What the hell is "woke". Stupid made up word for the Maga nuts to try and attach to Democrats. Childish silliness.

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SVB shows us how dangerous it is to let black people get out of their natural station in life. They make really great musicians, they can all sing like birds, and they are natural at basketball. But one black guy on the board of directors, and your bank goes into the toilet. Even all the other non-black guys working together weren't enough to stop that one black guy from destroying the bank. And dames too! Another mistake. One gal is necessary, someone has to make the coffee and clean up after board meetings. But too many women, it's just asking for trouble!

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It's idiotic that the GOP thinks that no one (except themselves, apparently) can focus on more than one thing at a time. Thus, DEI "distracted" and/or "diverted" SVB from doing actual banking things. Just plain nuts.

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It's highly risible that the nonsense about distraction is itself the distraction.

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Im going to take the title of cruz's book unwoke as a warning that I'll be asleep before I turn the first page...

That photoshop is a hot mess - they slimmed down his hairy, fat face and double chin, but took a chunk of head out from the back removing his mullet. Not that he has any use for it. Looks like they slapped his head onto someone else's body.

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"Republican Study Committee Chairman Kevin Hern reportedly told Republican members of Congress and their staff on a conference call that they should stop going on television and tweeting about the situation if they’re uninformed on what’s actually gone down at SVB."

Did anyone else catch some frustration here and at least a glimmer of hope they are not all lemmings? If Gym Jordan and Comer keep laying investigation eggs, just maybe we can get a rebellion.

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Regarding that video of Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner: His audience comprise the real "crazy town." They are sitting on a sofa watching a talking head scream into a camera.

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With regard to collapse of SVB being symptomatic of Wokeness and DEI policies it is absolutely mind boggling that supposedly bright Harvard and Yale graduates don't know that correlation does not imply causation.

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They know... because the whole enterprise of scripted, cooperative absurdity and mendacity makes correlation create causation -- in the minds of their target demographic.

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You know, most "both sides" political criticism is nonsense. However, when it comes to excessive banking deregulation, both sides are to blame.

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I listened to a bit of Hannity's Fox show last night as I was falling asleep. I do not recommend doing so if you can avoid it; I was not in a position to avoid it. But they're really trying to milk the woke angle, as ludicrous as that may sound. And every guest on there is loud and passionately angry about it, almost as passionate as Tucker's professed hatred for Trump. But wow. If that's all that reaches your ears and eyeballs, that's really got to damage your brain.

It seems like regulatory failure is the likeliest culprit here, and what's aggravating about that is it is partially the Democrats' fault. I remember hearing how high the vote margin in the Senate was when they passed these reductions in regulations, and thinking What the Hell Democrats? Some nonsense about how the lessons of 2008 have been learned and they won't be repeated. Unfortunately, both parties own this.

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Whenever the Republicans open their mouths to complain about whatever, all I hear is the “Wah, wah, wah” of adult-speak in the Charlie Brown cartoons. Lots of “sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

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Pathetically, we are now at the point where when a handful of Republicans speak honestly, it's banner headline news.

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bro I swear if I have to read/hear “woke” non-stop this cycle I’m gonna lose my fuckin mind

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Don't move to Florida - I think the local news networks are required to air every Desantis vocal cord vibration.

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They made similar assertions in 2007 claiming that the housing bubble crash was due to lending regulations aimed at increasing lending and home ownership for traditionally underrepresented groups of people. It's yet another trope they drag out to distract from the underlying, systemic issues--and the base laps it up willingly.

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The Republican party is still trying to figure out how stupid its base is. Every day the rabble of Tuckers and Boberts and Hawleys serves up another, even more preposterous and fetid bowel movement of BS, and watches in amazement as his audience eats it, smacks its lips, and calls for seconds. One would think there would be some limit of absurdity at which even Tucker's viewers and MTG's constituents would stop and think, wait a minute, this isn't food, it's excrement, no wonder my breath smells so bad. But thus far, no sign.

It must be extremely hard work to keep coming up with more and more ludicrous codswallup each day. At some point even the creative genius for mendacity of a Tucker or Trump or Alex Jones must be exhausted.

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Excellent update again, Joe! Keep it up!

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cruz has a ways to go for it to be a mullet..right now he just has a shaggy dog look .

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I've been reading Matt Levine's take on SVB, he has written several good columns about it.


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Thanks Jack. Levine gives a very thorough, sober, factual, hype-shedding assessment… Happy it was not behind Bloomberg’s paywall. Must read.

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