When I finally gave in and got my Inauguration Day fix, I found out that my job as a federal employee is in jeopardy. I'm still on probation until next month, and I'm older, so I know they'll look at me. As I contemplate the next four years, I'm thinking about hitting the road again in my van (I've got more than five years in it) and subsidizing myself with youtube and substack. I've done it before and enjoyed much of it. While it can be very inconvenient and I would miss warm water, it might be worth it.

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"After all, it’s striking that even today, more Americans still have an unfavorable view of Trump than a favorable one."

In fact less than 1/3 of eligible voters voted for him. And some of them are already disappointed with some of his nominees.

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Sorry, but it’s “SET foot”, not step foot.

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I'll post this as a comment in a few places to spread the word, but as I wrote in a post I published this morning, I think people need to write their Congresspeople to put pressure on Speaker Johnson to refuse any requests to allow January 6th attackers to come to the Capitol building as honored guests for the State of the Union address. I included something folks can send to their Congresspeople and Senators on my post. I have no hope that we can forestall it, but I see it as a real possibility and it troubles me greatly.


*These comments reflect my personal views and do not represent the views of my employer, the United States Navy, or the United States Government.

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Hopefully, the ball-less Dems step up in each Congressional body and quote Trump about Ukraine, et al, day after day for the remaining horrible days of the next four days.

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WOW!!! How insightful was Charles Shultz????

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Re: The Gulf rename

The grammar school mentality of Trump is astonishing.

The names of oceans, gulfs, rivers, streams, etc. are not ordained by a tyrannical tot, but by a worldwide commission.

This is further evidence of the Madness of Pig Donald.

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Not shocked and awed. Disgusted and nauseous. 🤮

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The POS just signed an executive order ending birthright citizenship. And declares a national emergency on the border. He also didn't have his hand on the Bible he's hawking when he took his "oath". He thinks he's God.

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Well, to be fair, Eva, so does his base, and that's going to make Trump's inevitable fall that much sweeter to watch.

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Either he's too contemptuous of religious belief to see any meaning in making a vow to God - or - he actually worries that there is a God who would instantly smite him for swearing a false oath.

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The shock and awe continues.

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Beatable implies a measurable counter force that is fighting. Of which there is none. I also failed my dry news January or even weekend. Sigh.

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The counter force is presumably the Democrats???

Good luck with that, since they have proved to be only a smidgen less spineless than the ReTrumplican'ts.

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My point exactly. We have no counterforce. It’s all very grim.

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I'm sad. I was looking forward to JVL's piece today. Oh well, I'm sure he'll have an excellent one for us tomorrow!

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Love the Cheap Shots! I’ve been trying to understand crypto since it became a thing and I’m still waiting for an explanation that doesn’t make me think “Oh, so tulip mania then . . .”

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I had a thirty-year career in finance. The creed is, if you do not understand it, do not invest in it.

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Thanks for sharing Senator Chris Coon's "letter". The message to Trump is great and it comes from an honorable man, a type foreign to the Trump cult.

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Trump's cultural executive orders are also expected to curb the excesses of trans activism by “defending women from gender ideology extremism and restoring biological truth to the federal government.” This is according to NBC News, which also reported that:

"The order aims to require that the federal government use the term 'sex' instead of 'gender,' and directs the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security to 'ensure that official government documents, including passports and visas, reflect sex accurately.' "

The item goes on to say: "The order will also prevent taxpayer funds from being used for gender-transition health care and add 'privacy in intimate spaces' in facilities such as prisons, migrant shelters and rape shelters."

This can't come a moment too soon. In a perfect world, Trump would also ban the teaching of gender identity in K-12.

I'm a centrist Democrat and a gay man who is not alone in my demographic in holding this view.


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All culture war, all the time.

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We don’t have to engage in culture wars. If Democrats have any sense at all, they will just let this issue go. No protestations, no outrage. It’s a shame, because trans people will be thrown under the bus. But bottom line, this issue hurt us and we can’t afford the luxury of defending it.

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I said this in 2016 at a teaching conference. Do NOT put trans bathrooms on any Dem platform. Get a national agenda together that serves the majority of groups and issues. A .5% segment of the population needs to be ignored on the platforms. However, once in office, make sure basic human rights for trans are supported/guaranteed, without shouting it from the mountaintops. When attendees at my conference labeled my comments anti-trans, I replied,"Your adherence to this issue is giving the GOP ammunition, and Trump will win if you can't see the forest from the trees. See what happens to trans rights when he gets into office."

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You are right about 2016. All that talk about trans bathroom rights 24/7 killed us. We should have learned then, but no, we pushed even harder.

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Like Bill, I confess the failure of my resolve to tune out all news over the weekend, succeeding fully only during the nail-biter of an Eagles win in the Philadelphia snow. Go Birds!

Doing better today. The TV has been silent. I have confined my reading and listening to my go-to Substacks, The Bulwark first and foremost. Also Timothy Snyder, Heather Cox Richardson, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Charlie Sykes, Meidas Touch, Joyce Vance, Ann Telnaes, and the brand new Contrarian, among others.

JVL, where are you?!

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JVL is probably luxuriating in the carnage Trump is about to unleash on his base.

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Fly, Eagles, fly

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Old Snoopy cartoon: Lucy and Charlie sitting back to back on opposite sides of a small tree.

Lucy: Do all fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time"?

Charlie: No, some begin, "When I am elected, I promise"

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