Tara Reade rose to defend the Uhuru Movement when they were indicted for being unregistered agents of the Russian Empire. In addition to voicing support for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, this group has worked for decades to get black voters to not vote for Democrats.1

Tucker Carlson devoted his last Fox show to the false narrative that the Uhuru’s are being denied first amendment rights and not coordinating with Russian agents.2

Former Uhuru leader Gazi Kodzo split from the group to found a spinoff called Black Hammer when he found it to be a cult. He is also under federal indictment and in jail on unrelated charges.3

1 https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://rumble.com/v1pzl1j-omali-yeshitela-july-fbi-raid-uhuru-st-louis-clip-from-the-politics-of-surv.html&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAyoUMTgxOTAwMzQwMTU0MTU2MjM3NDMyGjI0MWRlNjA2NGE4ZGU4MDc6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw1U4kbOLIO-H3fF8PE9qNO0

2 https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2023/04/21/tucker-carlson-and-glenn-greenwald-defend-uhuru-movement-against-doj-indictment-for-freedom-of-speech/

3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iypB4Oux7jo

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Good Lord, I cannot believe I am going to point this out, but here it goes. Charlie, did you mean the "handie" seen round the world re: Boebert? https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=handie LOL

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You omitted Clarence Thomas from this list?!!!!!! And never considered Sam Alito???!!!!! Both are fodder for this list, IMHO!!!! But the list includes truly deplorable people, I must admit.

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So many little deplorables, so little room.

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Gordie Howe would crush Matt Walsh’s bones to dust with a body check into the boards, rendering him a quivering blob of babbling flesh.

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You totally left out that Boebert was on a first date when that all went down. I think you left out the word the word “hussy” as well.

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I hate Trump and the fact you use the word "Deplorables" to attack your enemies makes me wonder if you are even able to understand WHY I hate Trump. #NeverSykes.

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So many clowns, so little time

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As a resident of Sarasota, I find it interesting that 3 of these are from Florida and 2 of them from Sarasota: Christopher Rufo & Christian (& Bridget) Ziegler. The last 2 are claiming to be devout Christians which is fine, until they turn an honors college into a Christian school with a weird sports team (!?!) or spout off against people they don’t like while engaging in behaviors that are now illegal to discuss in schools. At that point, they become raging hypocrites. And everyone knows about Rick Scott. There are so many fronts down here in Paradise. I spent the morning working with Planned Parenthood to put a ballot initiative on the 2024 ballot to restore women’s reproductive rights. The Attorney General, Ashley Moody, is deadset against that. I can’t believe I still have to protest this sh*t. I’m in my 70s - did it once already (including protesting the Viet Nam war). Sarasota also decided the 2000 election (W). I saved all the local papers about that debacle. I’m tired.

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At one time or another the Clinton crime family has been accused of murdering people at the same rate as Vladimir Putin.

If Bill and Hill are so damn powerful why are any of these deplorables still breathing air?

Why is Trump still alive?

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There is a knock on my door and two MAGA agents (that is MAGA members of Congress) are standing there and ask to speak to me.

I say, "Certainly, officers, please come in."

The first MAGA agent says, "You are under investigation for a crime you may have committed."

I ask him, "Crime? What crime am I being accused of?"

The second MAGA-man responds, "We don't know yet. That's why you are under investigation."

So, I ask again, "But if you don't know what the crime is, how do you know I committed it?"

The first M-man responds, "You don't seem to understand. We intend to find out exactly what that crime is by investigating you."

I ask the second MAGA agent again, who seems to be the more reasonable of the two, "If you need to find out what crime I have committed by investigating me, surely you must have some evidence that there has even been a crime committed. What evidence do you have?"

The first MAGA agent responds coldly, "We have mountains of evidence. We have records of telephone conversations of you with your son."

Now, I know my fifty-year-old son has not made the best choices in his life, and in fact has probably made some of the worst choices possible given the advantages he has had in life, but I am not sure how his bad business conduct has anything to do with an investigation into me.

So, I respond, "Yes, I often speak to my son by phone, as I often speak to all my children and grandchildren, mostly to ask them how they are doing and to tell them I love them."

This fails to impress even the more reasonable second MAGA agent who responds, "That is all we needed to hear. You confess to making phone calls to your son. Please put your hands behind your back and listen as I Mirandize you."

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Except they don't Mirandize people anymore...

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I've been watching too many police procedural shows from the 90s.

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Today's "flat earth movement" is uniquely obtuse in that modern "flat earthers" now have full access to exhaustive information gathered over several millennia proving that the Earth is a globe. They just choose to reject all of it. Modern flat-earthism has become sort of a poster child for the anti-science "we have the freedom to believe what we want and you can't make us do otherwise" performative nonsense popularized by our highly unserious culture wars.

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So help me get this straight (ha ha). If two men have sex, i.e. are homosexuals, they should be put to death. But if I believe that the bible is the unerring word of god and doesn't mention lesbians, then they get a free pass?

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Well, somewhere in the bible it must also be written that God likes lesbian porn.

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I would argue that that a*hole Ken Paxton deserves to be a hell of a lot more than a dishonorable mention - the absolute hell he is inflicting on the women of Texas is beyond appalling.

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Actually, Paxton is inflicting terrible damage on the right to life movement. His actions are defining the issue of abortion by that 1% of cases in which a woman' life or health is in danger, a situation for which even the most ardent anti-abortion activist supports a woman getting an abortion. Paxton is so incredibly stupid. Planned Parenthood should make him person of the year for all he has done for the pro-choice cause.

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It shows stupidity. You don't take a right away from a person (even if they never use it) and then expect her to shut up and do as she's told.

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Making abortion illegal, taking away women's choices and freedom, is NOT "pro-life." And since that's basically all MOST of the "pro-life" movement has tried to do, then Paxton is pretty much the perfect avatar for that movement.

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Unfortunately the issue is not as simple as you portray it. Abortion indisputably involves a second human life. The issue is at what stage that life should be protected. Most industrialized countries say 15 weeks. None take the position that abortion is an issue that just involves a woman making a decision as to her body. If that were true nobody would oppose abortion.

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Of course it's disputed. Many people see a fetus as *living*, as in cells, but not *a life*, as in a person. Traditional definitions usually cite birth or "quickening" as the beginning of individuality.

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Listen to these women, and still tell me that these laws don't treat women like chattel: https://youtu.be/AXcXjfbKVws?si=HfhaTjuKpD5gqntE

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Paul, I think you are the one who is oversimplying things. The other countries that have 15 week limits have very expansive exceptions, and no doctor fears going to prison for the rest of their lives if they treat someone with an abortion. I don't have a problem AT ALL with the people who support the policies that would make abortion less likely, or offer REAL support to expectant women in need (not the coercive, dishonest kind that comes from many "crisis pregnancy centers"). But the kinds of bans Republicans are passing are unbelievably cruel; just listen to the horror stories of women like Kate Cox, Brittany Watts, and literally thousands of others. The state forcing a woman to remain pregnant against her will, to risk permanent damage to her body and possibly her life, is a grave infringement of her bodily autonomy and a human rights violation.

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Indisputably is highly disputable.

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Wrong. Sorry. My body my rules. If a baby is viable outside the body, it lives. If it's not viable outside of the body even with extreme care, then it's the woman's decision to continue having the fetus remain in her body. And I say this as an extreme proponent of birth control, which should be free and available to any woman capable of getting pregnant.

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Most of the 15 week countries have free taxpayer supported healthcare

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How about we make it really simple?

Trust the mother, father, their doctor and maybe their families to make the determination for what they want to do. Everybody else either support whatever decision that group will make or just mind their own business.

In fact the best thing these "other" folks (the anti-abortionists) can do is to support policies that can help parents take care of their kids and the expenses/challenges involved. I somehow doubt it they have any interest in doing this though.

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Did the Schlapps ever stop to think that the demons might be hiding in the golden statue of Trump?

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I’m thinking of the golden calf while reading this comment!!!!

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Yep. The first time I saw that statue rolled out, the golden calf was all I could think about.

I was hoping someone had a replica of the ten commandments carved on stone tablets to throw at it, and maybe it would explode!

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About homosexuality and trans. Nature is amazing in its diversity, including humans. Some of us are born with attraction to the other sex, some with attraction to the same sex, some are born trans, and they have the right to go with their nature. We are all human beings, we all no matter what deserve to be treated as such. The main thing is how we are as human beings not about whom we love. I think that all the hate for gays and trans comes from religion. Religion, extreme religion that base their hatred on the Bible, the most toxic book ever.

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And if you read about ancient societies then you know trans and gay people have been acknowledge as far back as ancient times. So it's not just a fad that has to put down for sake of society. It's a fact that exists whether heterosexual people like it or not.

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This is funny. Or it would be if it were happening in a other planet :-)

I love the Rick Scott quote: "We’re the free state of Florida. We actually don’t believe in socialism…”"

I wonder how many Florida residents collect social security? Maybe Rick can run on a platform of expelling social security recipients from Florida.

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Asdk Rick Scott directly: How much government money did you manage to steal when you were CEO at United HC?

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He would just take the 5th.

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(rim shot!) And leave 80% on the table??

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