I'm bookmarking this one for the next time David French, say, appears here to talk positively about gun culture. *This* is TX gun culture: someone shamelessly bragging that he's got an assassin-quality weapon in which he has no training. Normally he'd have to pretend to have a need to kill hogs, or defend his family, but the reality is that he's an atomized suburbanite using an AR-15 for a kind of TX virtue signaling.

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With a bump stock, AR-15 is the choice of mass shooters. It is a machine gun that is very accurate.

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You don't need to be too accurate with a machine gun..

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Precisely. And AR-15 with a bump stock is like a machine gun with deadly accuracy.

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From what I remember reading, machine guns are illegal for John/Mary Doe to own/buy. The argument I always see is that the AR-15 isn't technically a machine gun.

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Eva, I looked up the firing rate per minute of an AR -15 with a bump stock. It is 400 to 800 per minute. Which is basically 13 to 26 per second. That sounds pretty potent to me. That is why they never should be allowed for civilians to have them legally. I didn't realized that rate would be that high.

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Yup, but that "wonderful" SC said bump stocks were okay. When Harris gets elected, along, I pray with a blue wave in both Houses, she increases the size of the SC to 13 (to match the district courts) and starts in on banning assault weapons as they had when Reagan was shot.

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Why it was allowed to expire on assault rifles is puzzling.I always wondered why Democrats have never enlisted law enforcement. Not many police chiefs endorse civilians having them.

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Expired under Bush 2, apparently it had a sunset clause, which was stupid.

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I live here, and unless you're new to the state from somewhere that it's not common, no one will think it's abnormal to own an AR-type rifle. They also think that your level of training isn't anyone else's business. Not saying it's admirable or anything, it's just how it is.

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I grew up hunting pheasant and deer (never bagged one, but I had the rifle for it). I think it's abnormal to own an AR-type rifle (not statistically abnormal: abnormal in the sense of, "What the hell is wrong with you?").

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That's fine, I'm just reporting the predominant mentality I've experienced.

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Is it time America tighten its gun laws? How could the person having a gun be monitored for sanity?

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Good question on sanity. Details of any tightening are helpful to advance the conversation.

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Why not require insurance? And for automatic weapons - they must be kept at a gun club. Guns are toys to the rich and we can't take them away - but insurance requirements and making it expensive might do a lot to keep them from the less than sane.

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I think requiring insurance is an excellent idea.

But the conviction of the Crumbley's after they bought their obviously mentally ill son an AR-15 should wake some parents up.

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If you are a homeowner and have shopped insurance you'll likely to have seen parts of the application inquiring if you own certain aggressive dog breeds or firearms, so there is that angle. Not all companies do that but some do.

I would not support the idea of firearms insurance having grown up with them, separate secure (hidden storage) of firearms and the ammunition was the order of the day and works well for the responsible. I submit that it would be the responsible owners that would secure said insurance whereas others would ignore a law requiring it. But that is the case with autos isn't it, that, and tags.

If any of you work in information security you are familiar with the APT (Advanced Persistent Threat), the attacker than never goes away. I will suggest that the similar mindset in humans, the highly motivated seeking to do harm, will find something beyond a firearm to do so and we have three examples: Mohammed Atta (and associates), Timothy McVey, and the Tsarnaev brothers.

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But if it's a run of the mill school shooter or some toddler that picked up a gun and killed his sister, we're not talking about "highly motivated attackers", we're talking every day gun owners.

Good drivers buy car insurance and carry the losers, the same could go for gun owners.

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Insurance against what? Getting shot by your kid who could get to the gun? Having your arsenal stolen? For paying the lawyer when you are on trial for assault or murder?

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I guarantee you half the owners of high powered rifles have never shot them, unless they're a hunter.

I had an employee who brought his AR-15 to the farm to show it off and shoot it. For about an hour, that guy (an experienced deer hunter) could not hit the wide side of a barn.

Which may be why Donald Trump is still alive today.

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Someone with fairly limited experience firing a long gun will have no problem hitting a human-sized target from 130 yards, with any modern long gun. There's nothing about an AR-15 that makes it any more accurate than your average gun. It is more powerful than other small-caliber long guns, but at 130 yards that's irrelevant.

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I'm not sure we've established that the shooter was experienced. He had only just purchased 50 rounds of ammo a couple of days before and the gun was his father's.

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Well yeah a complete novice ain't hitting much, at that range.

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Still managed to kill someone, hurt 2 others and either hit Donald's ear or hit something that splintered and hit his ear.

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Time for Kamala to take the gloves off and go after Trump the way LBJ went after Goldwater in 1968. a suggested ad: Trump with a Hitler mustache and a voice-over of JD Vance saying "He is America's Hitler." Then a Trump voice-over saying that he trusts Putin more than his intelligence services.

Short and effective

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Did you hear her first speech yesterday?! “Predators”. “Cheaters”. “Perpetrators of all types”. “Believe me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type.”

Right out of the box! Prosecutor vs Convicted Felon. Boom!!

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Nice idea, wrong year. LBJ and AUH2O were in 1964.

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Wait a minute. Isn’t diet anything considered woke? JD, a real man would drink the Dew with the sugar.

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Trump loves his Diet Coke.

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Yes he does, didn't he even have a button under his desk to get someone to bring him another, or does that seem a bit of a tall Tale?

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And complete with ketchup stains on the walls

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I think he had a button installed in the Oval Office to have a butler bring him a diet Coke.

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Sounds about right to me

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And his body shows it.

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Yeah. My point exactly. Big, tough guy. Not!

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It appears that many pundits are of the opinion that Harris waved a magic wand on Sunday afternoon and was able to get pledges from more than enough delegates to be the nominee, filled out all the paperwork to allow her to fundraise for her Presidential campaign, got all of her Democratic political rivals to support her nomination, and got the vast majority of Congressional Democrats to support her. All in a day and a half. Maybe, Biden made his decision a few days ago, or a week ago, and began putting in place the steps using political strategy, logistics and planning. Maybe, he kept "refusing to step aside" to keep Trump, Republicans, the media and pundits focused on the shiny object. Biden, of all people, knew that an open convention would be chaotic and ugly and he knew that Harris would have to corral the delegates quickly. Biden knew that Harris would have to convince her political rivals to support her, and to convince the majority of Congressional Democrats to support her and that this had to be done quickly. Biden knew to make his announcement early on a Sunday afternoon, not in primetime, because he wanted to quickly step aside and let the spotlight be on Harris. The fundraising was all Harris and probably included a decent amount of pent up demand. And, who do we all know who is a master at whipping Democrats and who knows how they think and act. I suspect that Nancy Pelosi has also been busy these past two days. And of course, Biden was also on the phone. What a master class from an old man. And, because he also has class, he's staying out of the spotlight, letting everyone praise him for making the right decision, while they ignore all the necessary steps to make this happen quickly. Bravo!!

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The old man knows what he is doing. Shocking! :) :)

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Plausible, certainly. Even if it wasn't planned out that way, it was definitely shrewd to bypass the media frenzy by announcing in a press release on a Sunday afternoon.

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Fallon's comments also show how problematic Open Carry laws are. In Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia the armed guard outside of my synagogue could not shoot the Nazi walking up to the entrance with an AR-15 until he actually opens fire. And with 94% accuracy he kills the armed guard first, and then mows down Jews like the Einsatzgruppen. :(

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"Liking" seems like the wrong sentiment given the content, but I just mean, I appreciate your comment. :(

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How horrible, not safe anywhere.

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Not in America.(where you have a constitutional right to carry an AR-15)

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

The attempt on Donald Trump’s life was despicable, and I’m very glad that the terribly misguided young man missed his aim, although with all Americans I grieve for the man he did kill, his family, and those others he injured in the process.

Whatever mistakes were made by those charged with preventing such atrocities seem to be being dealt with.

Obviously I, along with millions of other Americans continue to ask this basic question- How is it that in a nation dedicated to the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of its citizens we have somehow managed to sanctify an artifact whose sole purpose is destruction? It is beyond logic, and it is costing us dearly.

Finally, another grimmer fact ought not to be ignored. Again, I abhor the attempt on Donald Trump’s life, but at the same time we cannot ignore the fact that he is the exemplar of that old Biblical warning - “He who sows the wind, shall reap the whirlwind”.

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The only ones entitled to that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are the rich. The some of the rest may have found a safe niche. The others can go hang.

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Joe Manchin decided he isn't a Democrat, I see no reason he even needs to be at the convention. Bless her heart, Nancy Mace just can't help it can she.

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So many dim bulbs. Not enough wattage to light up an end table.

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Like that one

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Nancy is trying to out perform that door knob from South Dakota. As for Joe, I wish he would drop his shtick and naivete. After all he has voted with Biden 89 % of the time.

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Please, God, put sane GOP members on the bipartisan committee. I know already that the Dem members will be normal.

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Are there any sane GOP members left? After all, every single one of them refused to vote for the immigration bill their party negotiated in the Senate because the Snake told them "no".

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Well some of them joined in the statement Joe mentioned, And it would only take one R to vote with the Ds for a majority.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

There's gotta be at least one. Not all GOP members are running crazy across my screen. There must be a few that are there for real work.

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The few, the proud, oops, wrong slogan!

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Let's call them MAGA from now.(not Republicans) I do.

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Zinger and Liz. If you can call them GOP.

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They're not in Congress any more.

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Yes. I wouldn't call those remaining in congress conservatives, Republicans or GOP(in the old meaning of the word) I call them MAGA. In total,I would say there are two Republicans still in the Senate: Collins and Murkowski. Romney is retiring

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They won't need that many.

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Jul 23Liked by Joe Perticone

Rip It is awesome, ok.

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"...Republicans at their national convention in Milwaukee were hesitant to call for his ouster after actively backing a convicted felon for president."

Joe, are you truly expecting anything approaching moral consistency from that crowd? If not, in the future, please consider footnoting such comments to let us know you have not lost it. (Ironic sarcasm, because the old line "It's a joke" has lost its meaning through overuse by supporters of the OCF, old convicted felon).

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David,I like the new acronym!

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Dave, feel free to use it to your heart's content.😊

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Yes. I may. But I still prefer to call him Trumpster (rhymes with dumpster)

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I used this as a sign at the consulate during his first (and only🤞) reign:









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Thanks. It was probably in 2017. Kamala and her team need to remind people of all the promises that never came to pass when he starts spouting off about all the "GREAT!!!" things he'll do if he gets the keys to 1600 again.

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On a super important note, now that VP Harris has enough pledged delegates that would secure her the nomination IF they actually vote for her, there is no reason why anyone cannot or should not call her the PRESUMPTIVE nominee because it’s presumed that they will vote for her and nominate her next month. But they should just avoid calling her the NOMINEE because she actually isn’t the nominee yet. You’re welcome. 😁

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

No, JD. I would call you a cartoon hillbilly for drinking Mountain Dew...at least for talking about it.

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Dr Pepper maybe 🤔

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Off the topic, my dentist in my teen years was Dr. Pepper. He had a great sense of humor.

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That is a must. I know. My name is Yell.

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Are-oh-cee cola...

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Hey, I like Dr. Pepper!

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That and Mountain Dew are the only two pops I won't drink...lol..but, , my roomie loves both.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

It is my great misfortune to live in the strip of north Texas along the Red River border with Oklahoma that is (mis)"represented" by Pat Fallon. This man's sole job, as an elected mouthpiece for the citizens of this swath of Texas real estate is, in his deeply and sincerely considered assessment of the duties of a U.S. "Representative," to lovingly suck, kiss and caress Donald Trump's dick. That's it. Period. Full stop. I can guaran-damn-tee you that, if he were presented with my DD-214 and asked to interpret it, would have not a clue what the acronyms BSM, ArCom w/OLC, GCM or 2 OSB stand for.

Such is the state of the Republican Party in the year 2024.

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JD Vance potentially accused of being a racist after drinking Diet Mountain Dew … I wonder now that he might be accused - by MAGA faithfuls - as being a race-betrayer for marrying the daughter of Indian immigrants?

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Nick Fuentes already has. Something to the effect what does he know about defending white identity.

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Though Pence was thoroughly humiliating himself every time he was around the orange asshole, he still had a semblance of "dignity". Vance just sounds like a stupid, laughable idiot.

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The one thing he does seem good at is "showing his ass", which is an expression he should know if he actually grew up in Appalachia.

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Love this line…

Harris is also currently swimming in Scrooge-McDuck levels of campaign cash.

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