Will Fox comment on Trump's latest suck-up to Putin? Trump blames the war in Ukraine on Zelensky!

And he says that Putin is respected by the Russian people. Talk about being a Useful Idiot! .In the 1930s some Republicans were isolationists, but they didn't praise Hitler. Trump is an apologist for a 21st century Hitler. Will any Republicans currently n office say, "Enough is enough. This man is unfit to be president"? I am not holding my breath.

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Bill - You are terrific! Thanks for all you are doing. I was a bit emotional from the quotes from Thomas Paine and James Carville.

That said, I have to take issue with one point you made about the status of the race. You wrote: "The race is insanely close. It’s on a knife’s edge. There’s no reason for either complacent confidence or dark despair. " Unfortunately, I am in "dark despair" from the fact that the race is so close. The economy is doing very well, we have survived a major pandemic and the Biden Administration has done a good job steering in governance, despite a disfunction House of Representatives. Yet, a sizable minority of Americans are still supporting a pathological liar, a convicted felon, a narcissistic dictator "wanna be" who is clearly unfit for the office of the President.

I hope you are right, that the American people pull this out, and we avoid the catastrophe of another Trump presidency.

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Wish your Cheap Shots post also clarified that the rioters indeed DID have guns.

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Not gonna lie, got a bit emotional reading the words of Paine and Carville.

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Believe it or not, before I took some fine American soldiers out on a dangerous mission I read this poem aloud to them to steel their nerves.

This day is called the feast of Crispian:

He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,

Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,

And rouse him at the name of Crispian.

He that shall live this day, and see old age,

Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,

And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian:’

Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.

And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.’

Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,

But he’ll remember with advantages

What feats he did that day: then shall our names.

Familiar in his mouth as household words

Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,

Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,

Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d.

This story shall the good man teach his son;

And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be remember’d;

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition:

And gentlemen in England now a-bed

Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.


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I was wondering if, given the Fox news editing of Trump's town hall, will there be calls for Fox to lose their broadcast license? Asking for a concerned Trump supporter.

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A bit off topic, but I was talking to a (black) guy I work with, who said he's voting for Cornell West, bkz he can't vote for a cop. He'd never vote for Trump, thankfully, but I wonder if that is a sticking point for large swaths of the demographic.

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I thought it took about a hundred years to rewrite history, but it is being rewritten before our eyes. Jan 6 a day of love? No, Donald, it was America's humiliation on the world stage. It was a threat to lawmakers and Capitol Hill law enforcement. It was the first time a President would not gracefully accept his defeat at the ballot box. It was a day of infamy, and your lies won't change that.

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Good job on Harris for the Fox interview. Couldn't find actual ratings for the interview itself, but Baier typically gets around 2.3 million viewers.

With any luck, there are a few among them who haven't completely lost their minds, and are grumpy old-school Republicans who don't like Trump but don't like Harris either. Maybe she flipped a few of them to her side, or snagged a few would-be third party voters, or at least convinced them not to vote for anyone. Even if that's just 5000 people out of 2,300,000, that's useful in a race that's on a razor's edge.

Hope she does Rogan's podcast.

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Joe Rogan???Why not appear on Peewee's playhouse? Why not smooze w/ monsters on sesame street? Joe Rogan is a dope, and not at all confined by decency. whats the upside of doing Rogan? do you really think Harris needs more exposure AND that rogan provides some unique access to particularly productive exposure? Rogan is just 2 brain cells more developed than that asshat from Barstool Sports. Kamala can goad Trump into an epic meltdown by doing short news media hits (MSNBC, PBS even FOX) and challenging Trump to match her interview with Baier. She and her mouthpieces should be banging the gong for another debate. Rock trump back on his heels (or shoe lifts) and keep him in perpetual state of anger. Best ad for Kamala at this point is to continue to shine a light on how manifestly unfit trump really is and the best way to do that is to wind him up and let him be him.

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I thought Sesame Street was Trump's next town hall.

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Grover would fact check him, so he's obviously terrified of standing up to that sort of scrutiny.

Also, is Grover still on Sesame Street?

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Grover is still around.

Also Elmo would have a lot of opportunities to angrily make confused and confounded faces to the camera - ala "Rocko the Rock"- whenever Trump spouted bullshit.

This should be an SNL Skit.

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Rogan has like 14 million subscribers. A lot of them don't consume any traditional news media. It's a great chance for her to get heard by a large, otherwise unengaged audience.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago


If you are bilingual (Spanish and English) and want to take an action with maximum impact, please consider signing up for this canvass on Saturday, 10/19!

Lots of Puerto Rican diaspora folks moved into Philadelphia after Hurricane Maria. We've identified over 4,000 folks in one ward who we are going to try to reach. But even more than those voters, they have lots of folks in their households who may NOT be registered to vote, and this is our last chance to get them to do so (deadline in PA is 10/21). It is crazy easy for Puerto Rican folks to register, since they are already citizens!

This is the third in a series of events focusing on the Puerto Rican community in Philadelphia. We've already reached over 5,000 voters. If you want to read about our first day of action from last month, here's a NPR piece about it. https://whyy.org/articles/philadelphia-puerto-rican-voter-registration-initiative-2024-election/

Note - even if you are not bilingual, we do need help with drivers (bringing canvassers from the rally point to their turfs), so if you have a car and are available on 10/19, please let me know and I can get you connected to the event organizer... I'm just a lowly turf cutter/data person.

Sign up to help - https://www.mobilize.us/indivisible/event/724645

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I am glad that Harris handled the interview so professionally and with such savvy.

I am disturbed that Baier treated the Vice President of the United States with such blatant disrespect.

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It’s in the Fox DNA. Remember O’Reilly’s treatment of PRESIDENT Obama before the Super Bowl (2014?)?

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Harris is doing interviews. Is it helping her in the polls? She had a lead in all swing states earlier in the race. Sarah said that in each group of voters she sits with, two people who had decided to vote for Harris are going back to Trump. I miss the joy and the comfortable lead with multiple paths to victory, which may or may not be related.

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A quick nota bene about Politico's superficially hilarious-in-its-irony tale of Team Trump's severe attention, under DJTJ's cold glare, to vetting prospective Trump 2.0 staff and other appointees... Punch line first - the whole thing is plausibly a head fake on Team Trump's part. Consider for example:

> Don Jr's avowed criterion for determining whether anyone's Republican resume is reliable would appear to be IDENTICAL to those proposed in the Project 2025 master plan;

> Thanks to the irrepressible hubris of Heritage; the project's supervisor; its contributors and satellite enthusiasts, the whole frightening substance of Project 2025 made its way into the sunshine at what eventually proved an emphatically inconvenient moment for candidate Trump himself. Dems understandably quickly weaponized the thing. Confronting alarm and belatedly recognizing "loose lips sink ships", Trump abruptly dismissed the project and disavowed any interest in the "ideas" it advanced... notwithstanding they reflect approximately 100 percent of all that he's said he intends in the way of "Draining the Swamp" second-time around. And ,were authored by former Trump administration officials, advisors and loyalists. This may be among Donald's more flagrantly dubious "Nothing to see here - let's move on" feints.

> The Politico piece concludes with a quip from Myron Ebell, a former Trump 1.0 administration official emphatically in favor of Don Junior's black-balling discipline ; the supplanting of careerists in Federal agencies with political foot-soldiers and, incongruously, the Campaign's official posture distancing itself from Project 2025... When pressed on the incongruity, he opined "... after the election or after the inauguration, they can change their mind about that" [eg the disavowal] Ebell said. “I see it as a political tactic, not as a permanent ban.” ... Wink-wink?

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I thought Harris did great in the interview. My bet is that this race will be in the exact same spot it was yesterday, tomorrow and a week after. The likelihood that an interview with Fox that was probably seen by 3m people will effect the election when the debate that reached 72m people basically did nothing seems fanciful

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Probably but she’s trying to bring on a few thousand here and there. It’s not just changing minds but it’s a turnout effort. There may be disaffected voters who are inclined to Harris out of hatred for Trump but just feel exhausted. Seeing her in a good interview may make them go vote. It’s all worth the time.

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But it goes both ways. She can just as easily turnout MORE Trump voters by doing the interview. Not saying she will or won’t but the logic goes, absolutely, both ways.

Look Harris biggest constraint/issue is time. My pov is there are better places to be to get those few thousand voters than Fox News

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Thanks, I needed that. Bret B could not have been more rude and overbearing. I do like seeing the VP get “her Irish up” though.

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