The employee is in fear of getting the treatment the Georgia election workers got. She doesn’t want to be doxxed, terrorized, and driven from her home and job in fear. And who can blame her? This is why it’s so important to defeat both Trump and Trumpism.

I don’t believe a word out of Trump’s mouth about abortion. If, heaven forbid, he wins the election, he will do whatever he considers best for HIM at the moment. He personally doesn’t care one way or another. It’s just something to keep the evangelicals with him. Recently he decided it might help if he confused the issue on his views, in hopes that it might help with some voters who believe women are more than a uterus. And it’s working. But he doesn’t care.

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Maybe he'll keep his evangelicals, but his stunt in Section 60 at Arlington Park has turned away a number of military families, veterans, which is what I am, and active-duty. If it was a slam dunk with the abortion issue, it was also one for the disrespect he showed, but with the ball getting thrown in the barrel full of sludge at the bottom. That ball's going nowhere. And that alone should describe Trump himself. There will never be any redemption for this guy for behaving against what is considered sacrosanct in this country.

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With regard to the interview, it appears to me thar Harris could have recited The Jabberwocky & appeared more serious & polished than Trump. There is nothing she has to do to prove herself a better choice than Trump because she quite evidently is contrasting earnest government to chaos at every step. What has to happen now the responsibility of the voters. If they are unable to discern the difference by now there is little she or anyone can do.

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OKay, that's funny, cuz I LOVE that poem. It ties with Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken." GREAT COMMENT! <~~~emphasis, not yelling

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No. Prolifers wouldn’t allow it. Cost him as many votes as he could gain.

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Bill, re: the “moving forward” challenge. Yeah, it’s a challenge, but I don’t think it’s that difficult. But you seem to be complaining that she didn’t deal with it. She wasn’t actually presented with it point blank. That was Bash’s job. She didn’t do it. What was Harris to do? Say “oh, by the way, here’s the answer to question you didn’t ask”? I think it can easily be answered in a way that respects Biden and empties the septic tank on trump. (I could write it. They should hire me.)

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I don't believe anything he says and yesterday I saw republican Peter Wehner say that he doesn't think the evangelicals will change the way they think about him either. Anyway, I'm working as hard for Kamala Harris as I did for Obama and that sure worked out. It makes me giggle to think that he's selling pieces of his "debate suit" along with $99 picture cards as if they were relics. I'm glad I joined the Bulwark and Charlie Sykes mag 'cause I really like all you guys and I adore the dogs. The first democrat I worked for was George McGovern. I was just old enough then for my first vote. And I haven't missed one since. I am so grateful for good health.

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Agree! I joined The Bulwark and happy for it. Got tired of paying for Newsweek, then having my posts rejected. I vote Independent, Blue - the Person, NOT the Party; Adam Kinzinger is a case in point. High moral compass, values, a TRUE patriot, USAF like me, just an all around great guy! Hope VEEP Harris gives him a really decent position in her administration. She said she would bring a Republican on board. And as an aside, Secretary Buttigieg would make a wonderful Secretary of State. Venerable.

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Trump has no positions, he is deal making.

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Harris / Walz ticket has their work cut out for them until Election Day. I am glad that most of us at the Bulwark feel she is off to a great start. I do get a sense that everyone is still worried about how close the race still seems to be. I do not place any of that blame on the Democratic candidates.

The blame resides on we Americans. Kamala may do a great job at the debate but I expect it will only make a small difference. We are a country where half of our leaders and voters seem to be one issue candidates. Me, mine, and myself.

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...and I'm hoping that Trump's typical gaffe towards our military and veterans - showing total disrespect at Arlington Park - will continue to affect him in a very negative light. Unlike Vietnam, when our men returned and got spat upon, we hold all those returned from both sandboxes in very high regard and respect. More importantly, those who have fallen and made the ultimate sacrifice for this country are sacrosanct, just as those who fell on D-Day in Normandy, and have long been resting in peace at the American Cemetery Memorial above Omaha Beach. As for the one issue ordeal, I strongly concur. A one-issue candidate should not determine the direction for who will win. Unfortunately, it's becoming more and more the norm. Great post!

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Let's all make the race not 'up for grabs.' I am at this moment (taking a tiny break) sending over 1,000 texts to register Dems in swing states, join Field Team 6, they're awesome and sending out literally millions. Donate. Postcard (check out Activate America). Phone bank. Door knock if you can. No being shy this election, there are no do-overs. And let's reach out to all our networks and get them to vote, vote blue, and vote early and encourage them all to reach out to their networks. Let's put this away.

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Just thinking about the "...she shoulda said..." notes, and I think she's saving the good stuff for the debate. You know Team Trump is prepping him based on the interview (and he totes doesn't need prep anyway). He'll hope for some gotcha moments, and she won't fall into his traps. She knows how to press his buttons, and once that happens, he loses all control of his mouth.

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Vance HAS to be a plant at this point, right? I mean, of ALL the video in existence of people freezing up during interviews, he picks someone who his boss had a crush on, and the whole dumbass scheme blows up in his face.

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And if she were a man would we care at all how she did in an interview? Of course not. Because it doesn’t make the least bit of difference to Republican-friendly media and Republican voters that Trump is a convicted criminal, can’t string together a lucid phrase much less a lucid sentence and has had policy written for him by The Heritage Foundation. Just stop pretending Bulwark that any of this is in the service of voters. And stop trying to give your media colleagues a pass. They’re garbage and you’re not - hang them out to dry. This is about finding a weakness with which to bludgeon her like Hillary and the emails.

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We were making excuses for Joe Biden's interview with Stephanopolous just a few weeks ago.

[checks notes] He's a man.

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Gawd, Dana Bash is a TERRIBLE interviewer! She's not alone. American journalists are PATHETIC interviewers in general. Great at reporting. Great at analysis/commentary. But effing USELESS at conducting a probing interview. Is the concept of a "follow-up question" not taught in American journalism schools? American journalists seem to have forgotten the concept. Q&A. next. Q&A. etc. Pathetic! Get a Brit in! SOON!

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Dick Cavett!

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I’m an Army brat who moved 14 times growing up and who lived through my dad’s four combat tours of duty in Vietnam. My parents (my mother was a WAC), my grandparents, an uncle and my great grandfather are all buried at Arlington. As such, I feel the most sympathy for the family of Master Sargent Marckesano, whose gravestone coincidently appears in the widely circulated campaign photo op of Trump grinning and giving a thumbs-up in Section 60. For those unaware, Marckesano was in the Special Forces (like my dad), and died by suicide after suffering from PTSD from serving eight combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. (see https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/28/us/politics/trump-arlington-cemetery.html?searchResultPosition=1).

Once again, Trump’s asinine exploits leaves a trail of hurt for innocent bystanders, including the wife and three kids Markesano left behind. None of Trump’s Republican defenders have acknowledged or apologized to the Marckesano’s family for the pain of the unwanted publicity. In my long life, Republicans writ large have always politicized the U.S. military, using service member’s sacrifice simply as a prop to win elections. Trump is just carrying on that disgusting tradition in his exploitation of the deaths of soldiers in our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan— one in which Trump and Pompeo were complicit, a fact unmentioned by the media too.

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“Cynical phonies” is pretty effing mild.


Krakauer’s book on Pat Tilman

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I don’t believe anything DonOLD says and I found the questioning of Harris by Dana Bash worthless. I’m getting more and more angry at the tv media as I Watch them Play games just to keep audiences.

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JD Vance is a sick person. Not just weird--sick. Did Usha know this about him when she married him?

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Bill pretty much nailed it. It got some of, what could be, uncomfortable questions out of the way. I thought her initial reply on fracking was great "What I have seen is that we can grow, and we can increase a clean energy economy without banning fracking". I wished she had left it at that. Though part of the problem is that Dana asked her the same question again even after Harris gave that answer.

She had some comments that seemed to be for left, and some for the swing voter. I worry that she may not have done enough to assuage the concerns of her being 'radical left' for swing voters. But maybe I'm just worrying too much and should wait to hear from them.

I would like to see her do another interview debate. I would like to hear just what an "opportunity economy" means. Clean up the (what I believe to be false ) impression that she wants price and rent controls in her prior speech on the economy. I didn't hear what she said that way, though many seem to have.

She seemed to become much more comfortable in the last half of the interview. Next time she should be that way the entire interview. If nothing else, another interview will give her some practice for the debate. She needs to further stretch and warm up the muscles before she jumps into the debate.

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