Absolutely, Chris, she had other priorities that did but include giving the press the access they wanted. They have such an overrated idea of their importance it's rather disgusting.

Harris has had a tremendous amount on her plate these past few months, and I think her ability to prioritize and manage her schedule has been nothing short of spectacular. And she's done it all deftly, while maintaining her composure and keeping that great smile on her face.

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Sometimes I think Bill is still running Dan Quayle for office.

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Continuing to apply sophisticated political theories like "fascism" to the Felon is all well and good and great fodder for theorizing but ultimately a false equivalent. All is stark now. Naked ambition to avoid prison is his only motivation at this point or any other. Fear mongering beats any such philosophy. Think of a diseased rat trying to escape a maze closing in on him and bring yourself closer to a vile reality. Where might his bunker be?

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I’m sorry, Mr. Egger, please don’t disturb—do you know hard it is to control the weather? From the middle of Baron Rothschild’s vineyard? Boy, them space lasers were touchy … but this?

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"They were decent people. They were merely misled."

On a drive yesterday on the rural highway along Cook Inlet (Kenai Peninsula, Alaska), we saw a Harris Walz sign in front of a house. It was riddled with bullet holes. Misled indeed. Decent -- not so sure.

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Fascist, smashist (also true)—this is like arguing the difference between moron and idiot (again true) … while said dunce smirks in the corner.

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“And yet, it remains depressing that, at each juncture, neither side looked up and said: You know what, I’ll take the high road this time.”

This quote says everything about what is wrong with media. This is entirely a Republican issue. They have been doing this bullshit for years. Literally desantis did this exact thing to Biden 2 years ago during another storm. Come on Andrew, be better than this.

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Trump was an idol eight years ago; now he is just a symbol. It is the Stephen Millers and other crazies he will have in his administration that scare me. Trump will just be off to the golf courses most days. He'll want to watch TV for hours to see if he is still the talk of the 24-hour news stations. Like Hitler, he will have to have a food taster to taste his McDonald's. (I suggest J.D. Vance.)

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Doggonit, he's right! "The nuclear people can't have the nuclear. Nuclear is the power." Why didn't the experts tell us??? It takes a stable genius to see stuff like this.

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There is something about that first assassination attempt that bothers me. If someone were shooting at me, would I want to pick my head up to make a grand gesture for my fans? Wouldn't I want to be rushed into a car? But my understanding is that he stood outside his car to interact with the crowd. How would he have known that all shooters were apprehended? When I told my husband my feelings, he asked, "Well, if it was staged, why would he be grazed?" Perhaps it was just supposed to be a close shot and it got too close. I don't know. This is my thinking, not culled from the Internet. If it is there, I am not aware of it.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Hard to say. You're not, I presume, an addled old fart who only processes things through how they look on television. Narcissist is gonna narcissist, I think. Trump is a severely damaged person, who doesn't know how to act normally. Who gives a "thumbs up" over a soldier's grave? Who cavalierly commits sexual assault - and then brags about it? Who enjoys getting letters from maniacal dictators? Trump is broken, and him doing odd stuff is evidence of him being a total weirdo, nothing more.

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Don't know if Trump, Vance, etc are Fascists, but they sure sound like Mussolini and Franco did and they seem to have about as much brain matter as Mussolini had, which wasn't much. Mussolini and Hitler demanded total control of women, no rights to free speech or assembly, and control over the economy. The similarities between Trump think and fascism should be enough to concern any American. There isn't much of a step from Fascism to Nazism, and in fact, as near as I can determine, the only difference is the practice of genocide. Trump might want to think about how Mussolini's and Hitler's lives ended. Neither ended life with any dignity. Voters might want to think about how and why Italy and Germany ended up controlled by Mussolini and Hitler. Both used sick political systems to gain control that ultimately required their deaths to finally end.

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'When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving the cross.' This quote has been attributed to Sinclair Lewis but after doing some research I see that the University of Illinois and others state that Lewis never wrote this. I trust the literary authorities and do not know the origin of this non-quote, but the strength of the words have remained with me.

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Currently, fascism in America isn't exactly wrapped in the flag, but he does have a tendency to hug it awkwardly.

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For those of you in So Cal, I just found out that the Orange Snake will be 20 miles from me on Saturday. https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/10/07/donald-trump-campaign-rally-in-coachella-california/75561577007/?utm_source=ppas-DailyBriefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-briefing&utm_term=hero&utm_content=1082DS-E-NLETTER65

You can read it without a subscription as I did before I signed into my account. Coachella is a small semi-desert community, D and Latino. Heck, the entire Valley is. As the article states, from a campaign point of view, it is beyond mind-boggling. He's not going to win here; he's not going to win the state; and even well-known R party members are skipping this. Why is he wasting time and money to come here? He has no property here, and the local tribe he screwed when he "managed" their casino has a very long memory. And the person hosting the event isn't popular either. Seems like his senility is infecting his campaign.

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Opportunity for a photoshop?

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I think it is past time we refer to the Trump movement for what it is. And, yes, it is fascism. I also think it is past time that we give the benefit of the doubt to his supporters. Adam Serwer in The Atlantic coined the phrase ‘The cruelty is the point’ and that could not possibly be more apparent than it is right in this moment. While maybe originally some people were duped by Trump into voting for him, nobody (and I mean nobody) could possibly claim that any longer. He is a horrible and cruel human being and it is exactly that they are supporting. Sure we could argue that that doesn’t mean his supporters are horrible and cruel, but anybody who cheers for the horrible and cruel has something terribly wrong inside their soul.

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Which is precisely why I’ve disassociated with former acquaintances and yes, former friends who have adopted trump as their “Savior”.

IMO, they declared war against ME by their choice. I will not allow the company of traitors.

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Bill, here is an example of a person speaking broadly about a population based on the limits of his own breadth of relationships: "But most of us haven’t quite said that what we’re seeing today really is a version of fascism." MOST ? As the old saw goes, "Speak for yourself."

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Bill lives in the Republican World but I'm glad he's sort of "woke" now.

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Exactly. I'm not entirely sure that Bill has renounced his support for the Tea Party, which itself birthed Trump and all that came with him. The establishment Republicans were all too happy to court the rubes for their votes, never realizing the risk the rest of us saw in riling up the mob the way they did.

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"And yet, it remains depressing that, at each juncture, neither side looked up and said: You know what, I’ll take the high road this time."

Are you trying out for a job with the NYT?

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