesitance and cowardice of Biden to aggressively challenge Donald Trump and his MAGA party intensely and relentlessly as befitting a campaign that is determined to win in November shows why defections to his candidacy are mounting rapidly.

An American/English family of close friends visiting relatives in UK and Ireland, all 37 staunch Democratic supporters, just today declared great frustration with what they describe as complete feckless and inept Democratic party and Biden for failing to engender any substantial enthusiasm in voters for victory in November.

That is the broader very harsh reality about which Biden, his advisers and notably loyal black delegates cannot seem to cogently understand or ingest.

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Bill— the only thing better than reading you…. Would be you reading! Life’s been too depressing — hearing your dulcet tones… that would best!

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The most appropriate response to President Biden's argument about NATO and how foreign leaders respect him is, "That may all be true, Mr. President. But foreign leaders don't get to vote for our next President. US citizens do. And right now, a majority of US citizens are not voting for you."

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Wow, Bill! That was magnificent. Powerful, passsionate, beautifully articulated. While the subtext was about the great tragedy, the darkness that may befall America, I was moved so as to still maintain my hope. Perhaps Nancy is working for us all behind the scenes, cleverly, diplomatically and yet ferociously and with precision. Let us hope Nancy will channel her inner Obe Wan Kenobi and save Joe-Anakin Skywalker-Biden from his seduction to the 'dark side of The Force'. Perhaps she can prove JVL's faith in Biden's character correct. I see you and all the team at The Bulwark as our very own 'Rebel Alliance'. Don't give up. We're with you.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Biden has covid. Now what?

No campaigning, no interviews, no appearances. This is just awful.

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At this evening hour, this new information makes me want to do two things. Have double vodka martini and say the Serenity Prayer. Oh, and one more- yell at the TV with sound off as JD makes his disgusting debut on the DJT Show.

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I don’t have a tv. It’s not worth my serenity.

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It might give him a face-saving excuse to quit the race. Stay tuned. Fingers crossed.

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After reading the metamorphosis of JD Vance, I wonder if it occurs to Trump that he just let the fox in the hen house.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Amazing how opinions are so divided here. Everyone united in that Trump must not win, but no consensus on Biden. IMO, he is determined he will not step aside. Not, not, not. Schiff and others will continue to come at him. They did just manage to move back the DNC roll call till aug 1. Which must finish by the 7th to guarantee he's on the Ohio ballot. This gives them more time to work their case. There's probably legitimate rage at how the DNC short-circuited the process in so many ways. And abject panic now that we seem to be on the Titanic, which was not so unsinkable after all.

Will there be a doctor's note to prove to Joe he must stand down? I think odds are so-so at best. One true thing: the more they keep coming at him, the more he digs in. Absurdly old man dangerous thing to do. But seems to be the case. He holds the keys to the kingdom. He cannot be forced to release them- his delegates- no matter how much people keep screaming at him to change course. 🦋

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

One glaring omission in all the arguments in for another candidate is the state of the world outside the US. Joe Biden rebuilt the confidence our Allies had in the US. He knows who the world's leaders are, has united NATO against Russia and for the Ukraine, he has basically threatened Bibi about his attacks on Gaza while keeping our support for Israel. Every single NATO member had supportive things to say about Joe Biden, and said he was "irreplaceable". Like or not, there is a dangerous war in Europe unlike any seen since WW2. Now, which one of the names I see bandied as replacements have had ANY substantive meetings with Zelensky, with any of the NATO countries? Which ones have built years-long contacts with foreign leaders and could hold their own with any of them? Which ones know what's been going on in the Ukraine, in Israel, can hold their own against Putin, actually know what's at stake in Russia's invasions? People knew FDR wasn't at his best in 1944, a few knew he would likely die soon. But they also knew that his knowledge, his personal relationships with Churchill, Stalin and others could not be found in any other person, so he was elected to his 4th term. We don't want to think about foreign issues in this country unless we're talking about immigration. But given what's going on in Europe, we damn well better pay attention. If the leaders of the NATO countries find him competent, irreplaceable, well-spoken about the issues affecting them, all of them talking and interacting with him for days after that debate, pray tell us who could replace him on DAY ONE with regard to the dangers faced abroad. The only person who could remotely have that experience is Harris, and she's already on Biden's side.

The Orange Snake will hand Europe to Putin without blinking. He will also turn Gaza into his latest Trump Org property. After he destroys the Civil Service, sicced the IRS on everyone of his enemies, makes the FBI, CIA his personal hit squad, and orders the military to take an oath to him.

Still waiting for the name of the consensus replacement for Joe Biden. Oh, there isn't one.

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I am not, and have never been, a registered Democrat, nor a Republican - I have voted for candidates from both parties over the years, and from third parties. That said, I am very much anti-Trump/MAGA and plan to vote for the Democratic candidate in November (unlikely to make a difference, I'm in Texas).

I would have much preferred that Biden didn't choose to run again in the first place. That said, given our current situation and acknowledging the fact that the choice to remain the candidate is, basically, solely his, and he is indeed choosing to remain as such, then, OK - even though I agree with those that feel others may have better odds. Bottom line - he needs to win. My requests, then, are that (1) everyone get on board, and fairly quickly, and help take the fight to Trump, and (2) the Biden campaign make a strong effort to also highlight Harris and help reassure America about her. The Republicans are going to attack her relentlessly regardless, why not make her a strength of the campaign rather than a liability?

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Something that is really bothering me is the on-going assertion that Biden got 14 million votes, and he can’t go against the will of the voters. Democratic voters did not have anyone else to vote for; he basically ran unopposed! And, if I recall correctly, Democratic turn out in many state primaries was much lower than Republican, so even at that point, voters were not enthusiastic about voting for Biden.

Joe Biden saved the country from Trump in 2020 by defeating him; he can save the country from Trump in 2024 by stepping aside.

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When Biden states he received 14 million votes, I have the same thoughts as you. We never had a choice.

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Even the uncommitted vote got hijacked by the Gaza protesters.

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Does anyone think any Democrat besides Biden wants the nomination at this point? If you are Gavin Newsom or another rising star governor, do you want it? If you are Harris, do you want to be the woman of color who failed? If you are Buttigieg, do you want to be the gay candidate who failed? Candidates need the wind at their backs that winning primaries provides. So, unless we hear from a volunteer, I think we should stop bemoaning Joe Biden’s foolish-old-geezer belief last fall that his age would not sink his candidacy. From here on out I’m channeling donations through Oath, which aims to direct small donor donations to where they’ll do the most good. It’s time to suck it up and salvage what we can.

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I think they all still want it and all may win. How about a two women ticket? That would sure wake & shake things up!

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Good points.

First, until a viable candidate steps forward and says "I will challenge President Biden at the convention" it's just a lot of wishful navel gazing.

Your second point leads to one suggestion as to how how the Bulwark might approach this moment: help us identify the eight or ten truly contestable senate and house races so we can put our money where it might make a difference and avoid a repeat of the Amy McGrath scenario where wishful thinking siphoned tens of millions of dollars into an unwinnable race.

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Do you think this conversation should be public this week? Or you think this should be happening in private so the campaign has some ideas of who would run as part of its decision. To run now a person needs to leverage Biden infrastructure and messaging so I am not convinced it could run with a progressive for example.

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Here’s a House seat ready to flip: AZ District 6 where the first term Republican rep is vulnerable. Not MAGA enough for extremists but not palatable to any sensible voters who favor women’s rights, gun safety, etc. After the AZ primary at the end of July, Kirsten Engel will be campaigning in earnest for this seat. She’s a seasoned attorney & professor and a former state legislator. We can turn District 6 blue this cycle! If you can help with resources please do.

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Have you looked into a fundraising group called Oath? Their mission is to help small donors funnel their money to winnable races. They don’t give your name away and you can set how often you want to hear from them. (I chose monthly.) If you check them out I’d be interested in your thoughts.

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Actually I have new hope today. Pelosi has upped the pressure and she doesn’t make mistakes. She must be sure Harris would step up. Not that I think Harris can win, but it would be a huge shot in the arm down ballot.

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