The Republicans have an age problem too, starting with trump.

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Two things can be true at once: the Democrats would have been hurt more by a shutdown than Trump and Republicans, and Democratic leadership needs to change. In the long term I think Schumer will have been vindicated in not shutting the government down, knowing that his actions will have given the jolt to Democrats that they have needed to get new leadership.

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I agree with Lauren Egan. The older Democrats are completely taken aback by the current situation. The dynamics of the fight have changed, and they seem unsure of how to respond. If Harry Reid were still around, I believe he would have been able to navigate this new challenge effectively. While Schumer was effective in the past, the rules of the game have changed. I think it would be best for the country if he stepped aside now.

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Young or old—the Democratic Party handled things ineptly to let Donald Trump back in the White House!

I pray in the coming months they understand this and make profound changes. Not trying to win majorities in '26 to stop Trump is unconscionable.

Great writing, Lauren.

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We're going to hear Bernie and AOC here in Tempe, AZ. on Thursday. I have a feeling it's going to be raucous. The "let Trump be Trump" of JVL makes so much sense despite the damage entailed. How else will MAGA learn? If Dems leap in, as they do after almost every GOP presidency, to repair the economy, then MAGA will say, "Oh, well, everything is still working so I guess Trump is pretty good after all." We may all sink together but at least only the cult members will say Trump is doing great.

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James Carville has been saying lie back and let Trump and Company do themselves in since Trump's Inauguration, as is often mentioned by JVL, Tim, Sarah, Sam, etc.

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It's looks and vibes and only two people have it - AOC and Bernie. AOC would win his seat easily thanks to name recognition and an ability to speak to people where they are.

Why are we still doing things the old way - a speech as a response to the fake SOU - what a tired idea - why not a comedy sketch or something creative?

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My anger at Schumer is DEFINITELY because he voted for the bill. Has nothing to do with how he is presenting. AOC should primary him. Dick Durbin also needs to be primaried. They all need to be primaried. They 100% completely dropped the ball.

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NYTimes (54 min interview with Schumer)

Chuck Schumer on Democrats, Antisemitism and His Shutdown Retreat


I watched this interview, a short time ago, after reading and watching videos by "Bulwarkians" --including Lauren's reasoned essay-- and other sources I respected. And after days of something nagging at me, after listening to this extended interview, I changed my mind regarding one of the two propositions, as I see them. Did Schumer make the wrong decision on whether or not to shut down the government; and secondly, should he step down from his minority leadership?

I believe he needs to step down. Immediately. Although Friday would have been preferable. It has nothing to do with his physical, mental or emotional health. Schumer, like me, is a Boomer. And some of us have seemingly won the good genes lottery! And we've even matured as well as aged, and developed a modicum of wisdom (speaking for myself, slow and hard won.) Schumer is smart, knowledgeable and skilled but he doesn't know how to do PR, strategic planning, capturing audiences in the ATTENTION Age, etc. etc. I needn't go on, because just about everyone reading this can list all that I haven't mentioned.

There is no time to waste. There is no time for ego. Joe Biden's fatal flaw may have been what led to the collapse of our system of government and our world as we knew it. So tragically ironic.

What I've changed my mind about, is the surety I had that Schumer had made the wrong decision and that his reasoning was hyperbolic, or even worse, irrelevant to the outcome of what Musk and Trump, Inc. could and would destroy. My impulse was that we needed to finally stand up to Trump, even if it meant shutting the government down!

When Trump thanked Schumer, that seemed to be definitive proof that Schumer had been wrong. But that's what nagged me. Trump is personality disordered; has, at best, an average IQ, and his brain isn't able to process the written word (I have a Master's Degree in reading remediation and to earn it we did clinical course work.) But Trump is instinctively cunning. It would be fair to speculate that his "primitive" brainstem is particularly agile. His cunning knew that his praise would be taken as proof that Schumer had really screwed up and aided him, whom they so "unjustly" despised. (We know that Trump lives in the world of mirror images and projections.)

No one expected Trump to use reverse psychology. Therefore, perhaps Schumer's decision to keep the government open was correct? That Trump had counted on the shutdown. If I had any money to bet on my suspicions, I wouldn't. But sometimes the most unpopular decision turns out to have been the correct one. What I would put money on, had I any, is that Schumer truly believes what he says he believes. He definitely is not the person to lead the party since minutes into Trump's "crowning." But that doesn't mean his instincts that have guided him for decades, as Nancy Pelosi's have guided her, are wrong. And yes, Pelosi adamantly disagrees with his decision. Which would have left me doing a coin toss, but for Trump's "tell."

Even if Schumer made the correct decision, for argument's sake, he couldn't have handled it more poorly. And because of that, we are again distracted, and at least momentarily misdirected. There will be protesters at all of Schumer's book tour stops. And he and his publishing company could have delayed the tour. Actually, thinking as I'm writing, that is additional proof that Schumer's convictions and decision, right or wrong, were sincere. You don't do something like this, days before you begin your book tour, to the very people who might attend your reading and perhaps buy your book. Your target customers.

This brings me to a broader question. What percentage of those among us, educated anti-Trumpers, anti-Maga, allowed our desire to "DO SOMETHING NOW!" diminish our critical thinking?

How many of us are open to considering the possibility? And, for my own personal edification, or at least curiosity, did Trump's approval of Schumer's decision nag at you?

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it seems pretty clear to me that Chris Murphy is the one to take leadership

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Schumer did the right thing in supporting the Continuing Resolution. If the government had been shut down, parts of it would have been left shut down for months or permanently by Trump and Elon. It saddens me that so many people don't understand that. The Dems could have shut down the government this week, but then what. Trump and Musk would never bring the government workers back.

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Government shutdown is a paper tiger - Trump and Musk are shutting it down regardless. We need a leader who can go toe to toe with them. This capitulation was supreme weakness.

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Trump and Musk arent bringing the government workers back regardless. The CR was the only opportunity the Dems had to get concessions IRT government workers into law.

There are exactly 0.0 chances for the Dems to do that for the next 6 months. There was only one hand & Schumer folded.

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If Schumer knew in advance what he thought and how he would vote why did he lead the rest of the party down the garden path? Why publish an op-ed in the New York Times when he couldn't convince his own party he was right? How did he not understand what effect his reversal would have on the morale of the rest of the party?

Standing in front of buildings and weakly yelling "fight, fight" is all he's managed to accomplish since Trump took office. Does he have a plan to do anything until October?

Going on a book tour now it's the height of tone deafness, perhaps he didn't want a shutdown to interfere with it?

He won't communicate, can't lead and goes AWOL in a pinch, a triple loser who needs to go now!

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Exactly! My thoughts were.....and they wonder why we don't bother to vote. This.

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Well, here we are again. "Everyone wants some marginal solution for their problem [but] refuses to believe in margins."

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Haven’t read your links (I will! But I have a lengthy list that I just can’t seem to keep up with! …and, Gimme a break!!)…but I have to say that D’s view (s) of expressing pessimism about their brand is probably the greatest gift they could hand to Trump/Musk Inc., er, ah, the Republican Party . I mean, didn’t they just do that in November- stay home and hand the country to the new Fascist reich of ‘murica’? WTF? I am a Democrat. I am not happy. In fact I am pissed! But I am a Democrat and see supporting Democrats to be the only chance on the beat or far horizon right now. Sitting around and pouting is not an option. Unhappy with Schumer’s pick in ‘The Lady or the Tiger’? Let him know. But I am not certain he made the Wrong call. Nor am I certain he made the right call. Time will tell

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Great article Lauren, you are a great addition to the Bulwark.

Schumer is a putz and he has been one for years. There is absolutely no vision, Chuck is the consumate "bring a matress to a gunfight" type of leader. Why is anyone surprised the Democratic party is polling in the 20% range.

I have stopped giving money. BTW- I have been giving generously for several cycles and nobody has ever tried to reach out to find out why- despite me putting one Dem candidate (that I knew well in college) on a monthly drip for well over a year. We seem to even suck at raising money or finding out what motivates the people that they pretend to represent.

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I'm also texting "STOP" about 5 times a day. For one thing, almost everyone asking for money right now is an incumbent, and I think we need new blood in the Democratic party.

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“The last thing we need to do is throw the Democratic leader overboard at this point in time while we’re facing such a serious challenge,” said Jim Manley, a top aide to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. “Were mistakes made? Sure. Lots. Nobody’s blameless here. But we got to keep our eye on the prize.”

This quote is so enraging. Sorry, what is the "prize"? Looking like a bunch of losers who can't take a stand against the direst threat to the Republic since the Civil War? And "nobody's blameless?" Umm, I can tell you who is mainly to blame and his name is Chuck Schumer.

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