Scott is the "black Mike pence " , he is the perfect choice !

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Here is the quote haunting me this week:

“It will always remain one of the best jokes of democracy, that it provided its mortal enemies with the means by which it was destroyed.” Joseph Goebbels (1935).

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Charlie’s podcast yesterday played clips from Republicans responding to DeSantis dropping out and they all--even the Haley endorsers ALL referred to “President Trump” and “Joe Biden.” Not a SINGLE journalist challenged it! They all do it all the time and that kind of message discipline does have an effect.

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Tim referencing Isbell (and interviewing Amanda Shires!) is a Venn diagram of two of my very favorite things. Chef's kiss.

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The younger Narcissist, Mr. DeSantis, has bowed out since he had nothing to say. The Florida Governor has one interest only, his next career job. The same as the senior Narcissist, Mr. Trump, whose only interest is money for himself.

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23 Jan 24

Traitor Trump’s (TT) FAKE robo calls into New Hampshire are happening because a WOMAN has a chance of taking the indicted 45th President down.

The indicted 45th President gets off on assaulting WOMEN. The TT calls are assaults on Nikki.

Nikki Haley is polling at 36.1%. Trump is below 50%.

Nikki is asking New Hampshire’s moderate Republicans and unaffiliated voters to help her take TT out.

SHE is doing her on-the-level best. That’s why we support Nikki. If Charlie Sykes really wants to take TT out, he and his cohorts need to support Nikki at this stage of TT opposition.


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Trump entertains audiences by mocking Mexicans; Chinese; Muslims; Blacks (although he attacks Blacks not openly but only through references to violent crime in cities); Gays (by selecting Pence as VP whose main accomplishment was seeking to legalize discrimination against gays); unattractive women; disabled people; and countless others.

DeSantis could only muster attacks on the Gays, like the pathetic school bully who grew up only to be the same small, insecure person he was in junior high school.

Why would Republicans want attacks on only one ethnic or cultural group when they can have attacks on all groups, except religious fundamentalists, who are of course sacrosanct.

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It’s not unworthy based on his accomplishments. It’s a matter of whether he will get enough votes throughout the country to beat Trump with a larger electorate vote. It’s not enough to win the popular vote, if people are not made aware of his accomplishments,, he simply won’t win and out democracy will be forfeited

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Hey. Does anyone have a spare fork? I need to stick one in a Meatball.

He'd done.

PS A plastic one minus a couple of broken tongs will do. Sort of matches his campaign. You know.

Total trash.

PS Er, Tim. That's wrong. Try Palmetto Skunk. More apropos.

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Jill Lawrence is right about no debates with Orange. He cannot, would not, tell the truth if a lie would serve him just as well. He doesn't need, or warrant, any additional time for the airing of grievances.

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Trump will not hold any debates with Biden. He is too lazy to prepare properly and honestly for the event. He cannot talk about anything but himself. Why would Biden bother?

And the MAGA supporters are voting for this?

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I have a problem with Peter Wehner's take that Trump is to blame for all this ugliness and racism and anti-intellectualism.

"Donald Trump has made the Republican Party cruel, xenophobic, exclusionary, and bigoted."

There is a part of the Republican party that has always been cruel, xenophobic and bigoted.

We saw it when Reagan began his campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi. We saw it in the rise of Rush Limbaugh and right wing radio. We saw it in the Tea Party in the "blacklash" to a black man being elected president.

Trump just scratched an itch that's always been there.

The sooner people like Wehner recognize that, the sooner we can stop trying to save a party that is as dead as Ron DeSantis' campaign.

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You make valid points. Trump is clearly an accelerant, but only an accelerant, of trends that have been many years in the making.

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Parties do not pre-pick candidates. A candidate decides to run, and then the task is to survive the primary process. An incumbent has never lost the nomination. Incumbency is a powerful advantage for any party, not to be forfeited lightly.

Biden is unpopular with MAGA because it's MAGA. Biden is also unpopular with his far left flank mostly because he will not give them everything they want with the stroke of his executive order pen. However, in his own right, he is fine candidate on track to be remembered in history as the most accomplished president since FDR. Look at those accomplishments and stop listening to propaganda.

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Nikki is offering something like Trumpian “stability” - she wants many of his policies but none of “chaos,” meaning vulgar and disgusting tweets, over bigotry and misogyny, etc.

But that’s not what Trump’s army wants.

DeSantis was offering a younger Trump, essentially the same policy-wise but with more self-control (no bankers boxes full of classified docs in his privy, etc.).

But that’s not what Trump’s army wants.

They want cruelty, including at southern border. They want the barbed wire up, and the floats blocking river passage, and guns trained in them.

The don’t believe anyone is seeking asylum - they are all criminals. Criminal men and women. Even the babies are criminals. They want them to be shot, and/or drowned. They want violence. And Trump gives them that. His reptilian brain not only sense the darkness in his followers, but he’s not afraid to draw that darkness out. January 6 is ample proof of that. And their conjoined darkness has taken over the Republican Party, completely. Steamrolled it. His army of darkness came back from the dead, when we thought it was over after January 6. He’s darker and stronger than ever, even though more adled. Jamie Dimon and like billionaires have already donned Gino suits for him. So get out and vote, my friends. Or January 6 morphs into his Reichstag fire, he seizes power once again, only worse, and he’ll hold onto it with a death grip for God knows how long.

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If only ... Orange Jesus strokes out. Short of this twit dying, I fear our country is now doomed.

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Wehner is right - tfg has given permission to awful people to voice their most awful thoughts. I mean, listen to the trump voters and the, dare I say it, deplorable things that come out of their mouths.

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As Sykes says, leave aside...about Trump. The voters who would vote for a candidate endorsed by people writing for The Bulwark - Republican voters - believe the election was stolen; and 82% believe in “pure” blood. Regardless of the anti-Trump stance of the Lincoln Project and the like, their voters are these white supremacist, anti-gay, Christian Nationalists. And nothing the Bulwark or the Lincoln Project say, even if Nikki Haley wins the nomination, changes that’s.

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