According to Axios reporter Andrew Solender: Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly whose district includes Dulles has a better renaming idea:

"Donald Trump is facing 91 felony charges. If Republicans want to name something after him, I'd suggest they find a federal prison."


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I was going to suggest a naming a landfill after djt.

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Or the sewage treatment plant.

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I like your style.

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I wonder if Carol Burnett might have something to say about renaming Dulles International.


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Um...isn't IAD already named after someone? Not sure the descendants of Mr. Dulles would be too happy about a name change...

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There really is no bottom. It's as though they're screaming at people, "We are conning you! You are marks!" And no one is mad about it. They all love it.

I've never looked at Trump and thought, wow, what a talented con man. His antics have always seemed so transparent to me, like obvious, like he's not even trying to be slick. He's not a good con artist; he's a bad con artist. Anyone who buys one of these bible is incredibly stupid.

I did appreciate Joe bringing up the Jefferson Bible. The people who insist on a Christian founding always seem to forget about that.

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So, Trumps pater et fils both have their own versions of the Bible (which it must be noted, by paraphrasing Samuel Clemens, contains a smattering of history, a wealth of pornography and upwards of a thousand lies), the Constitution and god knows what else. Appropriate. The Trumps, between them, seem to know a smattering of history, are fans of pornography, and generate lies with the profligacy of flies in a West Texas cattle feed lot.

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GlenD - That is brilliant!!

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You are, sir, much too kind. Thank you.

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Damn, GlenD! It's comments like these that keep me coming back to the Bulwark. Bravo, sir!

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And you, madam, have caused a huge smile to form on the face in my mirror. What a great way to start a new day. Thank you!

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Love your writing, Joe. It gets better every week!

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“Because I hear this is a major theme right here, but Two Corinthians, right? Two Corinthians 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, right? Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

Had Trump plumbed the depths of his favorite book in his favorite book back in 2016 a bit further, he'd have found the following. Not that it would have mattered to him. Or to many of his followers.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15, EHV (If unfamiliar, *Evangelical* Heritage Version)

13 In fact, such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 So it is no great surprise if his ministers also masquerade as ministers of righteousness. Their end will match their works.

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Sounds like God is a little behind on his smiting list.

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Obviously, grifting runs in the family.

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So heartwarming to see father and son sharing a common bond.

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I’m surprised that daddy allowed junior to compete against him.🤔

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Trump using the (public domain version of) The King James Bible, assembled by the same King James who was fascinated with witches and witch hunts, is highly ironic. King James’s obsession with witchcraft can be traced back to his childhood. The violent death of his mother, Mary, Queen of Scots, seems to have inspired a dark fascination with magic. “His Highness told me her death was visible in Scotland before it did really happen,” related Sir John Harington many years later, being, as he said, “spoken of in secret by those whose power of sight presented to them a bloody head dancing in the air”. Two years after Mary’s execution, another dramatic event deepened James’s growing obsession with magic and witchcraft. In 1589 he was betrothed to Anne of Denmark, but she almost lost her life in a violent tempest when she set sail across the North Sea to meet her new husband. In an uncharacteristic show of chivalry, James resolved to sail across to Denmark and collect her in person. But on their return voyage the royal fleet was battered by more storms and one of the ships was lost. James immediately placed the blame on witches, claiming that they must have cast evil spells upon his fleet. He then instigated witch hunts in Scotland and published Daemonologie. Later, when he travelled south to take ownership of his new kingdom, the king of Scots was dismayed to find that his English subjects were far from sharing his witch-hunting fervor. So the man accusing every one of witch hunting against him uses the witch hunter's version of the bible. You can't make this up. Plus, the people buying the KJV-Trump adjacent Bible likely can't read it, because it's written in Jacobean English, not tweets or truths.

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Yes, I already have a Bible and find one to be sufficient. Also, it’s a New American Standard because I like being able to read it in normal English.

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Oh, and thanks for the history. Too bad James isn’t around to hunt a big, orange witch.

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A few comments...

1) “I’d be curious to hear Trump discuss the merits of the more than four-centuries-old King James translation that Greenwood’s Bible uses” – can we get an “amen” for that? Actually, I’d be happy if Trump would just answer what the basic themes of the Old and New Testaments are. I remember Trump being asked on CBN if he were “more of an Old Testament or a New Testament guy”. Before he could even answer I knew what he was going to say – “both”. Unfortunately, neither of the interviewers would bother to ask Trump to expand on his views. I’m sure they knew Trump had no idea what he was talking about, and I’m sure the interviewers’ corporate masters didn’t want to embarrass Trump. Or more accurately, given that Trump isn’t capable of embarrassment; they didn’t want to annoy their audience with facts.

2) I wonder – will the Trump Bible be printed upside down?

3) Thanks for the history lesson.

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As a skater, I know you're a Tony Hawk fan. With all due respect to him, if we're renaming the San Diego airport after a local sports icon, it would be Tony Gwynn. While born and raised in Long Beach, he attended SDSU, played 20 years for the Padres and then coached his former team until his untimely death in 2014. No personality is more associated with the city than Mr. Padre.

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I was going to suggest the same thing.

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Tony Gwynn’s name belongs on a ballpark or a school. Or both.

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Well, the ballfield at SDSU is Tony Gwynn Stadium and Petco Park is located on Tony Gwynn Drive, so there's that.

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I thought buildings and monuments were named after dead people....did I miss something? Just asking. If Dulles is to be renamed, let's find a dead reprobate.

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We can only hope and wish.

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Or do those sycophants know or surmise something about the future of TFG that could make a lot of people writhe in ecstasy, hence the need for a Bible?

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IIRC, National was renamed before St. Ronald's death. Congress rushed pell-mell to get it done by his birthday, not long after the idea sprouted.

I used IAD regularly in the 80s and more so in the 90s, but only a few times since departing NoVA in 1999. It was almost always a painful experience, especially during construction, which was constant in the 90s. But naming it after a dysfunctional president has a certain charm ...

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Though Regan was still alive when National was renamed, we know that was a violation of tradition. I am sure there are some dead dysfunctional Republicans that could be honored. That list should remain personal until truly needed. Thinking about being catty is okay....

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I find this mixing of religion and government extremely offensive, un-American and dangerous. The government should treat every religion with neither fear nor favor. This country was in no way shape or form founded as a "Christian" Country" nor do we have a "Christian" government nor should we. I will not sing patriotic songs in Church, nor will I recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Church. This is the most anti American thing I can think of.

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If Don Jr. Is going to be endorsing books, shouldn't they be works he has read or is at least capable of reading. I recommend "Green Eggs and Ham", with a special MAGA inspired foreword from Jr. himself.

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The Seuss estate will crucify him.


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But would he understand it?

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Hey Joe, ask Al Green to rename "Houston Hobby (HOU)" to "Beyoncé International (BEY)"

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I'd pay to see this happen!

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Same. Hobby is in his district and he's crazy enough to do it lol. I live in Sheila's district, I voted for Whitmire for mayor 😑 and she knows me from The Caucus. So I can't ask him. I need a DC insider lol.

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How appropriate that America's worst airport could be renamed after America's worst president.

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"…for the discovery of oxygen. (Before Priestley, nobody could breathe.)" Also, because without oxygen, no one could light candles. Therefore, those years were called The Dark Ages.

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We've been asking ourselves for ten years, "How did we get into this (political/biblical) situation?" Tim Alberta explains......

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Great book.

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