Full on demented, hysterical, raging lunatic makes Col. Kurtz seem like Mickey Mouse. Can only imagine the hourly and daily cortisol flooding this filthy human dumpster fire.

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The union boss's threat to "cripple you" sounds like a line from a cheesy movie about a mob boss. "Nice legs. It would be a shame if anything happened to them." You can be pro-union and still recognize extortion when you see it. It's even easier to recognize it when the head of the union lays it all out for you.

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It would be helpful if the Bulwark would clarify whether it sees itself as a center-right advocacy group or a pro-democracy coalition. If you want to be the latter, then you need a greater diversity of voices if your writers are going to beat up on unions.

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Re the Cheap Shots photos of Vance: Was the left one doctored to give Vance a Lincolnesque face?

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

I've told JD Vance before, but I'll say it again: His beard looks stupid.

He in no way looks more masculine or ruggedly militia MAN. It's a running joke around these parts how dumb the Three Percenters, with their lame sunglasses, middle-aged cosplay, and stupid patchy beards look. Applies just as well to MAGA's vice-presidential nominee.

Yes yes yes, they're also dangerous lunatics, and it's NOT NICE to make fun of someone's looks anyway, but to heck with that--Mock these guys. Mock them in the way they desperately do NOT want to be mocked.

(Do the same to Ted Cruz, by the way. He's growing a damn beard for the same damn reason. :/)

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I have a bunch of Facebook "friends" from high school who I keep just to see what they're saying about politics. These are a whole mix of college-educated and not, in a part of Florida that has always been very conservative. One of these guys posted the other day something to the effect of, "I didn't watch the VP debate. I hate both the Democrats and the Republicans. They all suck. I don't care about January 6. I'm going to vote for the person who will do the least damage."

Obviously, the one who does the least damage, in this guy's mind, is the one who did J6, which he doesn't care about. Incidentally, this same guy posted about how wrong it was that Ashli Babbitt was killed.

Lots of "likes" and "me too!" comments. Sigh.

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All that post needs is an "AMEN!!!!".

(Yeah, if you see someone comment that, reply with a Satan emoji.)

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My initial impression was that this won't matter at all, as most people have stopped thinking about his legal cases.

My only hope is that this will cause unforced errors by Trump that will actually hurt him. He's certainly the most likely person to keep this in the news.

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"Trump wants to destroy the system that reins him in. You can count on it. He isn’t a toxic whiner; he is a threat to our democracy."

Ah, but without his 1000s of fellow traitors, which sadly now includes most GOP politicians, as well as countless shamelessly opportunistic lawyers, cult media, etc., he would be nothing but a pathetic whiner. And most of those protectors would abandon him in a heartbeat if his public support were a mere 10% less.

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I wonder if anyone will ask Melania how her whole anti-bullying thing is doing....

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"They can't do that to our pledges! Only we can do that to our pledges!"

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Nice Animal House reference. I had to look it up, but that would have been one of my guesses for where that came from.

I was always hopeful that Trump would do the whole "Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" thing. He got close...but never actually got all the way there...

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There is actually a story that his Chief of Staff had to explain to Trump what happened at Pearl Harbor. He didn't know.

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I remember that. I need to keep reading the book, "The Divider" by Peter Baker and Susan Glaser. It's around 1000 pages, but quite detailed. The two journalists were front and center during Trump's occupation of the WH. There were numerous interviews as well by those closest to him. As lengthy as the book is, I can only stomach a few pages at a time because...well, it's Trump. I can feel my BP rising upon learning of the crap this guy got away with. I really hope that with the 165-page brief made public now (Showtime!), Jack Smith will finally achieve "Jackpot!" The evidence is just too damning to simply blow it off as nothing more than a slap on the wrist. This guy NEEDS to face jailtime.

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The one thing my mother in law can’t really get away from is that Trump made sure his rally was on January 6 - not the 5th, not the 7th - *and* that he made sure it ended right before the certification process started *and* that he directed the crowd to the capital building. All planned. Blows me away how she can excuse/dismiss this

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Those same people will claim that the Dems instigated the violence on 1/6 without a shred of evidence and refuse to watch the 1/6 hearings because of claims they were partisan.

My term for this is "Willful Dis-Ignorance". It's the weaponization of targeted and intentional ignorance.

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One of the Bulwark writers, I forget which one, was there the day of the insurrection.

He said he interviewed a bunch of people the next day who were also there, and they were all saying, "it was all Antifa". I would have asked "So you're admitting you are Antifa, because you were there?"

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I think J6th is a stain on our democracy. I love it when Harris/dems pound the issue because it makes me feel good. However, the idea this will move voters now after 4 years after prosecuting this case in the press, congress and courtrooms is laughable. I know “we” love hearing Dems attack, attack, attack but I just disagree that this moves many voters anymore.

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The unfortunate reality is that more than half the country doesn't see the value in continuing as a constitutional republic. The ignorance just astounds me.

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Exactly. The problem I have with the argument “make j6th matter” is that all these people saw what happened with their own eyes. Like the videos are EVERYWHERE. On top of that a lot of Trump voters thought that j6th was a stain on democracy on j7th but now don’t care. It isn’t that “people” aren’t making the case. It’s that people have decided to not care anymore. Shit it took them like 2 months to move on. Amazing to me.

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That's the main lesson of the Trump era. They will go along with anything, and I do mean anything including murder, if given the time to adjust to it.

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"As they’re currently compensated, senior longshoremen can make more than $200,000 a year while factoring in overtime pay."

So a bunch of workers managing to battle off wage stagnation is bad. I've never considered bailing on the Bulwark until now. What a joke.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Seems like not a lot of actual research was done for that piece. Like many here commented, "what's the lowest wage?, What's the highest pay?, How much of that is overtime pay? How many hours of OT are worked by a dock worker to make $200k?" etc. On its face, the article does make the union and the CEO's sound greedy but too many details are left out. The union strike story would've been better, and hopefully more fairly served, by having it as a stand alone article instead of just a blurb in Morning Shots.

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I know our democracy is on knife’s edge, but the longshoremen wages needs better and more accurate reporting.

“Under the ILA's former contract with USMX, which expired on Monday, starting pay for dockworkers was $20 per hour. That rose to $24.75 per hour after two years on the job and to $31.90 after three years, topping out at $39 for workers with at least six years of service. “

The emphasis on high hourly wage for east coast longshoremen is misleading at best. Pay at $39 per hour, which is about $81,000 per year can increase to $200K per year, but again, that’s only for the highest paid workers.

What percentage of workers are eligible for the top wage is high? A lot.

“Brave [Charles Brave, president of International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1422] said his local chapter alone has about 1,400 members who work at South Carolina’s port terminals. About 80% of them have the experience needed to be paid at top scale, and most work more than 40 hours every week…”


How much do dockworkers make? Here are the striking workers' salaries. - CBS News


Union dockworkers along East Coast, including Charleston, strike over pay, technology • SC Daily Gazette


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Daggett's pathological, narcissistic behavior makes him a perfect example of the MAGA parasite. He is a corrupt, selfish criminal who is willing to burn it all down to get what he wants. The fact that he is friendly with Trump seals the deal. How did we get to this horrid, dystopian place? ( In the end, let's hope that TFG and Daggett wind up sharing a cell.)

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Just got this from a friend in South Carolina, who had it sent to him by friend of his.

My question: Why aren't any of these flag rank officers who have sworn to defend the Constution and the United States, saying these things in public, meaning from billboards, in rallies, or in ads for Harris/Walz???

Gen Barry McCaffrey 2018 – “Reluctantly I have concluded that President Trump is a serious threat to U.S. national security. He is refusing to protect vital U.S. interests from active Russian attacks. It is apparent that he is for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr. Putin”

Adm. William McRaven 2018 - “Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation."

Gen. Jim Mattis 6/3/20 – “Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership,"

Gen. John Kelly (former Trump Chief of Staff) "The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it's more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life,"

Gen Barry McCaffrey (Sept 2022) “Astonishing Trump language. The crowd is similar to a Nuremberg rally 1936. A lawless Trump in office in 2024 election would slide us into autocracy and deny our Constitutional safeguards. This is our greatest danger as a nation since 1860. VOTE,"

Gen. Kelly (2023)- "He lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring. He is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything governing, history, geography, human events or world affairs. He is a traitor and a malignancy in the nation, and represents a clear and present danger to our democracy, and the rule of law."

Admiral Michael Smith (Jan 2024) - “No one who was so willing to undermine the rule of law should be responsible for faithfully executing our nation’s laws. Trump must be stopped.”

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Exactly! By not "sounding off" loudly and publicly, they are violating the oath they took to "defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES, foreign and DOMESTIC" (angry old man caps are mine).

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I was going to use capitalization, too, but, as the messenger, didn't want to be TOO over the top. Glad you allowed yourself that freedom in a comment. Thanks, from one old man to another!

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Love Chutkan’s big middle finger to tRump releasing the filing right now. It warms the cockles of my heart.

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