Right? I was so confused and irritated by the pundits who said this issue would lose salience. How on earth did they figure? This was always going to snowball as more and more horrific care-denied stories come out every day, as OBGYNS leave red states, as clinics that provide other types of care shut down, etc. These bans affect all kinds of pregnancy care, and pregnancy is uhhhh, pretty common.
Right? I was so confused and irritated by the pundits who said this issue would lose salience. How on earth did they figure? This was always going to snowball as more and more horrific care-denied stories come out every day, as OBGYNS leave red states, as clinics that provide other types of care shut down, etc. These bans affect all kinds of pregnancy care, and pregnancy is uhhhh, pretty common.
This is why I kept writing reproductive freedom would be the biggest salient factor in the Trump/Biden race when all the pundits were bed wetting. Who cares how old Biden is if you are facing a catastrophic pregnancy and can't get the care you need until you're on death's door in the parking lot of the hospital ER.
You can't even leave the parking lot, because sepsis can kill you FAST. So can ecclampsia. I even read an article yesterday about a Texas woman needing to go to North Carolina to remove an ectopic pregnancy after a week and a half of Texas doctors wringing their hands because they didn't feel safe giving her the drug she needed.
I think it is because most people don't really have the whole issue thought through. May well be successful marketing by pro-life forces for years. My wife had two miscarriages, both resulting in D&C's. I've been pro-choice pretty much my whole life, but ask me 5 years ago if my wife ever had an abortion and I'd have said no. I think she would have too. She had the acronym that stood for taking care of a miscarriage. That that care that was needed to make her healthy again, keep her from getting sicker, and allow us to keep trying was technically an abortion (scary music) really never entered my mind.
Short version, people are learning that what they are banning isn't elective abortion, it is a whole lot more.
I met Charlie Sykes in DC at a live show and one of the things I wanted to tell him about the framing of abortion vs the economy is that deciding if/when/how to have a baby is one of the biggest economic decisions a woman/family can make. They are inextricably linked.
Sidenote: I miss Charlie terribly. Most of the Bulwark talkers are really evolving on this issue and I'm proud of them.
It would be hard for any person who really thinks about it and understands what is now happening with the laws we have not to evolve. At the very least, I'd think they'd have to say, "Well, I'm still pro-life, but this isn't what I meant."
Of course, once you start down the road of nuance you start to realize how tough policy crafting between what is medically necessary and what is choice can be. And if you're honest at all, you (not you, a pro-life person) start to see how zealous, unthinking, and duplicitous your own side has been.
Like you were saying earlier about 'I wish it hadn't taken this', but I think the IVF ruling is really helping to illustrate just how extreme the anti-abortion activists are. They are actually running ads against Republicans who came out against the ruling.
Right? I was so confused and irritated by the pundits who said this issue would lose salience. How on earth did they figure? This was always going to snowball as more and more horrific care-denied stories come out every day, as OBGYNS leave red states, as clinics that provide other types of care shut down, etc. These bans affect all kinds of pregnancy care, and pregnancy is uhhhh, pretty common.
This is why I kept writing reproductive freedom would be the biggest salient factor in the Trump/Biden race when all the pundits were bed wetting. Who cares how old Biden is if you are facing a catastrophic pregnancy and can't get the care you need until you're on death's door in the parking lot of the hospital ER.
You can't even leave the parking lot, because sepsis can kill you FAST. So can ecclampsia. I even read an article yesterday about a Texas woman needing to go to North Carolina to remove an ectopic pregnancy after a week and a half of Texas doctors wringing their hands because they didn't feel safe giving her the drug she needed.
Agree completely. Add in the words, "or your wife or daughter" and the message is now universal.
And to be clear, it isn't about the men, but they need reached too.
I think it is because most people don't really have the whole issue thought through. May well be successful marketing by pro-life forces for years. My wife had two miscarriages, both resulting in D&C's. I've been pro-choice pretty much my whole life, but ask me 5 years ago if my wife ever had an abortion and I'd have said no. I think she would have too. She had the acronym that stood for taking care of a miscarriage. That that care that was needed to make her healthy again, keep her from getting sicker, and allow us to keep trying was technically an abortion (scary music) really never entered my mind.
Short version, people are learning that what they are banning isn't elective abortion, it is a whole lot more.
I met Charlie Sykes in DC at a live show and one of the things I wanted to tell him about the framing of abortion vs the economy is that deciding if/when/how to have a baby is one of the biggest economic decisions a woman/family can make. They are inextricably linked.
Sidenote: I miss Charlie terribly. Most of the Bulwark talkers are really evolving on this issue and I'm proud of them.
It would be hard for any person who really thinks about it and understands what is now happening with the laws we have not to evolve. At the very least, I'd think they'd have to say, "Well, I'm still pro-life, but this isn't what I meant."
Of course, once you start down the road of nuance you start to realize how tough policy crafting between what is medically necessary and what is choice can be. And if you're honest at all, you (not you, a pro-life person) start to see how zealous, unthinking, and duplicitous your own side has been.
Like you were saying earlier about 'I wish it hadn't taken this', but I think the IVF ruling is really helping to illustrate just how extreme the anti-abortion activists are. They are actually running ads against Republicans who came out against the ruling.