Michael is joined by Dr. Ibram X Kendi and Joel Christian Gill, the author and illustrator of the graphic novel, "Stamped from the Beginning: A Graphic History of Racist Ideas in America." They discuss the five figures behind the history of racist ideology in America, the art of conveying complex history through comics and nation-wide book bans.
Check out the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Stamped-Beginning-Graphic-History-America/dp/1984859439
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The Michael Steele Podcast
The Michael Steele Podcast is hosted by former RNC Chairman and Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele. Each week, Michael moderates a barbershop style discussion about the key political and cultural issues of the day. Michael brings his experience as an MSNBC political analyst and from a lifetime in politics to a podcast which transcends traditional political boundaries in order to dig deep and find real solutions.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.
The Michael Steele Podcast is hosted by former RNC Chairman and Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele. Each week, Michael moderates a barbershop style discussion about the key political and cultural issues of the day. Michael brings his experience as an MSNBC political analyst and from a lifetime in politics to a podcast which transcends traditional political boundaries in order to dig deep and find real solutions.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.Listen on
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