Politicususa says he's facing 34 counts of falsifying business records. And the NYT breaking news says he's expected to turn himself in on Tuesday. Guess Trump got the wrong week!
Roy Teixeira - just caught the pod. As a liberal with a Graduate degree, I agree with all Roy Teixeira said. I am sure he knows his stuff. But I have friends who are democrats. And we all agree on those issues of 'center' politics. Perhaps it is the leaders we lack? Or the 'primary' problem.
The English Rule Against Perpetuities, governing how long trusts can be created in England , also Victoria (where I live) and the other places that follow English law, on the point say that a trust can exist for 21 years after the death of the last surviving heir of the English monarch. My guess is that the Republic of Ireland follows this rule. Ireland has sensational tax laws for foreign businesses.
So my guess is they have shoved the whole thing in a non US trust, and this neuters the power of the DeSantsi board. I think this means that the de Santis board will get the ability to be difficult 21 years after Prince William or Harry's last surviving child dies. That should be a long time off.
Here’s some tough love for (AEI ate my brain) Ruy Teixeira: when you can’t name who is leading the Democratic Party without veering to “the Squad” (whom it might be noted Nancy Pelosi neutralized several years ago) while ignoring the leader who got infrastructure funded, who effectively got us through Covid, who has unfailingly supported Ukraine against Russia (which used to be known as the evil empire not so long ago), who, so far, has prevented the collapse of the banking system, then your cognitive faculties are weaker than Biden’s are purported to be. As far as characterizing the other side: those who would condemn expectant mothers to death by denying them basic medical care or who clearly think it’s worth killing school children to ensure anyone can get a weapon designed for no other purpose than killing fellow human beings has earned the moniker of “evil.” You may think you’re part of the solution, Ruy, but you’re just another example of a problem.
Regarding Teixeira, the regressive progressive: The “trans lobby” - WTAF?
He may be uncomfortable with the complexities of gender identity and expression, but I doubt he really believes that it’s solely dependent on the visible, external genitalia identified at infancy. This is BIO 101. He works at a think tank, for fuck’s sake!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Trans lobby? How come it only takes on a sinister connotation when it’s applied to those who have a guaranteed, enumerated right to seek relief of their grievances if those grievances don’t conform to someone’s notion of “allowed”? We clearly have an insurrectionist lobby. What else was MTG attempting to do with her jail house visit? Lobbying is supposed to be about educating — not just stuffing wads of cash into election campaign funds. But the sound of the cash register obviously impairs the hearing of many of our representatives whose notion of what’s “allowed” comes with a price tag.
For those who would invoke Christian theology into the discussion: let’s acknowledge that there are lots of events that take place in Eden that are not described and recounted yet occurred nonetheless.
Beautifully put. And totally accurate. And it's revealing that Charlie thinks he's worth listening to. Still hoping the 'sane' GOP is coming back. Not happening Charlie. it WAS all a lie.
So in the '80s, we were still electing Supreme Court Judges here in California. At some point, that ended and the governor was allowed to appoint those judges. Maybe Wisconsin and all of those who allow partisan voting for these judges needs to reconsider the practice. It's sad when the judiciary becomes partisan. It is hopelessly partisan now and I'm afraid there's no returning. Just look at what's happened to the national Supreme Court. Travesty.
Charlie, I said it the other day, and I will say it again--Donald Trump exposed Chris Christie to COVID-19. Chris Christie may have been closer to death in that ICU than any of us will ever know. Chris Christie may be rather angry about that. He may want to make Donald Trump bleed out (so to speak) for doing that. Chris Christie does not really care about being president...he *does* care about making Donald Trump suffer.
I never attended a drag show as a kid, but I loved Waylon and Madam on Hollywood Squares. Never hurt me any. And I suspect the performers who read stories at the library these days are a lot more like Mrs. Doubtfire than like Madam on the bawdiness scale. On the other hand, I did attend a clown show at age 5 and found it terrifying. Mom says I cried all the way through. Still not going to watch "It" any time soon.
Or if you're old enough - Milton Berle? And as someone else reminded me, Max Baer Jr. played both Jethro and Jethro's sister in the Beverly Hillbillies.
Yes! We could bring in 2 of the networks, PBS, and the syndicated channel. I LOVED MASH, and Flip Wilson, and Hollywood Squares when Paul was the center square. On Sundays, we'd take baths, get our hair put in curlers, and sit thru the rest of Wild Kingdom, so excited for Disney....
I had to create an imaginary country for a school project. I worked on it after school, watching McHale's Navy and The Beverly Hillbillies. All the names were from TV, like Mt. Clampett, the Baer River, Quinton City, etc.
Planning to impeach a judge that hasn’t even been elected yet? I used to at least appreciate Wisconsin politics. Now it just makes my brain explode. A huge reason I now vote against republicans is because of the games they are playing in WI.
Regarding the Disney maneuver - VA and WI GOP, in lame duck sessions, stripped the incoming Governor of some of his powers. Disney followed the same playbook. What's the complaint?
Re: the delay on the Trump indictment. One other factor to consider is that this is not the only case that particular grand jury is dealing with. There can also be scheduling issues with some of the grand jurors. We truly have no idea what's going on.
Everyday that goes by I become more despondent. I hope that Bragg’s decision is number 2 and that the Georgia or records case indictment comes first. We have to do whatever us necessary to prevent him from becoming president again.
Dan Knodl is my assembly person and he is lazy and as dumb as they come. Our recent gerrymandering was done to preserve his seat. He is running against a highly educated, well qualified person, a moderate Democrat of excellent character, ( Jodi Sinykin ) who is unlikely to be able to surmount the majority of rubes and cranks in the district. Really scary.
Politicususa says he's facing 34 counts of falsifying business records. And the NYT breaking news says he's expected to turn himself in on Tuesday. Guess Trump got the wrong week!
He's INDICTED! The First one! Well, Donnie's got another first - 1st former president indicted. May it happen again and again!
Woohoo! Or they could, ya know, indict him before vacation.
One down.
Cocktail time, y’all!
Cheers! 🥂
Roy Teixeira - just caught the pod. As a liberal with a Graduate degree, I agree with all Roy Teixeira said. I am sure he knows his stuff. But I have friends who are democrats. And we all agree on those issues of 'center' politics. Perhaps it is the leaders we lack? Or the 'primary' problem.
The English Rule Against Perpetuities, governing how long trusts can be created in England , also Victoria (where I live) and the other places that follow English law, on the point say that a trust can exist for 21 years after the death of the last surviving heir of the English monarch. My guess is that the Republic of Ireland follows this rule. Ireland has sensational tax laws for foreign businesses.
So my guess is they have shoved the whole thing in a non US trust, and this neuters the power of the DeSantsi board. I think this means that the de Santis board will get the ability to be difficult 21 years after Prince William or Harry's last surviving child dies. That should be a long time off.
Here’s some tough love for (AEI ate my brain) Ruy Teixeira: when you can’t name who is leading the Democratic Party without veering to “the Squad” (whom it might be noted Nancy Pelosi neutralized several years ago) while ignoring the leader who got infrastructure funded, who effectively got us through Covid, who has unfailingly supported Ukraine against Russia (which used to be known as the evil empire not so long ago), who, so far, has prevented the collapse of the banking system, then your cognitive faculties are weaker than Biden’s are purported to be. As far as characterizing the other side: those who would condemn expectant mothers to death by denying them basic medical care or who clearly think it’s worth killing school children to ensure anyone can get a weapon designed for no other purpose than killing fellow human beings has earned the moniker of “evil.” You may think you’re part of the solution, Ruy, but you’re just another example of a problem.
Regarding Teixeira, the regressive progressive: The “trans lobby” - WTAF?
He may be uncomfortable with the complexities of gender identity and expression, but I doubt he really believes that it’s solely dependent on the visible, external genitalia identified at infancy. This is BIO 101. He works at a think tank, for fuck’s sake!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Trans lobby? How come it only takes on a sinister connotation when it’s applied to those who have a guaranteed, enumerated right to seek relief of their grievances if those grievances don’t conform to someone’s notion of “allowed”? We clearly have an insurrectionist lobby. What else was MTG attempting to do with her jail house visit? Lobbying is supposed to be about educating — not just stuffing wads of cash into election campaign funds. But the sound of the cash register obviously impairs the hearing of many of our representatives whose notion of what’s “allowed” comes with a price tag.
For those who would invoke Christian theology into the discussion: let’s acknowledge that there are lots of events that take place in Eden that are not described and recounted yet occurred nonetheless.
Beautifully put. And totally accurate. And it's revealing that Charlie thinks he's worth listening to. Still hoping the 'sane' GOP is coming back. Not happening Charlie. it WAS all a lie.
The ‘sane’ GOP has had ample opportunity to come back. It ain’t comin back because it ain’t there.
Ruy has always been a little overrated...and Charlie is a wee bit of a fan boy.
So in the '80s, we were still electing Supreme Court Judges here in California. At some point, that ended and the governor was allowed to appoint those judges. Maybe Wisconsin and all of those who allow partisan voting for these judges needs to reconsider the practice. It's sad when the judiciary becomes partisan. It is hopelessly partisan now and I'm afraid there's no returning. Just look at what's happened to the national Supreme Court. Travesty.
We're still electing judges in CA. There were a whole bunch on my ballot. I just kept the ones appointed by Ds.
Yes, but not Supreme Court justices. We are electing at the county level. Unless they are endorsed by the Ds, I leave them blank.
Appoint or elect, it would appear that partisanship can enter the judicial system either way.
I know y'all are desparate for a conservative with a spine....but I gotta tell you, Christie ain't it! Not by a long shot......:)
I for one am fine with tossing a jellyfish on Trumps head.
Especially a 600lb jellyfish!
Charlie, I said it the other day, and I will say it again--Donald Trump exposed Chris Christie to COVID-19. Chris Christie may have been closer to death in that ICU than any of us will ever know. Chris Christie may be rather angry about that. He may want to make Donald Trump bleed out (so to speak) for doing that. Chris Christie does not really care about being president...he *does* care about making Donald Trump suffer.
I never attended a drag show as a kid, but I loved Waylon and Madam on Hollywood Squares. Never hurt me any. And I suspect the performers who read stories at the library these days are a lot more like Mrs. Doubtfire than like Madam on the bawdiness scale. On the other hand, I did attend a clown show at age 5 and found it terrifying. Mom says I cried all the way through. Still not going to watch "It" any time soon.
Did you watch MASH?
Bosom Buddies?
Or if you're old enough - Milton Berle? And as someone else reminded me, Max Baer Jr. played both Jethro and Jethro's sister in the Beverly Hillbillies.
Yes! We could bring in 2 of the networks, PBS, and the syndicated channel. I LOVED MASH, and Flip Wilson, and Hollywood Squares when Paul was the center square. On Sundays, we'd take baths, get our hair put in curlers, and sit thru the rest of Wild Kingdom, so excited for Disney....
I had to create an imaginary country for a school project. I worked on it after school, watching McHale's Navy and The Beverly Hillbillies. All the names were from TV, like Mt. Clampett, the Baer River, Quinton City, etc.
Love me some old TV....
Waylon and Madam were so great!
For anyone here who has never actually seen a drag queen story hour, follow this link to Youtube. The reader is Mrs Kasha Davis.
Planning to impeach a judge that hasn’t even been elected yet? I used to at least appreciate Wisconsin politics. Now it just makes my brain explode. A huge reason I now vote against republicans is because of the games they are playing in WI.
WTG, Disney. Check and mate.
Regarding the Disney maneuver - VA and WI GOP, in lame duck sessions, stripped the incoming Governor of some of his powers. Disney followed the same playbook. What's the complaint?
Re: the delay on the Trump indictment. One other factor to consider is that this is not the only case that particular grand jury is dealing with. There can also be scheduling issues with some of the grand jurors. We truly have no idea what's going on.
Doesn't matter any more. He's indicted! Heck, after listening to the garbage Donnie pulled, I'd need a break as well!
Could be for Spring Break. A lot of those jurors will be parents.
Everyday that goes by I become more despondent. I hope that Bragg’s decision is number 2 and that the Georgia or records case indictment comes first. We have to do whatever us necessary to prevent him from becoming president again.
Dan Knodl is my assembly person and he is lazy and as dumb as they come. Our recent gerrymandering was done to preserve his seat. He is running against a highly educated, well qualified person, a moderate Democrat of excellent character, ( Jodi Sinykin ) who is unlikely to be able to surmount the majority of rubes and cranks in the district. Really scary.