When one enters Yad Vashem, early on in the exhibitions, is the pictorial and written exposition of Hitler’s rise to power. On one wall, there are names of judges and lawyers who supported the rise of the Third Reich. I guess I wasn’t shocked, though as an attorney, I was sickened. But, I felt a sense of, (oh no) “it could not happen here in the US.” Today I am shocked and sickened at the news about Paul Weiss, on many levels. A great firm, with many fabulous attorneys, will forevermore be on a wall of shame.

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I recall that in 2021 there were still a few traditionalists who insisted, contrary to all evidence, that either James Buchanan or Richard Nixon was STILL the Worst President, and that our concerns about Trump were overblown.

I can only hope that during the last few months Trump has convinced any remaining holdouts that his grip on the title is ironclad and probably unshakeable.

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Rich people don't denounce other rich people. Lawyers don't denounce other lawyers (I remember someone fairly prominent calling Dershowitz a "publicity whore," but...I mean, c'mon, it was Dershowitz). A few years ago Friend of the Pod Steve Vladeck had a podcast with Bobby Chesney, who is DEAN OF THE U-T LAW SCHOOL. Bobby was upset that Jones-Day was facing social opprobrium because of its involvement with Trump's election interference, and compared this to the social disapproval of defense lawyers. The difference, obvious to anyone who's not high on his own supply, is the Jones-Day was not defending a presumptively innocent Trump against accusations. It was helping an unethical client devise a dishonest strategy to accomplish an unconstitutional goal.

If you can't be as rich, as smart, as esteemed, and as well-dressed as the folks at Paul Weiss, what is the fucking point?

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Couldn't help but note that at the end of Sam's piece about this (https://www.thebulwark.com/p/disgusted-betrayed-paul-weiss-extortion-executive-order-trump-lawyers-firm-karp-perkins-coie-rachel-cohen), it's once again a woman who's willing to publicly stand in opposition.

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Once again, it turns out the only real man in the room was a young woman. Land of the free, home of the brave? What a load of BS.

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Re Tesla and glue: And that is Skum's greatest company on earth? The sooner the whole thing collapses, the better. Maybe Skum should go back to his day job. I'm willing to bet Tesla is glad he's messing someone else up.

Biden again! What is this fixation about Biden needing to address POS's messes?

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Roses are red, violets are blue, some poems rhyme but this one don't

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No martyrs - only slaves to the almighty dollar and holding on to their little power gigs. Absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. Who knew this country would someday be sold out by cowards in support of narci-sociopathic fool. Not a upright spine in sight...

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Is it really all that shocking? That a prominent NYC law firm folds its ethical tent? While its colleagues make not a peep. Much less issue a joint amicus brief on behalf of one of their brethren? This is the same country that managed to re-elect Donald Trump. That fact seems to say something about how much we can expect anymore, even of our citizens in high places.

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Well, Trump told us long ago that he prefers to have those green-eyeshade guys handle his money. The Paul Weiss team must have worked this angle to some extent in buying protection from de-facto deportation from the legal profession.

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Not just Biden, but where the hell are all the ex-presidents? We have radio silence from our former chief executives while the democratic republic they supposedly love and took an oath to defend is being destroyed from within.

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I have my doubts that Mr. Biden is capable of making a public statement anymore. He seemed to be fading pretty fast after the election.

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This is the question of the hour, day, week and month. It must be fear and self-interest. They should have no effs to give, but Trump can complicate their lives bigly.

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Are you crazy? You know what Charlie would say about that...with that wry Sykes twinkle in his eye. I have that benediction on loop in my head.

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I fully agree with Andrew Egger that Joe Biden should speak up about the autopen pardon nonsense. Surely Joe Biden is not so busy with his new talent agency deal that he can't spare a few minutes to speak out on this and a few other items relating to the pending collapse of the American system of law. Come to think of it, has anyone heard from the Clintons or the Obamas lately? How quickly Kamala Harris has vanished. It's their country, too, that is being overtaken by the coup. Oh, I forgot, Michelle is preoccupied with her new entertainment podcast. And Barack is making sure the construction is moving right along on the nearly billion dollar Obama tribute center in Chicago's Jackson Park neighborhood.

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Biden needs to clear up this pardon issue ASAP. All he needs to do is a ten minute televised press conference where he says he personally initiated, reviewed, and authorized the use of autopen to execute all of the pardons. Period. End of discussion. In any evidentiary hearing, what could possibly trump that?

I have had a strong sense that ever since he was pushed out of the campaign, Biden has taken an “F-You, a pox on all your houses” approach to both parties. I guess that’s his right. He was shivved, even if it was the politically right move. Nevertheless, he owes the nation this one. And it can be done from his front porch, in about an hour. He’d better get it done before he drops dead one day and reinforces Trump’s point.

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I've been a lawyer for over 20 years. I've litigated cases alongside and against BigLaw. I went to law school with the people who are partners there now.

How can this surprise anyone who wasn't drinking their Kool Aid?

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Fellow attorney here - 100% agree with you. BigLaw is in it to make money - they are not in it to save democracy and they never have been. Pro bono work is marketing and window dressing for what they really do....make lots of money by representing wealthy clients...

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It's a mutual admiration society. The Harvard-trained senior partner with the corner office and the Fortune 100 CEO get that special frisson from being in each other's presence and working together.

I was raised by wolves in the legal profession, so to speak, so I'm just a fascinated spectator who gets my schadenfreude wherever I can find it.

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Biden offering to pull Dems out of the hole that HE dug for them? Please, Joe, go to a home and be quiet. If Biden had announced in '23 that he was not running for re-election, it's likely Trump would have been defeated.

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Will part of Paul Weiss's pro bono work be filing suit against January 6 committee members?

Ordinary people with everything to lose are going to town halls and rallies. The rich and privileged fold.

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