Charley, I would like to hear some comments about the Florida couple refusing to resign from their elected and appointed positions on school board and state tourist board. The Zeiglers - don’t say gay; say three way. What has happened to honor and morality in public officials?
What's so insane about the "Scaffold Commander "and Rap Epps conspiracy theories is the premise that hundreds of very angry Trump supporters would have remained entirely peaceful -- notwithstanding the weapons that many brought with them or the tactual gear that many wore -- if not for the exhortations of some random guy that none of them actually knew; whereas they absolutely were not encouraged to fight by the guy who had openly summoned them to D.C. and told them 20 or so times to "fight" and "fight like hell" - the guy who was and remains their undisputed leader-hero and who says "They listen to me like no one else."
A lot of MAGAs must be aware that they're digging deep into the crazy in an effort to deny the only explanation of that day's events that makes any rational sense in light of the most obvious facts. But whatever it takes to sustain the cult, I guess.
"“Republicans think they can get everything they want without any bipartisan compromise,” the president said. “That’s not the answer. … And now they’re willing to literally kneecap Ukraine on the battlefield and damage our national security in the process.”"
The Republican uniparty policy making is nothing new. It preceded the Amber Australopithecus' election in 2016, it was embraced by the Tea Party, and harks back to the Neocons in the Reagan White House, if not before. Over the years bipartisan efforts at legislating have never been a given, from either major party; it is currently the Rs turn to play "my way or no way" but the Dems have played this same game before and eventually it will be their turn again.
As for Pres Biden's valid concerns about Ukraine and national security, the New GOP wants the former to lose their freedom to appease the Putin fanboi, the Apricot Arthropod -- who desperately wants to join the "International Association of Authoritarians, Despots and Dictators" -- and could not care less about the latter if it interferes with their acting in political theater and attempts at issuing in a tyranny of the minority. It is a talking point and nothing more.
The Amber Australopithecus will never be accepted into the Association; his ego is too big and he will eventually want to be the group's leader. He will lose this clash to the other inflated egos of its already existing membership, composed of people like Putin, Xi, Orban, MBS and Kim. Even so, he will claim he would be the most benevolent dictator in world history and that all his subjects love him more than they love their own families. Bipartisan legislation will cease to exist since the other party will be banned, as will any third parties not MAGA affiliated.
To the New GOP, national security is to be defined by them or it will be unacceptable. Terrorists and drugs are flowing freely through our porous border (they don't seem concerned about the northern border), or so they claim. Ukraine has no effect on our security, Putin will be satiated absorbing Ukraine into Russian hegemony and will stop there, or so they claim. America is under assault by the domestic terrorists who serve under the banner of the Democratic Party, or so they say. The only path to security is to turn the US into a hermit country like N Korea, allies like the other NATO countries be damned, or so they say. Our national security is in jeopardy if every household doesn't contain at least one firearm, or so the say. Our national security is at risk because we have become a degenerate people who allow the LGBTQIA+ community to have equal rights, condone abortion, allow Drag Queens to groom our children, and think pornography (as they define it) is pervasive in our schools and libraries, or so they say. National security is at risk because we have turned away from our Christian history and beliefs, or so they say.
The New GOP is composed of some truly sick individuals who should be on a Psychologist's couch and not in Congress.
Trump has normalized abnormal. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, and I don't see any MAGA leaders nor trump worshippers making such admissions. It seriously feels we are living in two different realities. I have to agree with Charlie and guests' latest concerns, the Democratic Party needs to go on the offensive from the White House and with surrogates and draw a line in the sand, call out every conspiracy theory and lie and fascist agenda non-stop, because the inmates are getting stronger and stand a good chance of running the asylum in the near future.
Her doctors advised her that due to her fetus' trisomy 18 diagnosis, the unborn baby had "virtually no chance of surviving." More than 95% of babies with the condition do not make it to birth, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Perhaps the AG could explain what compelling interest the state of TX has in forcing a human being to risk her life and health to carry a fetus 95% likely to die before birth and 100% likely to die within a few days if it is born alive? I am glad Ms Cox could leave the state to get health care, but what about the 100's, 1000's of women in the state of TX that can't. This is basically telling Dr's and hospitals that any abortion performed for any reason will be subject to prosecution by the state. The state supreme court happily splits hairs on exact legal definitions while assuring everyone it is a medical decision. This wreaks hypocrisy as the TX republican party proves decisively cruelty is indeed the point. How much more of this are you going to take TX?
A lot. Don't underestimate the level of cruelty and suffering delusional people will put on others because "it won't affect me".
TX legislators don't care about any of the hypocrisy. They revel in it. At this point they're mustache twirling comic book villains. The cruelty is the point. There's no saving lives, it's all power. Do as we say. We're not here to govern you, we're here to RULE you.
I'd bet an abortion referendum would get 60%+ support minimum in TX. The state would doubtless do everything to get out of it (see Ohio's comical efforts).
I vote which is more than a lot of people. I write commentary that gets people like you to respond. I’m not whining as much as expressing my belief. Your anger is justified but miss directed. You should be sending it to Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries and Biden. Get your message out there every day. Trump’s cult will never be swayed with the truth. It’s everyone else. I don’t have the money to advertise on TV , radio or with a podcast. Do you? Oh have written to the head of the Democratic Party with no response. By the way, I’m a registered Republican that has a different ideology than democrats but love my country and democracy above my policies. Instead of your anger being directed to me…direct it at your congressional representative. That’s what they were elected for, to represent you. I have, maybe you should.
Media outlets in Moscow reinforced this sense when they celebrated the Senate vote, gloating that Ukraine is now in “agony” and that it was “difficult to imagine a bigger humiliation.” One analyst said: “The downfall of Ukraine means the downfall of Biden! Two birds with one stone!” Another: “Well done, Republicans! They’re standing firm! That’s good for us.”
Neither Putin nor republicans are bothering to pretend any longer. T***p and by definition the republicans that support him are all in for Putin, and Putin is all in for them. Even a year ago I could not have imagined writing that sentence. America, NATO and the democracies of the world desperately need Ukraine to continue and win this war, I am to the point of letting the Russia loving terrorists have what they want on the border even if it does make things worse, because this aide is that vital.
It perpetually amazes me that many of the same people who've acted so outraged at the suggestion that Russia helped get their guy elected are openly partial to Russia. Do they think no one will notice and put 2 & 2 together?
Sorry again for the rant. Let’s face it, we have elected people based on advertising not substance. There are no grown ups in the Capitol Building . They represent themselves not the people that elected them. So we are left with a difunctional government . They stakes couldn’t be higher this election. Unfortunately it is not creating character, it is revealing it. What it has revealed lies, amoral, and bags of hot air Congress people. Millions of lives are at stake and Congress goes home. Where are the leaders? Certainly not Schumer, Jeffries, Johnson or McConnell. Trump? Biden? How did we allow such hollow people to represent us?
There are most definitely good people in Congress. You just don’t see or hear about them on tv because the ARE doing their jobs. Only about 40 are known by name and party, No?
I do share your anger but it’s pointed in the wrong direction. You like to shout. That what ignorant do when they are unable their point is pointless. Raising your voice doesn’t make your word meaningful they just shut down the person on the other end from listening anymore to you. Your analogies are weak and tired. What are you doing , besides blowing up, to make things better. Instead of attacking the messenger, deliver your message in a constructive way.
For those who are interested there is a long interview with Fiona Hill, former official at the US Security Council where she specialized in Russian and European affairs (international relations, not personal ones!). She lays out the long term ramifications of the US stopping aid to Ukraine. They aren't good...the end of US reputation as a good ally, partition of Ukraine and menacing or takeover of former USSR dominated countries, increase in nuclear arms proliferation across the world...nothing good for the US.
It used to be that America was the shining beacon of democracy and freedom in the world. We used to be a country of high ideals and noble causes . We are now a country of petty grievances. We are about me first. We are self absorbed. We ignore the real issues like high drug prices, corporate price gouging, infrastructure, poverty and out of control gun violence. We are going to let both Israel and Ukraine down. What message does that send around the world.
We are a country run by ill willed and immature children. They can’t focus on solving any real problem that doesn’t have a quick fix. They want to destroy what they don’t understand. They can’t work with others. They don’t honor their commitments. My way or I’m not playing. We elect people based on messaging instead of substance/competency. We have a large population of lemmings who refuse to make sense of the nonsense spewed at them.
I’m beginning to believe we no longer deserve the freedom we have enjoyed from our democracy. Apparently our elected officials don’t either or are too spineless to stand up for it.
We are only a year away...Republicans saying out loud dictatorship is okay. Democrats, no real counter, just the sound of crickets. They whine. Where is Schumer, Pelosi, Jeffries out there with the counter message?
Biden/Harris are not a winning ticket. We can’t rely on crossover republicans to save our democracy this time. The far left have to realize that they will have to compromise or totally become irrelevant under a dictatorship. This is a fight for freedom that will affect everyone, we need to act like it.
I dunno. I think Americans will just shut down if the Democrats start caterwauling about democracy right now. They won't be motivated by it, just as the danger of Covid stopped motivating people to take precautions against catching it. They tune it out with an "eh that's what they always say" attitude and maybe sit out the election while complaining about inflation. Democracy is an abstraction that doesn't motivate folks who tend to think that their lives won't be much different than they are now because they aren't in the vulnerable class of people.
This isn't like the abortion related issue happening in Texas which will reverberate throughout the election...that's something intensely personal that will motivate people (women) to stay engaged.
Then you explain in the simplest of terms using analogies they can relate to just like you would to your children. It’s too important to just say it’s over their heads.
I know but it’s just suggestion because we have such a large segment of the population that are undereducated or need things that relate to their daily lives
I'm 75 years old, i've never owned a gun in my life. Not a handgun, not a long gun, not an AK-47. I've never felt the gravitational pull for or to them. I don't begrudge anyone owning them. I've shot them over the years; hunting with my dad or in our high school. It was a Catholic military school with a riffle range and we were taught to field strip an M-!. Oddly, in the cafeteria.
Of late, after reading some of the Bulwark's doom and gloom and more so, the comments from far too many calling for us all to become more maga-like, i question; Is 2024 the year i buy my first gun(s)?
The mere suggestion we become them is both terrifying and depressing. When i read stories how millions upon millions lust after videos of pure unadulterated bullshit; i ask myself why would i want to do that? Why would i want to abandon the principles and tenets i grew up believing in and on, with the premise if i/we do so, we can too become winners?
I'm 75 years old and i've never owned a gun. My hope is i never feel the need to own one. Because, if i do, it means they've won and we've lost. Ideas should always be more powerful than the threats of violence. The very existence of our nation continuing should never depend on those who have the most bullets, but those who have principles and a belief in right and wrong.
The more I read about the history of this nation, it appears "who has the most bullets" as been the deciding factor since the countrys birth,unfortunately.
But still it's worth keeping up the fight to make space for principles and not go gently into the good night!
The "Republican" Party loves and absolutely supports Russia, led by an absolute dictator who unjustifiably and illegally initiated the first European war since 1939 and who is indicted for war crimes.
At least one "Republican" U.S. Senator(!) holds that Ukraine and its citizens must "obviously" cede territory to Russia to end the war caused by Russia when it invaded Ukraine, which had not initiated hostilities. (Even Hitler's Germany faked a Polish "attack" on a German radio station before unleashing its Blitzkrieg in August 1939.)
What territorial demands has Putin made against Ukraine? All of Ukraine.
Members of "Republican" Party in the U.S. Congress will not provide further financial and military support for U.S. allies - Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine. "Republicans" want our nation to abrogate its treaties (NATO) and foreign policy obligations? These are the same "Republicans" who strongly criticized the current Administration for its bungled - and it was seriously bungled - withdrawal from Afghanistan - a withdrawal negotiated with the Taliban?
"Republicans" have, and cannot, explain how any of this "makes America great [again]."
I served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years. I was convinced that the U.S.A. was the leader of the democratic nations of the world. But, I've lived too long.
Oh man, I feel this.......I'm a few years younger, but am gobsmacked by how far the GOP has fallen. Admittedly, I think they've been headed this way for a couple of decades, but watching them, essentially, prop up Putin is mind boggling.
Me three. Even as a raging liberal, I believed that the right had a firm and logical ideology, which I didn’t share, but could understand and respect. Now it’s just petty grievance, projection, conspiracy, and cultism. The substance has completely evaporated.
Seeing the GOPI tilt so heavily toward Russia is one of the most dismaying things I've seen in U.S. politics -- right up there with the Cult of Trump and the redefinition of good & bad to align with his sovereign will.
The prudential arguments for "negotiating" an end to the war on Ukraine are largely cover for having sided with Putin in the first place. This position seems to be mainly the result of a highly effective Kremlin influence operation that targeted conservative organizations in the U.S., particularly religious conservatives, and persuaded them that Putin is their best ally in the culture wars. So maybe his methods are a bit rough, but what's a little polonium poisoning of rivals and assassination of critics when there's a war to wage against "secularism" and immigrants and LGBQ people? An article published in Oct. 2021 had the headline: "Putin Gets It. Why Don't We?"
A few months later, Putin-apologists scrambled to explain why the brutal attack on a sovereign nation was actually consistent with the notion that Putin is a great champion of national sovereignty and Christian values. Russia, they claim, is really fighting a defensive battle against liberal globalism and American imperialism, exercised through Ukraine in a "proxy war on Russia." (Since when is a proxy war "on" one country waged entirely in the territory of the "proxy"?)
The cynicism needed to sustain this view is on par with the moral nihilism required to regard Trump as a fundamentally good man who's the victim of a vast Deep State conspiracy.
P.S.: Please stay around long enough to see Trumpism vanquished.
- It's the depth of hubris to suggest that the U.S. should force Ukraine to "negotiate" with Putin, whose goal is to subsume Ukraine.
- Vance made his feelings about Ukraine and Ukrainians clear during his campaign for office.
- The morality exhibited by Putin and the False Prophet is best described as Evil. Especially that of the False Prophet, who broke his Oath to support and defend our Constitution.
"Note a new Reuters/Ipsos poll has Biden up 4 points over Trump in the seven 2024 battleground states. Yes, polls are all over the place now, and that’s the point - there are polls showing Biden leading, others showing him down. Not all the data is pointing in the same direction, and it just means, 11 months out, that things are closer than we want but given our ongoing electoral success, the strong economy and Trump’s Olympian levels of venality that if we do the work we should win next year."
" There is some early evidence voters are starting to understand that things on the inflation front are fundamentally better. Note this new CNBC article, Inflation Fears Down, Consumer Confidence Up: Economy May Start To Help Biden With Voters. Refreshing to see the mainstream media expressing positive sentiment about Biden. Long overdue, but we will take it when it comes."
About Hunter Biden. I met a man, friend of my ex-husband who got caught by the IRS. He had not paid taxes in 10 years. He owed a lot because yes, he spent his money on stuff and not taxes. He made a deal with the IRS where he would pay his owed taxes plus fees over time. He did not get indicted. Now, according to what I know, Hunter Biden did not pay taxes for about 4 years, but he has already paid what he owed. I am not defending him, he is not exactly a role model by any standards, however, I think that he is being treated differently than others. How about big corporations that have secret bank accounts in other countries so they can avoid paying taxes? Hunter Biden did not lie when filing, he avoided filing with the IRS for 4 years. Republicans are going after Hunter Biden because they cannot find enough to impeach Biden. What Hunter did should be considered independent from our President. They could say that Biden was a bad father because of Hunter. However, Biden had another son who was a good man and died of cancer. And Hunter is not a child, he is about 50 years old. He has made his own poor decisions, but now he is sober and paid his taxes. Should he go to jail for 17 years? About the gun. Where is it? Did Hunter used it to kill anyone? Was it an AK-47?
Charley, I would like to hear some comments about the Florida couple refusing to resign from their elected and appointed positions on school board and state tourist board. The Zeiglers - don’t say gay; say three way. What has happened to honor and morality in public officials?
What's so insane about the "Scaffold Commander "and Rap Epps conspiracy theories is the premise that hundreds of very angry Trump supporters would have remained entirely peaceful -- notwithstanding the weapons that many brought with them or the tactual gear that many wore -- if not for the exhortations of some random guy that none of them actually knew; whereas they absolutely were not encouraged to fight by the guy who had openly summoned them to D.C. and told them 20 or so times to "fight" and "fight like hell" - the guy who was and remains their undisputed leader-hero and who says "They listen to me like no one else."
A lot of MAGAs must be aware that they're digging deep into the crazy in an effort to deny the only explanation of that day's events that makes any rational sense in light of the most obvious facts. But whatever it takes to sustain the cult, I guess.
"“Republicans think they can get everything they want without any bipartisan compromise,” the president said. “That’s not the answer. … And now they’re willing to literally kneecap Ukraine on the battlefield and damage our national security in the process.”"
The Republican uniparty policy making is nothing new. It preceded the Amber Australopithecus' election in 2016, it was embraced by the Tea Party, and harks back to the Neocons in the Reagan White House, if not before. Over the years bipartisan efforts at legislating have never been a given, from either major party; it is currently the Rs turn to play "my way or no way" but the Dems have played this same game before and eventually it will be their turn again.
As for Pres Biden's valid concerns about Ukraine and national security, the New GOP wants the former to lose their freedom to appease the Putin fanboi, the Apricot Arthropod -- who desperately wants to join the "International Association of Authoritarians, Despots and Dictators" -- and could not care less about the latter if it interferes with their acting in political theater and attempts at issuing in a tyranny of the minority. It is a talking point and nothing more.
The Amber Australopithecus will never be accepted into the Association; his ego is too big and he will eventually want to be the group's leader. He will lose this clash to the other inflated egos of its already existing membership, composed of people like Putin, Xi, Orban, MBS and Kim. Even so, he will claim he would be the most benevolent dictator in world history and that all his subjects love him more than they love their own families. Bipartisan legislation will cease to exist since the other party will be banned, as will any third parties not MAGA affiliated.
To the New GOP, national security is to be defined by them or it will be unacceptable. Terrorists and drugs are flowing freely through our porous border (they don't seem concerned about the northern border), or so they claim. Ukraine has no effect on our security, Putin will be satiated absorbing Ukraine into Russian hegemony and will stop there, or so they claim. America is under assault by the domestic terrorists who serve under the banner of the Democratic Party, or so they say. The only path to security is to turn the US into a hermit country like N Korea, allies like the other NATO countries be damned, or so they say. Our national security is in jeopardy if every household doesn't contain at least one firearm, or so the say. Our national security is at risk because we have become a degenerate people who allow the LGBTQIA+ community to have equal rights, condone abortion, allow Drag Queens to groom our children, and think pornography (as they define it) is pervasive in our schools and libraries, or so they say. National security is at risk because we have turned away from our Christian history and beliefs, or so they say.
The New GOP is composed of some truly sick individuals who should be on a Psychologist's couch and not in Congress.
Trump has normalized abnormal. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, and I don't see any MAGA leaders nor trump worshippers making such admissions. It seriously feels we are living in two different realities. I have to agree with Charlie and guests' latest concerns, the Democratic Party needs to go on the offensive from the White House and with surrogates and draw a line in the sand, call out every conspiracy theory and lie and fascist agenda non-stop, because the inmates are getting stronger and stand a good chance of running the asylum in the near future.
When are they just going to admit they don't like Ukraine and they like Russia because it's what Orange Daddy told them to do.
Her doctors advised her that due to her fetus' trisomy 18 diagnosis, the unborn baby had "virtually no chance of surviving." More than 95% of babies with the condition do not make it to birth, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Perhaps the AG could explain what compelling interest the state of TX has in forcing a human being to risk her life and health to carry a fetus 95% likely to die before birth and 100% likely to die within a few days if it is born alive? I am glad Ms Cox could leave the state to get health care, but what about the 100's, 1000's of women in the state of TX that can't. This is basically telling Dr's and hospitals that any abortion performed for any reason will be subject to prosecution by the state. The state supreme court happily splits hairs on exact legal definitions while assuring everyone it is a medical decision. This wreaks hypocrisy as the TX republican party proves decisively cruelty is indeed the point. How much more of this are you going to take TX?
A lot. Don't underestimate the level of cruelty and suffering delusional people will put on others because "it won't affect me".
TX legislators don't care about any of the hypocrisy. They revel in it. At this point they're mustache twirling comic book villains. The cruelty is the point. There's no saving lives, it's all power. Do as we say. We're not here to govern you, we're here to RULE you.
I'd bet an abortion referendum would get 60%+ support minimum in TX. The state would doubtless do everything to get out of it (see Ohio's comical efforts).
By the way I’m Jewish and have battled antisemitism since I was very young…including fist about you?
I vote which is more than a lot of people. I write commentary that gets people like you to respond. I’m not whining as much as expressing my belief. Your anger is justified but miss directed. You should be sending it to Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries and Biden. Get your message out there every day. Trump’s cult will never be swayed with the truth. It’s everyone else. I don’t have the money to advertise on TV , radio or with a podcast. Do you? Oh have written to the head of the Democratic Party with no response. By the way, I’m a registered Republican that has a different ideology than democrats but love my country and democracy above my policies. Instead of your anger being directed to me…direct it at your congressional representative. That’s what they were elected for, to represent you. I have, maybe you should.
This from Heather Cox Richardson this morning
Media outlets in Moscow reinforced this sense when they celebrated the Senate vote, gloating that Ukraine is now in “agony” and that it was “difficult to imagine a bigger humiliation.” One analyst said: “The downfall of Ukraine means the downfall of Biden! Two birds with one stone!” Another: “Well done, Republicans! They’re standing firm! That’s good for us.”
Neither Putin nor republicans are bothering to pretend any longer. T***p and by definition the republicans that support him are all in for Putin, and Putin is all in for them. Even a year ago I could not have imagined writing that sentence. America, NATO and the democracies of the world desperately need Ukraine to continue and win this war, I am to the point of letting the Russia loving terrorists have what they want on the border even if it does make things worse, because this aide is that vital.
It perpetually amazes me that many of the same people who've acted so outraged at the suggestion that Russia helped get their guy elected are openly partial to Russia. Do they think no one will notice and put 2 & 2 together?
Yes and they maybe right. Well maybe not right that no one will notice, but right that no one will do anything about it .
Sorry again for the rant. Let’s face it, we have elected people based on advertising not substance. There are no grown ups in the Capitol Building . They represent themselves not the people that elected them. So we are left with a difunctional government . They stakes couldn’t be higher this election. Unfortunately it is not creating character, it is revealing it. What it has revealed lies, amoral, and bags of hot air Congress people. Millions of lives are at stake and Congress goes home. Where are the leaders? Certainly not Schumer, Jeffries, Johnson or McConnell. Trump? Biden? How did we allow such hollow people to represent us?
There are most definitely good people in Congress. You just don’t see or hear about them on tv because the ARE doing their jobs. Only about 40 are known by name and party, No?
I agree. I’m very happy with my electeds. They’re practically invisible.
I do share your anger but it’s pointed in the wrong direction. You like to shout. That what ignorant do when they are unable their point is pointless. Raising your voice doesn’t make your word meaningful they just shut down the person on the other end from listening anymore to you. Your analogies are weak and tired. What are you doing , besides blowing up, to make things better. Instead of attacking the messenger, deliver your message in a constructive way.
For those who are interested there is a long interview with Fiona Hill, former official at the US Security Council where she specialized in Russian and European affairs (international relations, not personal ones!). She lays out the long term ramifications of the US stopping aid to Ukraine. They aren't good...the end of US reputation as a good ally, partition of Ukraine and menacing or takeover of former USSR dominated countries, increase in nuclear arms proliferation across the world...nothing good for the US.
She was just on Rick Wilson’s podcast and covered a lot of this same content.
It used to be that America was the shining beacon of democracy and freedom in the world. We used to be a country of high ideals and noble causes . We are now a country of petty grievances. We are about me first. We are self absorbed. We ignore the real issues like high drug prices, corporate price gouging, infrastructure, poverty and out of control gun violence. We are going to let both Israel and Ukraine down. What message does that send around the world.
We are a country run by ill willed and immature children. They can’t focus on solving any real problem that doesn’t have a quick fix. They want to destroy what they don’t understand. They can’t work with others. They don’t honor their commitments. My way or I’m not playing. We elect people based on messaging instead of substance/competency. We have a large population of lemmings who refuse to make sense of the nonsense spewed at them.
I’m beginning to believe we no longer deserve the freedom we have enjoyed from our democracy. Apparently our elected officials don’t either or are too spineless to stand up for it.
We are only a year away...Republicans saying out loud dictatorship is okay. Democrats, no real counter, just the sound of crickets. They whine. Where is Schumer, Pelosi, Jeffries out there with the counter message?
Biden/Harris are not a winning ticket. We can’t rely on crossover republicans to save our democracy this time. The far left have to realize that they will have to compromise or totally become irrelevant under a dictatorship. This is a fight for freedom that will affect everyone, we need to act like it.
I dunno. I think Americans will just shut down if the Democrats start caterwauling about democracy right now. They won't be motivated by it, just as the danger of Covid stopped motivating people to take precautions against catching it. They tune it out with an "eh that's what they always say" attitude and maybe sit out the election while complaining about inflation. Democracy is an abstraction that doesn't motivate folks who tend to think that their lives won't be much different than they are now because they aren't in the vulnerable class of people.
This isn't like the abortion related issue happening in Texas which will reverberate throughout the election...that's something intensely personal that will motivate people (women) to stay engaged.
Then you explain in the simplest of terms using analogies they can relate to just like you would to your children. It’s too important to just say it’s over their heads.
I don't mean to imply it's over their heads. It's just that they'll tune it out as just political noise. They don't feel any danger to themselves.
I know but it’s just suggestion because we have such a large segment of the population that are undereducated or need things that relate to their daily lives
I'm 75 years old, i've never owned a gun in my life. Not a handgun, not a long gun, not an AK-47. I've never felt the gravitational pull for or to them. I don't begrudge anyone owning them. I've shot them over the years; hunting with my dad or in our high school. It was a Catholic military school with a riffle range and we were taught to field strip an M-!. Oddly, in the cafeteria.
Of late, after reading some of the Bulwark's doom and gloom and more so, the comments from far too many calling for us all to become more maga-like, i question; Is 2024 the year i buy my first gun(s)?
The mere suggestion we become them is both terrifying and depressing. When i read stories how millions upon millions lust after videos of pure unadulterated bullshit; i ask myself why would i want to do that? Why would i want to abandon the principles and tenets i grew up believing in and on, with the premise if i/we do so, we can too become winners?
I'm 75 years old and i've never owned a gun. My hope is i never feel the need to own one. Because, if i do, it means they've won and we've lost. Ideas should always be more powerful than the threats of violence. The very existence of our nation continuing should never depend on those who have the most bullets, but those who have principles and a belief in right and wrong.
The more I read about the history of this nation, it appears "who has the most bullets" as been the deciding factor since the countrys birth,unfortunately.
But still it's worth keeping up the fight to make space for principles and not go gently into the good night!
100% this. I will never possess a gun, and I know that I’ll be safer for it.
I have lived too long.
The "Republican" Party loves and absolutely supports Russia, led by an absolute dictator who unjustifiably and illegally initiated the first European war since 1939 and who is indicted for war crimes.
At least one "Republican" U.S. Senator(!) holds that Ukraine and its citizens must "obviously" cede territory to Russia to end the war caused by Russia when it invaded Ukraine, which had not initiated hostilities. (Even Hitler's Germany faked a Polish "attack" on a German radio station before unleashing its Blitzkrieg in August 1939.)
What territorial demands has Putin made against Ukraine? All of Ukraine.
Members of "Republican" Party in the U.S. Congress will not provide further financial and military support for U.S. allies - Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine. "Republicans" want our nation to abrogate its treaties (NATO) and foreign policy obligations? These are the same "Republicans" who strongly criticized the current Administration for its bungled - and it was seriously bungled - withdrawal from Afghanistan - a withdrawal negotiated with the Taliban?
"Republicans" have, and cannot, explain how any of this "makes America great [again]."
I served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years. I was convinced that the U.S.A. was the leader of the democratic nations of the world. But, I've lived too long.
Oh man, I feel this.......I'm a few years younger, but am gobsmacked by how far the GOP has fallen. Admittedly, I think they've been headed this way for a couple of decades, but watching them, essentially, prop up Putin is mind boggling.
Me three. Even as a raging liberal, I believed that the right had a firm and logical ideology, which I didn’t share, but could understand and respect. Now it’s just petty grievance, projection, conspiracy, and cultism. The substance has completely evaporated.
Yeah, I'm fairly far to the left myself.
Yes, Blanche. I am there, too. Merry Christmas!
Same to you, Don. I'm up in Canada where we have our own struggles with a conservative party gone mad..
Thank you for your many years of service to our country and we're glad you're not gone yet. We still need you.
Thank you, Sumi!
Seeing the GOPI tilt so heavily toward Russia is one of the most dismaying things I've seen in U.S. politics -- right up there with the Cult of Trump and the redefinition of good & bad to align with his sovereign will.
The prudential arguments for "negotiating" an end to the war on Ukraine are largely cover for having sided with Putin in the first place. This position seems to be mainly the result of a highly effective Kremlin influence operation that targeted conservative organizations in the U.S., particularly religious conservatives, and persuaded them that Putin is their best ally in the culture wars. So maybe his methods are a bit rough, but what's a little polonium poisoning of rivals and assassination of critics when there's a war to wage against "secularism" and immigrants and LGBQ people? An article published in Oct. 2021 had the headline: "Putin Gets It. Why Don't We?"
A few months later, Putin-apologists scrambled to explain why the brutal attack on a sovereign nation was actually consistent with the notion that Putin is a great champion of national sovereignty and Christian values. Russia, they claim, is really fighting a defensive battle against liberal globalism and American imperialism, exercised through Ukraine in a "proxy war on Russia." (Since when is a proxy war "on" one country waged entirely in the territory of the "proxy"?)
The cynicism needed to sustain this view is on par with the moral nihilism required to regard Trump as a fundamentally good man who's the victim of a vast Deep State conspiracy.
P.S.: Please stay around long enough to see Trumpism vanquished.
I completely agree, Carol!
- It's the depth of hubris to suggest that the U.S. should force Ukraine to "negotiate" with Putin, whose goal is to subsume Ukraine.
- Vance made his feelings about Ukraine and Ukrainians clear during his campaign for office.
- The morality exhibited by Putin and the False Prophet is best described as Evil. Especially that of the False Prophet, who broke his Oath to support and defend our Constitution.
No. You haven't lived long enough. Please keep writing here and anywhere else you can.
Thanks, Doug!
Ok, thank God Simon posted today.
"Note a new Reuters/Ipsos poll has Biden up 4 points over Trump in the seven 2024 battleground states. Yes, polls are all over the place now, and that’s the point - there are polls showing Biden leading, others showing him down. Not all the data is pointing in the same direction, and it just means, 11 months out, that things are closer than we want but given our ongoing electoral success, the strong economy and Trump’s Olympian levels of venality that if we do the work we should win next year."
" There is some early evidence voters are starting to understand that things on the inflation front are fundamentally better. Note this new CNBC article, Inflation Fears Down, Consumer Confidence Up: Economy May Start To Help Biden With Voters. Refreshing to see the mainstream media expressing positive sentiment about Biden. Long overdue, but we will take it when it comes."
About Hunter Biden. I met a man, friend of my ex-husband who got caught by the IRS. He had not paid taxes in 10 years. He owed a lot because yes, he spent his money on stuff and not taxes. He made a deal with the IRS where he would pay his owed taxes plus fees over time. He did not get indicted. Now, according to what I know, Hunter Biden did not pay taxes for about 4 years, but he has already paid what he owed. I am not defending him, he is not exactly a role model by any standards, however, I think that he is being treated differently than others. How about big corporations that have secret bank accounts in other countries so they can avoid paying taxes? Hunter Biden did not lie when filing, he avoided filing with the IRS for 4 years. Republicans are going after Hunter Biden because they cannot find enough to impeach Biden. What Hunter did should be considered independent from our President. They could say that Biden was a bad father because of Hunter. However, Biden had another son who was a good man and died of cancer. And Hunter is not a child, he is about 50 years old. He has made his own poor decisions, but now he is sober and paid his taxes. Should he go to jail for 17 years? About the gun. Where is it? Did Hunter used it to kill anyone? Was it an AK-47?
And our “horrible” economy is enough to override all of that, and vote for Trump! Riiiigghhht