The Bulwark
Bulwark Goes to Hollywood
Celebrating Bruce Willis

Celebrating Bruce Willis

Sean O'Connell on his new book looking at Bruce Willis's body of work.
Bruce Willis in ‘The Fifth Element’

On this week’s episode, I’m rejoined by Sean O’Connell to discuss his new book, Bruce Willis: Celebrating the Cinematic Legacy of an Unbreakable Hollywood Icon. Breaking down Willis’s career—which has been sadly cut short following his diagnosis of aphasia—by comedies, action movies, work with auteurs, and “Die Hards,” the book is an exhaustive look at, mostly, the highs (and some of the lows) of Willis’s career. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!


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The Bulwark
Bulwark Goes to Hollywood
Sonny Bunch on movies, technology, and understanding the next Hollywood