I’m standing with Biden. What I don’t understand is why NO ONE is saying that that friggin’ felon drop out of the race. Geez people…..get some perspective! Biden can and will win in November!

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100%. And now Biden’s line is ‘more rest/sleep and no events after 8pm.’ WTF? love Joe Biden but the campaign is delusional if it expects to win with this messaging. We’ll all have to go down with his ego, piling tragedy upon tragedy. Sound familiar? Happy 4th, everyone.

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This is why many people are so turned off by Democrats. You can't fix a problem if you refuse to admit it exists, even if we all see it with our own eyes right in front of us. Dems can't admit immigration is problematic even thought we all see it. And many can't admit Biden's state of being is problematic.

I've been desperately joining their coalition to stop Trump. And heretofore, I've convinced myself that Biden's age has been an issue for 3/5 years already and his competent team has been able to move us forward without issue. So I've assured myself his competent team could get us through another 4 years. I've now lost confidence that his team is competent. And I don't think Biden should do this job 4 more years -- in fact, the likelihood he lives for 4 more years is now in great question for me.

Thank you all for your service. Now step aside and let's try someone who can (1) win, (2) get through 4 years successfully, (3) possibly get thru 8 years. You'll all be out of jobs if Biden likely loses anyway, no matter how hard you spin. So you can be out of a job with Trump running things, or someone you agree with.

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A lot of good comments below. It is reckless from the MSM to have played this game for 3 years and totally self serving from Jill Biden who knows better.

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I work in a long term care nursing home in ohio as a dem , I feel betrayed . Biden needs to step aside . If he stays whose administration do we trust more for our well being . My fantasy is dems take everything then fix the supreme court , term limits , ethics , bigger . People in my circle our overwhelmed with this mess .

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A blue collar husband and wife agree . We fear for our grandchildren , especially our granddaughters . We can only vote and live our lives in peace . The situation working with full blown maga is difficult ,we can’t imagine maga as head of our nation .

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Alrighty then. What are we going to do about it?

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I agree with your assessment and also I have to ask the question if this is where he is now cognitively, where is he going to be a year from now two years from now three years from now four years from now?

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Latest election projection by The Economist is HOUSE ON FIRE:

• Donald Trump has about a 3 in 4 chance of winning, with 307 electoral votes.

• Joe Biden has about a 1 in 4 chance of winning, with 231 electoral votes.

That would be an almost perfect reversal of the 2020 election.

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Rick Wilson is right: Republicans unite behind a rapist, liar, fraud, and traitor. Democrats (and some Anti-Trumpers) dump their man after one bad debate. This continual harping on Joe Biden’s incompetence and inability to be president will make great campaign ads for Trump. One article questioning the wisdom of Biden staying in the race was sufficient. This firehouse of attacking Biden for daring not to step aside is uncalled for and helpful to Trump’s reelection. Make your point and then roll up your sleeves and get to work. I’ve cancelled by automatic renewal to the Bulwark+. I can’t support an organization that aids in the election of Donald Trump, even if well meaning or inadvertent.

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What really ticks me off is that there is no way, this has just happened. The people around him must have known he has been in decline. Probably, part of the reason we haven't seen him out in public talking about the administration's accomplishments. He never should have run. His family and all the people around him who knew are being added to my list. This was unforgiveable. Any legacy Biden may have had is destroyed in this moment.

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There is no way the Main Stream Media has not been complicit in this huge program of lying and gaslighting. Real journalism was murdered in the MSM years ago. They proclaimed themselves that it is a dereliction of their “duty” as “journalists” to be objective and non-partisan. They insist it is their ethical and moral duty to further the “Progressive” agenda. With a few exceptions, the “Fourth Estate” declared itself the enemy of the First Amendment. Most “reporters”, “talking heads”, etc., these days are MORONS who know and understand nothing, can’t write for shit and have not the slightest grasp of the differences between opinion, fact and their “feelings”. They have no concept of self-awareness. Wretched, self-righteous, IMBECILES.

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100%. It started years ago when Ed Luce, Graham et al went along with the Oswald narrative.

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Nailed it!

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Biden started his term wanting to be FDR. We were all watching the debate hoping he would channel FDR or Churchill and rhetorically give Trump and his authoritarians the wallop they’ve got coming. He didn’t do that. We’ll take anyone who can. It will take real verbal and political muscle to stop a cult that only cares about the will to power.

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This article from Politico Magazine has some good insights: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/07/01/biden-debate-debacle-2024-election-00165878

I think Andra Gillespie's take to "follow the evidence" is right on the money.

" any next steps that Biden and the Democratic Party make should be informed by multiple

forms of data: data on the president’s health; data on how likely voters are internalizing what

they saw in or heard about the debate; and data on the best forms of voter outreach."

Gillespie had several other excellent points to make. Worth reading.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Experts? The only practical alternative to Biden is Harris.

The good news is that she polls better than Biden (and other alternatives) against Trump without even campaigning, and with a white male battleground state governor as a running mate (e.g., Roy Cooper of North Carolina), she would likely win handily.

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Didn't read a single line about why a person civilly convicted of rape, guilty of 34 felonies and supported a coup against the United States should leave the race.

But because Biden had one bad debate and he's old he needs to go. Sure it was painful to watch.


Thanks to the racist electoral college, we have a winner take all system for President.

The last time we had an open convention was 1968. Yeah I was alive and had four uncles who were, as the three who survived used to say, attending the University of South Vietnam School of Warfare. How'd that convention work out for us Democrats.

Finally, as a former COS for Rep. John Lewis? Here's the message -- the last message -- he left us all.

"Ordinary people with extraordinary vision can redeem the soul of America by getting in what I call good trouble, necessary trouble. Voting and participating in the democratic process are key. The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed. You can lose it."

Register yourself and others. Take someone with you to the polls. Become a poll judge. VOTE BLUE.

Listen to someone who knows a little bit about overcoming overwhelming, seemingly insurmountable odds.

Listen to John Lewis.

Keep the faith.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3


Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.


p.s. Faith does not win elections.

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Guys, we are all experiencing PTSD, and complacency is death.

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