"Aside from the borderline pedophilic creepiness of this riff..."

It is quite remarkable how when you turn left, you get a dirty mind to go with it.

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Trumpers have responded to Kelly's comments with the airtight logic we have come to expect from them: "Kelly just hates Trump!" Which I suppose explains why he consented to be Trump's chief of staff.

Oh I get it. He subsequently fell prey to an irrational "hate." (Maybe he was revolted by the smell that some have reported, but MAGAs obviously can't mention that.) And then he concocted a "smear" to justify his "hate" and to hurt Trump for nefarious reasons.

MAGAs tell themselves that there can't be any good reason to oppose Trump, so every stated reason, especially if it comes from their former allies, is simply cooked up to rationalize a shallow prejudice (e.g. an effete distaste for mere "style"), or cynical self-interest (an ambition to get on MSNBC) or long-closeted leftism.

Oddly, many of those Trump apologists used to say pretty much the same things about him. Were they just making it up to justify their contempt for his combover or his McDonald's habit?

There's another example of self-comforting logic in the efforts to explain away the extraordinary number of Republican officials who oppose their own party's nominee: "It shows there's a concerted effort being made to stop Trump from being elected."

Well, yes. And perhaps there's a reason for that concerted effort, and you can find it in what those people are saying. Their statements are a damn good reason to oppose him - not a cynical rationale for acting out some petty personal grievance, nor part of a devious conspiracy by 'globalists" to bring down America's great patriotic savior.

What Republican or former Republican critics and former military people say about Trump is precisely why they oppose him -- and why any real patriot should oppose him too.

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Hey!! WAPO just announced that Democracy does die in Darkness! The want to help prove that it's true.

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In case you haven't heard, the Washington Post is doing an LA Times thing and not endorsing anyone for president. How the mighty have fallen!

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What Bill says 💯

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The old switcheroo was always going to be a long shot. Dems should have ran a legitimate primary.

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31 mins ago·edited 30 mins ago

Primaries are only about the election of delegates to a convention. Those delegates select the nominee. Biden dropped out and the Biden delegates, who were elected, picked Harris. That's exactly how the system has worked for like 150 years or so. And Harris winning is far from a "long shot." I would say she's probably favored, albeit slightly.

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Idk man all this foot shuffling here at the end smells of Hillary 2016. We’ll see how it plays out! I just truly couldn’t vote for either candidate.

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22 mins ago·edited 21 mins ago

Then you voted for Trump. Just like those socialists, monarchists, communists, etc. who refused to get together to defeat Hitler.

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TC's sadistic fantasy is completely in keeping with the Trumpist aesthetic. I rarely see anybody acknowledge the sexual lure of fascism, but it's so clearly a part of MAGA's appeal. The superfans like the rapey stuff. Sad to say, this is part of the reason so many young men are flocking to Trump.

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Now that we have the material about Hitler, Trump should be viewed as the guy at the end of the bar who keeps on drinking and talking. Now, we notice that he has a gun.

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Everyone slowly backs toward the nearest exit. Once clear to the parking lot, run like hell.

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I wish Harris would talk more about the disastrous presidency of Trump. His supporters believe he was better at the economy and the border than Biden. That is ludicrous he was a disaster at both, he inherited a great economy from Obama and increased the National debt by 8 trillion dollars. He ended up with 6.4% unemployment, his tariffs and deportations were a disaster. Farmers went out of business and factories were closing. The border was chaos, child separation (without any record keeping), the muslim ban (people stranded in mid air), a crumbling wall etc. 1 million death from Covid. Biden has a great economy, 4.1% unemployment, oil prices came down, wages are up, 16 million jobs created,Harris should boast about it an ridicule Trump for his failures

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I get this take on strategy. But at her recent town hall, the VP was addressed by a gaggle of attendees who said that they were tired of the negativity, didn't know who all the ex-Trump-admin people were, and wanted a positive message. Megan McArdle in WaPo said that the VP was being destroyed by the Trump anti-trans ads. Bret Stephens in the NYT asserted that, among other things, independents were put off by the VP not being elected in a primary (duh! it was 4 weeks to the convention and BS wanted a complete multi-state primary!). The results of the choice of Trump or VP Harris are now clear to anyone who is paying any attention at all. If Trump wins via the electoral college the Constitution is toast to everyone since it is appallingly out of date. If Trump wins the popular vote...well I think we all know what that means.

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It shouldn't be a toss up, you're right. Look at the two individuals and look at their support. Look at their individual visions.

It's pure misogyny,

really nothing else at all. Women's rights may win it for the good guys yet. It has in very unexpected places so far.

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Technically we will be to blame. But in truth, it will be the insufferable,overwhelmingly white male plutocracy that has successfully waged war on the middle and lower classes from at least the days of Reagan and arguably Nixon in every area—education, affordable housing, decent jobs, health care, the social safety net, so degrading their ability to live and to see through the fog of media disinformation that they grasp at the grotesque creature who befouled the White House once and May again. So if we lose I know who I will blame. It will be no consolation at all.

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Roy, white male plutocracy way predates Reagan and Nixon. In fact, when has it NOT been the norm? What's happening now is it feels wounded and it's thrashing around like an injured dragon, angrily blowing fire and smoke and bashing everything nearby with its destructive tail.

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Re Cathy Young: Funny how Republicans - especially those QANON ones - always seem to suggest a close relationship of Dems and pedophiles. And yet … hear Tucker now or Donald talk about Ivanka then or the fact the Jim Jordan worked alongside Richard Strauss for eight years or Jeffrey Epstein or Roy Moore or …

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Every accusation is a confession

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And blissfully ignored …

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"Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and ability." I have no questions to ask about myself, so when Bill says "ourselves" it's what the Trump voters should be asking of themselves, not me. What is it about a decrepit eighty year old fascist geezer who spews anger and hate, grievance and racism and personal "get even" rhetoric that attracts you, when almost every person who worked closely with him last time says he's manifestly vile and unfit? I can only think it's because you're just like him, and I want nothing to do with you. I hope beyond hope that Kamala wins, but I'm preparing myself for Trump 2.0., and part of that process is just adopting a "who gives a shit" attitude about what's coming. I refuse to spend my remaining days spun up with anger and anxiety that have plagued me since Trump showed up. I remember from a long ago history class the prof saying that the Roman Empire didn't fall overnight, it started with things like the outer provinces being told "The weekly messenger from Rome will now only be coming once a month." In other words, it started by fraying at the edges. We are fraying at the edges. If Trump wins I wonder how much of the unraveling I'll be around to witness.

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Reading about Elon, his love calls to Putin and his enormous contracts with the government, (SpaceX, Starlink) I thought of that well known term that came out of the economic meltdown of 2009: too big to fail. I would say there is very little the government will do about it.

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The government should nationalize SpaceX and Star link both.

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“Her performance at the debate with Donald Trump was first-rate.” Actually, her performance anywhere. She speaks in full sentences … that make sense. She can speak off the cuff; Trump, on the other hand, goes off into incoherence. She *looks* smart; Trump looks like there is nothing going on behind the orange. Woman vs. automaton.

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And a poorly designed and barely operational automaton at that!

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It would not be a great idea to put Elon in charge of cost-cutting or any other position of public trust and confidence. Twitter was not made greater by its ownership and new management change. Rename the country United States of X? Not great, Elon.

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