Comer, Boebert and Burchett are the Trifecta of Stupidity in the House. Thank you, the American people, for blessing us with such treasures. You morons.

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Now we are coming to grips with a simple fact: our American history. I'll fly my woke flag (I used to call it 'knowing stuff') and point out that ripping toddlers from their parents at the border isn't that far from dangling the babies of slave mothers by their heels and saying, in the voice of Jeff Sessions, 'Now this here pickaninny will make a fine field hand!' I recall marvelling at the way LBJ handled senators who insisted the colored drinking fountains and lynching trees were part of Southern heritage. They recently closed the Indian School in my town (Phoenix) where Native American kids were "placed" for their own good. We used to ride up to mining towns here in Arizona to dance and raise tuition money for children of miners because the Hispanic miners were still paid less than the Whites. To my Republican fellow citizens, I apologize for having a memory which keeps getting called up by recent events in our Republic.

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Yes, the US Government is becoming a reality TV show. Bitterness and acrimony are the new substitutes for former civil norms of behavior. George Washington, our first President for those voters who do not know history and which is currently about a third of the population of the United States, warned in his Farewell Address about the dangers of factionalism. Read George Washington's 1796 Farewell Address. If you dare. It is illuminating even though it was written more than 200 years ago.

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A few comments...

1) A few questions for these esteemed Congresspeople:

James Comer: “With politicians, if you’ve used a congressional committee and you’ve lied and tried to set people up and falsely imprisoned people, then you should be held accountable”. Question: Congressional committees don’t have the power to throw people in jail. Who are you talking about?

Tim Burchett: “If they broke the law, then they should [be imprisoned]. Now we know that they’ve manipulated evidence, so—if that’s the case, then absolutely.” Question: What laws did they break? And what evidence was manipulated? And if “we know that they’ve manipulated evidence” what’s with the “if that’s the case”.

James Comer: “The media has been wrong on so many things. Russian collusion, the Steele Dossier, Hunter Biden laptop, no evidence of wrongdoing of Biden crime family influence peddling.” Question: What evidence of the “Biden crime family” did your committee find? And why don’t the rest of us know about it? Have you heard from Alexander Smirnov lately?

Troy Nehls: “Well, no, see, you took that out of context. I don’t know if they should be in jail, but I think we should, I’ve always requested, we should investigate the January 6th Committee.” Question: How was Trump’s statement taken out of context? What do you think he meant to say? And what’s the purpose of investigating the January 6 committee?

You know you’re in trouble when what Lauren Boebert said makes the most sense.

2) Has there ever been a political issue that has become so bassackwards? We all knew the basics of what happened on January 6. What the committee did was provide a lot more detail. But the group that simply took testimony and provided the truth are being hounded and threatened while the person behind it all gets rewarded.

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I think that we should all hope that charges are brought against, at least, one of the members of the committee.

In their defense, they can basically present the committee's evidence in court, and finally get the testimony of Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, and others who defied committee's subpoenas.

In essence, this presents a great opportunity to make all of this backfire on Trump and Republicans, and put them on trial!


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Who thinks 80 years (give or take) of mostly decent decision making, with typically good intentions, made alongside others trying to do mostly the right thing, which led to unprecedented progress, albeit uneven and disproportionate in some cases, can be undone in four years by ignorance and hubris, greed, and self-interest?? Who's taking that bet??

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I still have yet to see one good reason why it's Greece, of all countries. Is Kim an ouzo fancier? Was that the farthest they could post her that still counts as Europe?

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Susan Collins is sure he learned his lesson this time...

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So basically the Republicans are like hourly employees looking do something, anything other then the job they were hired for? ( I’m an hourly employee, I can attest to this behavior)

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Neither Jamey Comer LLC nor Lauren Boebert carry any respect with their congressional colleagues. They exist for Newsmax and OAN soundbites.

Recessed Chin Trash, both of them.

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The standard method of authoritarians is to jail the opposition - regardless of party affiliation. Actually, jailing the dissidents in one's own party reinforces the grip of the fearless leader and brings to heel potential defectors - definitely a win-win situation. Let the Inquisition begin.

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I'm going to be sending an invoice to the Bulwark to cover the costs relating to my inability to sleep at night. And does anyone know how one can transfer to a different multiverse? Funny? NOT.

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Her is an example of how a civil debate should be conducted.


The quotes from Republicans cited in this article support Glenn Kirschner's position.

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Senator Tim Burchett, whose claim to fame in the Tennessee legislature was passing a bill to make it legal to eat roadkill. That's who is driving the American bus right now, a collection of morons, cowards and scoundrels.

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While that sounds ridiculous to city and suburban folk, it makes more sense the further away from resources you are. Here in Alaska, there's a roadkill list, particularly for moose. It's tragic when an animal is hit, but we go through pains to ensure it's not a total loss. An adult roadkill moose can feed a family for a long time. It also helps with predator control as there's no longer a carcass attracting bears and such. Overall, though, it would be particularly tragic that, after having killed the animal, we then throw it away because laws say you can't have it. We don't want to incentivize the running down of animals, but we should make it easier to make the most of an accidental tragedy. It works here anyway.

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Representative, not Senator. At least, not yet, but with Tennessee, who knows?

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That is unfortunate. He should have made Trump fire him. With preemptive capitulation at such a high level in our government, what hope do we have for staving off autocracy? WE are going to watch as everything authoritarians experts like Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Anne Applebaum and Timothy Snyder told us how it would happen come to pass.

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