There's one superlative Trump has earned, and we should all acknowledge: no POTUS has ever shown greater, more powerful and tremendous indifference to spelling as Trump and his administration, via Tweets as well as official documents. He cares as much for correct spelling as for rule of law.

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I really line these morning shots !! Thank you Charlie and The Bulwark team.

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Yep, I s’pose you’re right. Poor Andrew. Hard for him to define “Virtually Normal” these days.

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My reaction to Tim's article on Desantis:

I would give Tim a hug and sit him down and tell him, "Tim, my naive fool. If the conditions are favorable in the states to override the popular vote, DeSantis is fully prepared, better suited, and more aggressive than Trump could ever be to take advantage. Wanna-be dictators always avoid the mistakes of their predecessors. Come to think of it, the guy dancing on the "rotting carcass" of FL Dem party is more than ruthless to f*ck all of his enemies. If and when DeSantis gets hold of America, we would be yearning for the good old days of Trump."

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"President Xi is a brilliant man."

"People ask how smart is Kim Jong Un? Kim Jong Un is smart too."

"Putin, very smart."

And you can probably add MbS to TFG's list of people he considers very smart.


There is a reason that the Tangerine Tyrant feels this way about brutal dictators: He's a wannabe. He is under the impression that brutal treatment of your own citizens to be a smart way to govern - "The people don't have to like me just so long as they fear me."

Actually, there is a second reason he feels the way he does about how smart these rulers are. In reality, they *are* smarter than him - even Kim - which makes them appear intelligent to his pea-brain.


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Yep. He wants their gig. He thinks they were 'smart' and powerful to land themselves their kingly gigs, and maybe being liked by them will help prod America to elevate him to a similar spot. Trump has yet to mature into adulthood; he literally knows nothing but "more money good."

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Today was a stunningly brilliant exercise for The Bulwark. Producing good articles 5 or 6 days a week is the norm i expect. On this 5th day of June, 2023, you guys hit a grand slam. Seriously Charlie et al, kudos. This single days efforts made my membership worthwhile. If you don't subscribe to The Bulwark, you are missing out on the Continuing Education of a lifetime.

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Maybe they can't find anyone to play Xi in a movie, but Randy Quaid is ready to take that Trump role! That would be an Oscar-worthy role for him.

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Did anyone notice todays news that Saudi Arabia is forcing oil prices up. Could it be a way to help Trump and family regain the White House so gas prices are up under Biden?

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To clarify, Saudi Arabia announced that it was cutting production by 1 million barrels per until late 2024. Demand has decreased slightly, causing oil prices to decrease a little, so Saudi Arabia is responding by cutting production.

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There's another answer for the Saudi efforts to increase oil prices: MbS and Putin have developed a cozy relationship over the past few years. OPEC price increases also increases the value of oil exported by Russia.


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Seems too early for that. Watch next year.

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Jun 5, 2023Edited
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Nice place to hide a little additional price hike by cutting back on production....this is how you play the oil market and politics in the world.

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Well, that, shiny orbs for idiots, and the occasional murder of a journalist.

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Jun 6, 2023
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Agree on demand in summer…but the Saudis are apparently cutting oil production by one million barrels per day.

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Sorry for post. Should’ve read further down the line. Still learning.

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DeSantis in a time contraption projected him back to the Weimar. One hundred forty nine percent certain Meatball 's at the head of the line fervently volunteering to be an ardent National Socialist.

PS But first he'll have to ditch the white jackboots.

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Re CNN: why should anyone trust the media? This is supposed to be one of the institutional pillars of mainstream journalistic ethics. For shame.

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Off topic here. As much as I want to see Christie skin Trump alive I think Ronna is doing everything she can to make sure he doesn't make it to the stage. She's erecting all kinds of polling, pledging, and financing barriers that look like they're aimed at Christie. There's also the real possibility that if Christie does make the cut Trump will refuse to show up because he knows Christie is just waiting to step into the ring with him. And even if Trump does get fileted the MAGAs will stick with him anyway, but it will at least give us anti-Trumpers a nice show. And we now return you to regular programming.

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That pledge thing is just stupid. Reason # 456,326 for me to not even consider the GOP for another decade or so.

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Jun 5, 2023
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I will admit that I am a wee bit gleeful to see Trump completely pants and emasculate Christie. He'll never see what hit him.

But if Christie destroys DeSantis, then I would put my quarter in the machine

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Since Brian Kemp is referred to as a "normie Republican" in many podcasts, could someone please parse this expression for me: "Taking our country back from Joe Biden..."? Who is the "we" here? In what sense has Biden "taken" the country from "us"?

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And, finally, where do you expect this kind of rhetoric to lead?

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I know that poorly calibrated sarcasm and rhetorical questions are endemic to comments sections, and I've certainly committed both, but I didn't mean the question rhetorically. I think that "taking the country back from..." is tiresome but normal political rhetoric. It's the absorption of populism into white grievance politics that worries me: Kemp is too smart not to know that it should now be out of bounds to suggest that Biden is a usurper.

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You've hit the nail on the head. The idea of treating political opponents as the enemy has permeated the Republican Party from leadership down to the local level and even among the staff at a congressman's district office. If you are unwilling to unequivocally defend the legitimacy of Biden's presidency, no matter what words you use, and make no mistake that's Kemp's implicit message, then you are no longer committed to the norms and practices of our constitutional order. Likewise, if you make noises about pardoning the J6 defendants, no matter what words you use, and make no mistake that's what Ron DeSantis did, you can no longer be counted on to defend our judicial system and the rule of law.

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The second January 6th coup me thinks

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Re: The 2018 Wagner Group event in Syria. US forces came under attack. Using deconfliction,, the US asked Russia whether the attackers were "yours." "Uh, no..." All hell then broke loose.

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After seven years of Trump s appeasement and love affair with Putin,Un and Ji,I'm a little surprised there isn't more continued silence regarding Trump's congratulations of Un.The Republican candidates reactions are a little to late.As WP s Balz states,It is Trumps nomination to lose.There are two convictions (In NY) so far.There are multiple indictments coming.This won't matter to Republican voters.As JVL often says,"its what Republican voters want."Unfortunately for us all,Trump is still a coin flip to be the next president.Sorry for the pessimistic view.But I've seen too much of the last seven years to think otherwise. DY

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"gelatinous gangster"

Nominated for Second Reference of the Month!

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At this point I would like to see a TV show like "The Hollywood Squares" where each candidate has a little box they sit in and they're all stacked up. Questions come from the audience, and one responds, then the others all pile on in order of having pushed some button in their little box. The audience has

the power to rate each response instantly. Signs flash "Too conservative" or "not conservative enough" or worse "SOUNDS WOKE TO ME", in which case cold water is dumped on the offender from above.

Hilarity ensues. It would be better than what we got.

It's just not quite entertaining enough but only "ratings" will draw Trump out of his man cave to be there.

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Trump would never risk having water dumped on his head.

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I would PAY to see that!

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well in his case, perhaps a high pressure colonic?

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These days, get near his hair and he will have you murdered.

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Someone should train a bunch of pigeons to you-know-what on Trump's head. They'd make a fortune.

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