This Podcast is what led me to joint the Bulwark. I've been re-visiting it because it tells the story so well of what happened to Graham, and the whole republican party. Brilliant job Will!

One of my favorite lines from the movie "The Big Chill" was from Jeff Goldblum/Michael :"I don't know anyone who could get through the day without two or three juicy rationalizations. They're more important than sex."

Pretty much sums up the sell out by Graham. He wanted to be close to the power, and it turns out he could rationalize it. In the end though, it will be John McCain who gets the last laugh, when he slams the pearly gates in Lindsey's face and tells him sorry bud, you had your chance and you f#$%#% it up big time.

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Powerful! Thank you!

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UPLOAD TO YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Yep I am screaming! This needs to be passed around!


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This series is off to a great start! Will’s insight into the Trump/Graham madness is well researched and spot on. I can’t wait for the next chapter!

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This is an amazing documentary. Fact based, riveting, powerful.

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Will you are really great at the audio! You sound like you do it all the time!

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This is great. Where's Chapter 2? Can’t wait.

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Truly amazing work! Share it EVERYWHERE!

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This is SO well done. Congratulations to all and especially to Will. The book was engrossing and this brings it to life. The organization of material, the writing and editing -- worthy of study by other journalists -- pulled together with excellent media choices and Will's great voice. Thank you!

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The adage of the scorpion and the frog has been lived out with Graham in bold relief. The scorpion cannot help himself from stinking the frog, it is simply his nature.

Psychopathic malignant narcissists demand unwavering loyalty and blind obedience.

By defaulting to the voters in determining his political bearings, Graham invokes the tail wagging the dog as his guiding compass.

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This is so well done. Kudos!

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Excellent Will!

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Brilliant! Wonderful work, Mr Saletan! Graham is a tragic figure who surrendered his integrity for power. And his spinelessness (and that of so many) has had (and continues to have) tragic consequences for our country. I'm eager to hear the next installments.

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Thank you, Will Saletan. You’re very good at what you do.

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Absolutely fantastic! Will & company did a masterful job!

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Thank you Will- Excellent!

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