"In contrast, the Republican convention’s murals and attire featuring Trump’s face would make a Pyongyang parade planner blush." Great line. The sartorial differences between the conventions is quite a contrast. In some ways it says all you need to know about who the adults are in US Politics. I wonder if Waldo wrote 'Kilroy was here' in the men's restroom.

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How many parades could a Pyongyang parade planner plan, if a Pyongyang parade planner could plan parades?

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Ok I just had to give this a like.

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Try saying that rapidly 6 times! I can't get through it once!

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The MAGA are carrying fake semen donation cups. There’s just no coming back from that.

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I thought the diapers and ear tampons were bad, but semen cups?

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Those cups are filled by using the Trump mugshot as an 'aid'

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GOP is officially the 6th grade party. Affirmative action for the immature and entitled pinheads. Except they are also in thrall of an abuser.

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Isn’t it the same parade every time?

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I live in Texas and I applaud the Democrats welcoming all American voters to join the Harris/Walz campaign. But here's the problem : trumpers in this state are rabid beyond belief. It's like they have wooden plugs pounded into their ears. They do not listen to rational speech. They live in a totally fact-free zone. When confronted with government statistics showing border crossings being drastically reduced they react with anger approaching rage. All lies, they say. It's spooky. And scary. I'm unsure as to how they will react when Trump loses this election in November. He has set them up to completely accept that the election has been rigged and stolen...................again. And they will believe every lie spewing from his toxic mouth. His malignant narcissism is truly evil.

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Last week, I had a person say to me, "I don't like Donald Trump, but I can't vote for Kamala Harris. You know, inflation is at 12%." After I presented some, ya know, FACTS, he said, "Well where do you get your information?" I responded that I read various publications as well as nonpartisan study group papers, etc.

You know what he responded? "Maybe you should watch more Fox News or Newsmax instead of the biased MSM."

I had to just worm my way out of the convo, shaking my head feeling incredulous. And sad that Trump supporters, as you said, live in a fact-free zone. Critical thinking is dead in their world.

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They're completely brainwashed.

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Another Texan here, and maybe it's where I live (DFW area) but I don't see quite as much of the MAGA Mania here, nor the degree of rabidness. That's not to say it isn't present, just not as malignant here. The folks I've talked to will be angered and disillusioned when Trump loses, the good thing is I hear very little in the way of "we have to save this any way we can" or prospective calls to violence. In Midland, Lubbock, Springs I don't know but I'm hopeful our fellow Texans can keep a level head and maybe, just maybe begin to see the truth about Trump.

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I live in Arlington. Most of the trumpers I was referring to live in Cleburne.

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That’s very sad. Unfortunately, once people buy in completely they risk injury to their ego and an overturning of their world view. If they are wrong about border crossings, what else might they believe that’s wrong? And if they allow that many things they believe are untrue, does that mean they are stupid, gullible, fools? [No, merely human]. For many of us, that landslide of self doubt hurts. Trump knows this and galvanizes them against self doubt.

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Agree. The self-realization they'd need to do to alleviate their cognitive dissonance would break them. They will never admit they've been conned and want to cling to their MAGA security blanket.

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Also love this line from Raskin, “ the loser, who does not know how to take no for an answer from American voters, American courts, and from American women”

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“ They are being hailed as embodiments of the case Harris is making that voters should put party over country.”….Ummmm, other way around, Joe!! 😄 #countryoverparty

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"If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart . . . and is the great high road to his reason, and which, when once gained, you will find but little trouble in convincing his judgment of the justice of your cause, if indeed that cause really be a just one. On the contrary, assume to dictate to his judgment, or to command his action, or to mark him as one to be shunned and despised, and he will retreat within himself, close all the avenues to his head and his heart; and though your cause be naked truth itself, transformed to the heaviest lance, harder than steel, and sharper than steel can be made, and tho’ you throw it with more than Herculean force and precision, you shall be no more be able to pierce him, than to penetrate the hard shell of a tortoise with a rye straw."

-Abraham Lincoln's Temperance Address (1842) https://teachingamericanhistory.org/document/temperance-address-2/

Lincoln knew that healthy democracies require cooperation, inclusion, and respect - even when citizens disagree vehemently about fundamental rights. Saving our country from Trumpism won't be easy - but as citizens we will have to embrace this kind of thinking if we are going to survive this movement.

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Seems the party of Lincoln has not read Lincoln.

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They haven’t since Lee Atwater.

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That's a fabulous quotation!

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When President Obama began his speech last night, I turned to my wife and said: "At some point in this speech he will quote Lincoln." And, of course, he did. The above is one of the best Lincoln quotes that I have read, and, as is usually the case, it is not possible to refute its logic. I appreciate "Amanda" for bringing out this quote. If only I had read it years ago, instead of this morning. I would have had more time to practice its teaching.

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Love your newsletter, love the preview of what’s to come, really love the fashion/merch takes. Thank you for your work.

Serious question…why do you guys do the after show pods? After Biden’s White House speech, After Dem’s convention? They are so negative and I don’t see how they move this project (coming together to defeat Donald Trump) forward. I assume you all are conservative/ lean conservative/former Republicans, etc, and I’m sure it must get to be a bit much watching all the Dem’s stuff. I know if it was reversed, I hope I would do the principled thing as you guys are , but I would have a hard time hanging with Republicans ALL the time. So take a break…get together PRIVATELY and complain, snark, etc about Democratic Convention …. (and yes constructive criticism is warranted…too long, too many speakers, etc…but maybe just consider that Bulwark Republicans may not be the best experts on Democratic politics)

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You’ve said it all. It was awful.

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Can only imagine want tonight’s after pod will be like with the Obamas speaking….i have never gotten any good vibes from Bulwark folks about them…but they don’t seem to care for them… (perhaps its jealousy 😊).

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There’s some real hating on Bill. It’s appalling. I think he’s a great speaker, and I’m looking most forward to him and President Obama and Pete until the candidates themselves.

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I’m totally down with seersucker in summer. Perfect choice.

I wish even more Republicans would speak up. I think it does the country and party good to do so. This includes bringing them into the Administration.

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The 'Where's Waldo' guy looks like George Santos!!!

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He was busy pleading guilty.

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No Hulk? Kid Rock? I am taking my diaper, kotex and semen cup home to my golf club!

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I think having disaffected republicans speak is a great idea.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief after AOC's speech. She did a good job of making the case for progressives to support Harris without boxing her in as a radical leftist darling of the progressives. She gave her room for define herself as a pragmatic moderate without fear of a revolt from her left. As long as Bernie keeps his mouth shut and doesn't ruin everything, we are in good shape.

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Your description of Democratic convention delegates makes their clothing choices sound boringly normal. In what I saw on TV, I concur. Not to coin a phrase, but what I saw at the GOP convention (including the ear pads thing) looked positively weird. No wonder that description has gone viral!

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I like sparkles. I saw lots of sparkles.

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If everybody suddenly shows up wearing tan pantsuits, worry. ;)

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Proof of anti-American bias!

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The Republican convention (hmmm, OK, Hatefest) often looked as if it was produced by a bunch of demonic pre-teens.

A similar story as in “Lord of the Flies”, the major exception being its actors envision our America as their own “desert island”.

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I think it's great that they're showcasing R allies.

Normally I wouldn't dream of telling a D-skeptic friend "hey you should tune in to the Democratic convention!" but this is different.

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Love the North Korean reference. And I'll repeat a comment I left on Morning Shots earlier: Judge Luttig meet the late P.J. O'Rourke and keep the focus where it must be. NOTHING is more important!

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The oath of office for elected members of the government of the United States of America requires fealty to the Constitution and laws of the country - not to political party. Perhaps the oath should also require the person to foreswear allegiance to any political party and the practice of appending D, R, or I to their name should perhaps be abolished. YMMV.

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Please check (correct) the end of the fifth paragraph. I believe that you reversed your intended comment regarding putting country over party. Thank you.

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And later, "... the virtual Democratic National Convention also featured videos of Republican voters endorsing Trump" ?

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