I've always found Cillizza to be the kind of pundit who buys into the stupid DC parlor games and pushes the kind of sensationalized hyperbolic BS that most people despise about the media. The kind of NY/DC character who always buys into party/candidate spin and has very little insight into actually knowing anything about grassroots local politics.

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An excellent opinion piece from Will Bunch on the FBI piece. (apologies if a repost)


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I'm going to be honest with you: I am not a fan of Chris Cizzilla. He is like a lodestar of bad takes, one of my favorite was his constant "this is good for Joh McCain" rhetoric every tie John McCain did something stupid in 2008. Also his treatment of Hillary clinton was despicable even by beltway punditry standards.

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I'm sorry, but I need to go hard in the paint on this Deep State thing.

One thing I need straight is a narrative. I was told that Rachel Maddow was making big thing out of nothing, and I was told by the Attorney General (Barr) that Trump and his administration was not guilty of any crimes, even though it was completely clear that the Administration and Trump were guilty at minimum of obstruction of justice of some kind. What was also clear, repeatedly, that regardless of the specific, provable crime, that Trump and his team DID cooperate, collude, and was otherwise aided by some kind of Russian foreign agent. The media has failed on this so specacularly. The right wing has failed to remove a treasonous demogogue from their own party. I just don't understand any this.

Trump fucking did it. He did it all, and we talking about his fucking golf game. What the fuck has happened to my country.


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My DiL worked at the Washington Post as her first job and she got to see all the big names up close. I can't read them now without reflecting on her first-hand exposure.

Chris Cilizza was one that stands out. She shared that he was unfailingly pleasant, upbeat and generous. A good guy. Sorry WaPo decided to release him but I hope he does feel released.

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The more you read about Trump’s endless vanity and insecurity it is astounding that anyone would be involved with him more than once in their lifetime. The constant pettiness and lying/cheating over meaningless crap would be infuriating and exhausting. WTF cares who won a club championship when their the freaking president of the US, to the point they would cheat to “win” it? Only Trump

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Who are the idiots who play in his club championship?

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'this' indeed

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Thanks for putting yourself through the appearances JVL. I hope that overall you are glad you did it.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast on Ukraine that you held Thursday night. In particular I learned if the wider significance of the various tank commitments, including logistics, support and maintenance, and training. I support sending tanks to Ukraine, and celebrate the efforts by various European nations as well as from the U.S.

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Being a golf cheat is indicative of character.

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Like Jordan Baker in The Great Gatsby, who "improved her lie."

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Happy to read your writing on Saturday, JVL. It's usually three pieces you recommend.

Re the deep dive on Ukraine Bulwark Live Thursday, I tuned in late because I was late home from work, but didn't stay for two reasons. 1. Because, as you said, I'm not that interested in foreign policy discussions. I am interested in the war the Ukrainians are fighting agaist the Russians and I'm interested in the threat China is to the US. But not deeply. I'm deeply interested in our federal government and the health of our nation.

Still, I appreciate that The Bulwark has three subject matter experts in-house. What would be valuable to me as a subscriber not really interested in foreign policy would be a summary of the key points made in the podcast.

I'm a librarian. There are more books I know about than have actually read. Same with current news. There's just so much reading I can get accomplished each day.

2 more comments: 1. Love your comment about tribalism and thinking independently from your side. 2. I think The Bulwark is unique because all of you went through moving away from your former side because it didn't value independent thinking. (That's not my unique insight. One of the commenters said it last week about the LA & Seattle live podcasts.)

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Cilizza's substack blog is free on a very limited basis. Please correct. I know you're interested in the truth.

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This isn't a comment on what's here, but about JVL's email feed today, where he muses about why the excellent Ukraine show last night didn't get the same number of hits as the previous one with Miller et al. C'mon, JVL, let's be honest: people love the Timster. That's why they tune in. Its called star quality. Everybody's favorite prospective son in law if they suddenly found out that their son was gay.

With that said, I am looking forward to the Ukrainian show.

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Agree Tim AND SARAH have star quality. I don't ever want to miss them when they're on.

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JVL once commented on one of my comments with “BOOM”. He just used “BOOM” in his comments on Chris Cillizza’s piece. He gave me a “BOOM” first, therefore I am declaring myself the Bulwark+ comments section club champion...that’s fair, right?? ...makes perfect sense to me! 😆

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Very Trumpian

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Seems legit

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Seems arirtight to me!

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I always kind if liked that Biden was not a golfer

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