Yeah I was listening to the podcast up until he started trying to what about/both sides the DOJ under Obama. Trump, and his entire administration was a unique threat and abuse of power, and in no way is there a comparison between DJT and BHO tenure as President. Also he can’t just be like yep our side was way over the shark, he has to use all the buzzwords(the left,etc) and make false equivalencies. Chris Christie: Almost Honest. I wouldn’t put that on a tshirt but what do I know

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I could not agree more . Christie is not interested in becoming President of the entire country . He sounded so reasonable until he said he would not vote for Biden . C’mon man! ( said with aviator shades on )

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I agree with the above comments concerning Christie’s ludicrous statements about Biden. Overall I think Charlie did a nice job on the interview, but I wish Charlie would have asked why he claims Biden has moved far left. JVL destroys those arguments routinely so the roadmap was there to follow. My take, Christie will fall in line when Trump wins the nomination. Like clockwork.

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This is an embarrassing make work job for Christie.

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Clinton pardoned his brother

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The enemy of my enemy is my ally. Good, bad, or indifferent, no matter what goes down, it won't be a day at the beach. If restoring the bridge to our nostalgic embrace of politics, the one where politicians, like pinball machines, go on "TILT!!!" after they cross the 5 (my arbitrary limit at this time) major "mistruths" or 2 all-out boldfaced "lies" threshold and become impotently irrelevant, then Christie is the guy. After all, the potential irony of this Jersey Christie-like figure's unrestrained blasphemy unleashed against the ultimate "false idol" and his MAGA-heaven will certainly be worth tipping at least a few million tables...

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Memo to Charlie: Speaking of ego stress tests-When this is all over and it's safe to come out again (whenever the hell that might be), just for fun, invite Christie to do another podcast and once he's seated and feeling comfortable, bring out a surprise guest--HRC--and ask a few follow up questions to the big man's previous comments about her unworthiness to be president...

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I live in a red state with a closed GOP primary -- so I will need to register as a Republican to vote against the orange one. So:

PLEASE convince Asa Hutchinson to come on the podcast! I'd like to know who my best option in the primary will be.

Very engaging podcast with Christie, even though he spouted BS on several occasions. He's certainly entertaining...

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I have to admit I don't get it. Why do we want anyone other than Trump as the R nominee? As for Asa, the man is 76, 4 years younger than Biden. Why on earth is he bothering to run? BTW, someone should ask him if he would have voted for the just in censure of Schiff by the "normal" Rs in Congress. Biden's impeachment is next on the agenda. THERE ARE ZERO NORMAL Rs in the House. And I'm not sure there are any in the Senate!

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Thanks for your replies. I'll have to think about it. (I just got out of bed - my head's still asleep! ☺)

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I desperately don’t want Trump to be the nominee. While I think he would be easiest for Biden to beat in the general election, it is not guaranteed—not even close to guaranteed. Too dangerous. And heaven help us if Biden has a health event before the general election. Then Trump could end up being a shoo-in, assuming he hasn’t had his own health event. (Who am I kidding? He would just hide it or lie about it and then wear a Superman T-shirt.)

All of the R candidates except Hutchinson are terrible, but I would absolutely rather have any of them than Trump. And, of course, when it comes to the general, I’d rather have Biden than any of them.

For my part, I’m going to “re-register” as a Republican and vote in the primary for the candidate who is second in the polls at the time. If things look close, I will pick the candidate I like better. Ugh!

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We want anyone other than TFG as nominee because, due to the vagaries of the Electoral College, he could be re-elected, again, without winning a majority of votes. Rather than pinning our hopes on a vote for sanity in Arizona, better to try to eliminate TFG in the primaries -- keep him as far away from the Oval Office as possible. I prefer working for the least-worst option.

I'm not voting for any current GOP candidate in the general election, but there are a few I could live with if they happened to win. They wouldn't endanger Ukraine, NATO, or my child's well-being. I'm not prone to threaten to move to Canada if my candidate doesn't win, but if TFG is re-elected my first move will be to get my kid out of the country, because I have very real concerns for their safety.

The House GOP caucus is a clown show. But there absolutely are GOP Senators who take matters of national security seriously and who are serious people, regardless of whether I agree with them on everything or not.

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Hey Charlie. I'm a big fan--love your sense of humor and self-awareness. However...however....you promised to challenge Christie on why he agreed to prep Trump for the 2020 debates since he supposedly had already learned what a malicious child he was. Nor was Hillary Clinton in the race. You're not getting soft, are you?

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Good God...the beached whale bloviating, obfuscating and throwing whataboutisms around every 3 minutes in a feeble attempt to peel some centrist voters by lying about Biden and Hillary. Christie is an eloquently pernicious and despicable POS. FUCK HIM. That was a waste of my time. Please don't bring the undisciplined, untruthful greaseball back on your podcast, Charlie. Tim was right...Christie folded you up like a taco! No Mas, por favor.

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Josh Marshall from Talking Points Memo has a good write-up about Supreme Court Justice Alito's "prebuttal" in the WSJ about the article in Pro Publica regarding his taking trips with another billionaire associated with the Federalist Society. The whole thing is very good; I recommend you subscribe to TPM.

Alito in the WSJ has this to say about why getting a free flight to the Alaska adventure was OK:

"As for the flight, Mr. Singer and others had already made arrangements to fly to Alaska when I was invited shortly before the event, and I was asked whether I would like to fly there in a seat that, as far as I am aware, would have otherwise been vacant. It was my understanding that this would not impose any extra cost on Mr. Singer. Had I taken commercial flights, that would have imposed a substantial cost and inconvenience on the deputy U.S. Marshals who would have been required for security reasons to assist me."

Josh Marshall from Talking Points Memo then adds:

"Alito seems to suggest that he was flying to Alaska and it turned out Singer happened to be flying to Alaska too. And he happened to have a spare seat on his private jet. So what sense would there be in having the seat go to waste? In the spirit of the Alaskan wilderness, taking the seat was sort of a resource-conservation effort in which Alito was lending a hand.

But of course Singer didn’t just happen to going to Alaska. He was going to Alaska specifically to spend quality time with Sam Alito. The whole thing had been arranged by The Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo, who asked Singer if he and Alito could fly up with him on his private jet."

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The Christie interview was fantastic. He's really, really good at politics. Too bad he's so greasy. I'm just glad he's in to beat up on Trump. Somebody has to do it FCS.

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Charlie I welcome Christie in this race because he is a smart bulldog and will shit in the Orange ones mess kit so many times and in so many ways that the MAGATS will disintegrate or at least go under cover.

I am of the belief that we need Christie now more than ever before and pray to god he does not turn out to be a looney like Rudy. Christies ego is as large as DJT. He will need only a little of it.

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Chris Christie. The living embodiment of the phrase "my enemy's enemy is my friend."

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I'm hoping this blowhard gets air time, but personally I'd never vote for him. I loved the part of the interview where he talked about Obama and Holder "weaponizing" the DOJ. This from Mr. Bridgegate, who shut a lane of the George Washington Bridge for days to punish the mayor of Fort Lee, NJ, who did not support his run for governor. This created a huge traffic headache. Ambulances were delayed (one person died on the way to the hospital), school buses couldn't get through and commuters were left sitting in traffic for hours.

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Right on Chris! Fight the good fight.

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I can both loathe Christie as a human being and his policy stances and laud him for bullying the bully.

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