Dear President Zelensky,

I am sick at heart after viewing you on TV with our bully of a president and his manipulative VP. Please know that you were set up. You were right not to sign anything with this country. The small men and all those involved in the 2025 plot to undo our country cannot be trusted. Putin and Trump already had a plan for the outcome of the war that Putin started. No matter what you did or said would have taken their plan off the table. You know that now. And so do we. President Zelensky, you have our admiration for everything you have done to keep your country a democracy, something Trump and his cronies have no use for. I will pray for you and use my voice to object to the plan between Russia and Trump.

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If a few weaselly geriatric Republican legislators had the “cajones” of the young president of Ukraine we would still have some hope. Like that will ever happen. High fives to Zelensky!

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JD Vance is SICK person.👹. Lindsay Graham go away and stop humiliating yourself and the US. Trump, those who voted for you are not well. You told us....WTF why didn't people listen?? VOTE them out. CALL your CONGRESS PERSON. Do your job and protect UKRAINE 🇺🇦. This should not be who we are😡

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Is it possible that the US is now a satellite state of Russia? And, now that the US has abandoned it's cyber security efforts against Russia, are the five eyes partners' intelligence systems under threat too or are the systems physically separate?

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I was surprised by Eric’s reference to an “allied nation.” We have allies? We shouldn’t …

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These people are garbage, nasty, fat fuckers. Pieces of shit. Garbage. Weaklings. Vermin. In need of eradication. Evil fuckers. Worms. We'd better start arming up, 'cause these people are nuts. Start targeting the propaganda systems with messaging--it's all fake news. Wake'em up. Wake'em up. Wake'em up. The American people need to know what's REALLY going on with clear eyes.

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Who needs nuclear weapons when social media can bring down entire civilizations.

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Brace yourself. It will get worse. We have a president who worships dictators. We have a series of propaganda outlets that justify every horrible thing he does. Americans don’t know truths from falsehoods. The private sector, the courts, the congress, and the media have all bended the knee. We don’t have any checks and balances left.

The only check we have is the American people. Until there are enough of us to resist the relentless manipulation and falsehoods being peddled to us everyday, this is now who we are to the world- a petty, materialistic, distracted, vindictive, naive, and self-absorbed country that only cares about ourselves.

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It's sad that not even this will likely be enough to snap Republican voters out of the partisan hypnosis. This political party is a disgrace to America.

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Luv their analysis. I share their shame.

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Ashamed is a poor description of how I feel about the country I love right now.

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Agree, except I don't love this country anymore. Since 2015 it's more like being on the receiving end of an abusive relationship.

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Sound familiar?

“My chief endeavour has been to rid our relations with France of all trace of ill will... I have always expressed to France my desire to bury forever our ancient enmity... I have devoted no less effort to the achievement of Anglo-German friendship... To achieve this great end [of peace], the leading nations of this continent will one day have to come together in order to draw up, accept and guarantee a statute on a comprehensive basis which will insure for them all a sense of security” Adolf Hitler, October 1939

“I know it to be England. In this hour I feel compelled, standing before my conscience, to direct yet another appeal to reason in England. I believe I can do this as I am not asking for something as the vanquished, but rather, as the victor, I am speaking in the name of reason. I see no compelling reason which could force the continuation of this war” Adolf Hitler, July 1940

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Psychological analysis: Trump had a terribly cruel father whom he could never please. He's now adopted Putin as a father to try to please. Same phenomenon in Vance: He had a string of stepfathers and remodeled himself for each one, to try to please him. Now Trump is his stepfather.

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We are headed for a renewed nuclear arms race and an international arms race in general. We cannot foresee the future at all anymore, whether next month, next year, or 10 years from now. Europe has awakened alright, but Pax Americana is over. 😔

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I too am so ashamed of my country. How can any republican agree with this???

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They can't, but they will anyway. They're brainwashed. I talk to a guy at work sometimes--he thought this scene was hilarious and that Zelensky earned what he got. I told him this was terrible for the country, and that Putin was the aggressor, and that Ukraine was having it's people murdered and raped and stolen, and I said it all, about how this would hurt us, how it was wrong, over and over and over until the other guy walked away. That's the only way to discuss these things with these people--overwhelm them, show passion, maintain decency. But overpower them, and don't ever back down. I tell this guy to his face that he's brainwashed, and he winces 'cause he knows I'm right.

Make'em fuckin' cry.

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Good on you! YES - speak up - speak out and speak to the fools who have been brainwashed by the BS. At this point in time the LIES are no longer to get elected they're to save his own throat while he destroys the USA - if he hasn't sold all your souls already - and I fear he has - there's obviously a quid pro quo with Putin and certainly one with Musk. WAKE UP AMERICA - the world is watching and this guy who repeatedly says 'I want peace' is driving us all off the cliff and into global disaster

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The question is- what does Putin have on Trump to be guaranteed such fealty? One Moscow operative said that we put him in office-‘now he owes us.

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